
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · ファンタジー
119 Chs

Special Meeting!

Rithik was utterly confused and surprised at once, what did his sister just say?! She is seeing him! For once, he had a quick scan of the man who stood infront, probably holding his precious sister's hand in hand! He looked handsome, decent, nothing to be disliked but.....it was all of a sudden after all!

"Since mom and dad left, you were the one who took care of me brother! And I can't lie to you!" Aarohi continued!

Aarohi made Deep stand ahead facing her brother, along with her, "This man, he is the first man ever who had made my heart flutter! And I see a future with him!"

"Can you accept him?"

By now everyone were just staring her, especially Deep! He thought she had just accepted for a date, and by 'Seeing him', she meant she was interested in him, but what she had just said.....it felt like a confession! She can see a future with him? Suddenly he felt blank, no words, no thoughts, he just kept staring her in silence and he could hear nothing but his own heartbeat!

The other way, Soumya couldn't control herself, this woman, she just thought she was just interested in him everytime she said about him and herself, their meetings and everything they did! But she didn't think that the lady is already having feelings for him!

"Not this soon I think?" said Rithik after minutes of silence, making Deep turn his gaze to him! "I need time?"

"Of course!!" Aarohi smiled! After Rithik had a shower, they all had dinner together! Aarohi and Soumya then went ahead to wash dishes leaving both the men alone to have a talk!

But both seemed hesitated, not yet trying to start the conversation, looking away from each as much as possible and after few minutes which seemed like hours, Deep cleared his voice, "I am....Deep! Nice to meet you!"

Rithik smiled, "I am Rithik! Pleased to meet you!"

And again silence took over, until Rithik cleared his voice out of curiosity, "Deep....Nethin?!"

Deep halted, before giving a slight nod, "Deep Nethin!!" he confirmed.

Rithik nodded as well, "By the brand you wear, you are rich and most of your brand's are of Nethin company! I just guessed it!" he explained.

Impressive, he is observant, "Something that's expected from a chartered accountant!" Deep smiled, the man shook his head!

"Well I like to get to things straight!"

"And I encourage that!" said Deep.

Rithik smiled, "Have you discussed about you two with your parents?!"

Deep gave a shook, "Not yet!"

Rithik nodded understandingly, "I see! Well how much do you like her?!"

He probably couldn't answer this, "To the extent where I.... can't measure it anymore!"

"But, we like each other to the extent where she is asking her brother to accept me!"

"I understand, and know that I am not at all opposed with it! But her happiness is what matters to me! And for that, I can't accept you as of now!" Rithik was open!

"How can I get accepted then?!"

"By being official!"

They both stared each in silence and soon both the ladies interrupted them.

"Seems like you both had a nice time together!" said Soumya.

They both smiled, and Aarohi let a sigh of relief, she and Soumya kept guessing what were they talking about and how was their talk going, Soumya even tried to eavesdrop which didn't work well, but now seeing them act fine, made her feel relaxed!

"Thanks for a wonderful meal, it was really pleasant to come here!" said Deep standing, Rithik stood too with a smile, he looked at Aarohi, "He might be getting late, give him a nice send off!" he said with a smile before leaving them alone! Soumya gave a slight bow to Deep and a smile to her before leaving, following her husband, leaