
Fated Enemies (Fateful Encounter 3)

Amane Yui Miyura is the daughter and heiress of one of the most powerful Yakuza clan in Japan. Being the daughter of a Yakuza leader and a syndicate member from the Philippines, her fate has been pre-destined. She had her first kill at ten and never stopped since then. Her father trained her to be the most powerful weapon their organization could ever have. Everything went smoothly with her operations until one of their largest laboratories in the Philippines was discovered by the police. Everything went out of hand that her father sent her to find out who's behind it and kill them. Jace Greyson Javier had been in the service for years as one of the top agents under the narcotics division. His career boomed when they were able to raid one of the biggest laboratories in the Metro. She had to kill him, while he fell for him in the process. A tragic event made Amane lose all her memories including who she was. Waking up in an unfamiliar island, and with a man who claims to be her husband, how will she reclaim herself with a traitor lurking around her? And how else would she kill the man she had learned to love during the times she can’t remember anything? Will she choose to kill the person she loves and live? Or be with him and die together?

Michelle_Baledio · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter 1


I couldn't breathe properly. All I see around me is red. I'm not sure whose blood I see around me. Even my hands are filled with it.

I'm running from something. I can feel a hot liquid gushing from my body. As if I got so used to pain, the physical wound is nothing new to me.

I continued running as if some beast was chasing after me. Until I have nowhere to run. I'm on the edge of a cliff. A dead end.

I redressed the wounds. As if waiting for someone to come I faced the endless darkness of the night. Then someone whose face is a blur came. I feel anger for that person.

And before I could even think straight he lunged at me and stabbed me. I tightly held the Swiss knife that was stuck at my side. Then he pushed me from there.

Cold air greeted me as I slowly fell from the cliff. I just closed my eyes as I wait for my demise.

I got up in haste while catching my breath. Beads of sweat formed my forehead and neck. I groped in the dark for a while until I saw who was in front of me. I immediately pushed his hand that was holding mine. As if trying to stop me from doing something.

"It's me," his cold baritone woke me up totally. "You were whimpering in your sleep." He said it sounded like an explanation.

It took me a while before finally calming myself down. During my one month stay here, I had a dream like that just now. Was it somehow a memory? But my head didn't hurt because of that. What was it?

"Here, drink this." He said handing a glass of water.

I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I forgot he was here. I felt guilty when I pushed him awhile ago.

"T-Thanks," I said curtly then took a sip from the glass.

"I'm leaving early today. I cooked some food for you. Call me when you need anything," he said and stacked the glass I used.

I didn't know what to say. My mind is still so clouded with my dream. It felt so real to ignore. Now I'm just more confused with myself. And I don't even know if I should tell him these things.

He was about to get up when I held his arm. I felt him stiffen. Even I was surprised by what I had done that I immediately removed my hand.

"Uhh, uhm s-sorry." I uttered and looked away.

I can feel my chest throbbing. I cleared my throat to stop myself from stuttering.

"T-Take care," but I didn't succeed either.

He remained standing with his body sideways facing me. I looked up to see his reaction but his expressions were unreadable. He clenched his jaw and looked away. That is also what I did.

"Okay." He said and walked out.

I gently slap my face out of irritation. From the start this is how we treated each other. It got worse because of what I did. Maybe I shouldn't have done that?

Maybe I was just so desperate that time. Who isn't when everything around me is uncertain?

I was not able to go back to sleep. I just stayed looking at the sea from the balcony. I can see from where I am the big lamp of the only boat in the bay. I know that boat belongs to Javier. The light just disappeared as the surrounding was gradually engulfed in light.

I looked at the food he cooked before going out. Seeing that there were no more things that needed to be cleaned, I just ate first. I'm thinking about what I can do today to ease my boredom. Almost all of the people are so busy for the celebration of the festival in the town. I also know Linda will be busy for that.

I would also like to wander. I don't know. On normal days I'm fine just being here at home. I get so terribly bored this day.

I was looking at the vast ocean from where I often sat when I heard the familiar voices of Linda and Rosita as they approached where I was.

"Yes, yes. I still need to buy a lot for the festival. Oh goodness! They only thought of buying the needed things when it's already the day of the festival. This system really sucks! It's not good anymore!" Linda with her usual loud voice.

She is one of the hosts for later that's why she's complaining like this.

"What is everyone else doing and you're the only one busy?"

"I don't know!"

Their voices softened slightly when they finally got closer to me.

"Mira!" Rosita called me, still chuckling.

I just nodded at the two of them who kept coming to me and sat in the empty seat next to me.

"How are you?" I ask lightly.

"Gosh if you only knew how busy the town office is right now!" Linda exclaimed.

"The celebration is later, right?"

They both grinned as they looked at each other.

"That's why. I was going to ask for a favor from you," Linda began.

"What is it?"

"There are so many things that need to be bought in town, and I still need to deliver something to the mayor's house. Maybe you can deliver it for me. You can just leave it with the guard. There is a name on it for whom it is for. Just leave it to the guard," she said hesitantly. Her face is filled with worry.

It would be fine, right? After all, it's only a moment. It would be fine also not to tell Javier about this. After all, he might come home later in the afternoon from fishing.

I thought for a moment while the two stared at me, both waiting for an answer.

I nodded that made both of them clap. It's just great and I don't have anything to do here at home either. Might as well use this chance to go out and see other people.

"You can easily find the mayor's house. All tricycle drivers know the way there," Rosita smiled.

"Thank you so much for agreeing, Mira. Besides, I'm sorry, I really don't have anyone else to ask for. Almost everyone in town is busy," said Linda.

"It's fine," I nodded.

"Wait, won't Javier get angry? Maybe he'll suddenly look for you," Rosita said worriedly.

"It's okay, it won't take that long maybe," I answered.

He wouldn't mind, right? Wait, why am I thinking like this? We didn't really care about each other even though he said we were husband and wife and lived under the same roof.

They grimaced then nodded.

"But even so, just tell him you're leaving."

I didn't have time to do that when I finally arrived in town. I was so engrossed in watching the surroundings that I didn't even think to call Javier.

The town looked so lively with all the decorations around. But before I forgot what I really wanted to do, I looked for a tricycle to go to the mayor's house. I didn't have any trouble going there because as Rosita said, all the tricycle drivers know where to go.

I just thanked the driver and got off while looking at the wide and big house of the mayor. Decorated from the inside to the street with colorful streamers.

There are also several luxury cars going in and out of the mansion's gate. The driver of the tricycle I rode gently pointed to a smaller gate on the side before finally leaving.

"Just knock on that door, Miss. The mayor's guards are in there."

"Okay, thanks."

Carrying the medium-sized box, I went there. I rang the bell three times before someone finally opened it.

"What can we do for you, ma'am?" The guard asked formally before finally opening the medium-sized gate.

I handed the box with the name of someone I don't know on it.

"The town office ordered me to give it here," I said as I looked at the name written on the top part of the box.

Damian Castro, that's what it says. As far as I know, the mayor's name is not Damian. Maybe his son?

"This one is for senyorito," he murmured.

Just as he was getting the box from me, we heard a commotion from inside.

"When will it be delivered? I need it now!" Said a loud voice of a man.

The other man followed him in panic as he tried to explain.

"It might be coming today sir..."

They both stopped when they noticed we were looking at them. The man who spoke first gave us a hostile look.

"This is the delivery you've been waiting for, senyorito!"

The guard who greeted me earlier approached them in panic, carrying the box I had delivered. Annoyed, the man picked it up and handed it to the other and turned his gaze towards my direction again.

"Who is she?" He asked while looking at me intently.

"He was the one who delivered that, senyorito. It seems that it was delivered to the town office and was sent here," the guard calmly explained.

His brow shot up and continued walking towards my direction. I stayed where I was and watched as he approached. He looked at me from head to toe. My brows furrowed at what he did.

"I've never seen you before. What's your name, miss?" He said his eyes narrowed as he probed my whole body.

I am getting angry at what he's doing but I tried to hold it in. Now that I was close I could clearly study the entirety of him. He's handsome, the typical mestizo city boy. And in the way he looks and speaks, it's obvious he's a playboy.

"Mira," I replied formally.

He smirked, amusement evident in his eyes. After a while, he nodded.

"I like you. I'd like you to be my date later," he said casually. A playful smile was plastered on his lips.

"I'm married," I answered directly.

Even the onlookers widened their eyes at what I said. Now I am thankful for the knowledge that I am married.

"Oohhh," he faked a hurt expression but soon grinned again. "I don't see your husband though," he teased closing the distance between us.

I was ready to retreat when someone grabbed my waist from behind.

"I'm her husband," said a familiar, baritone voice from my side.

To be continued...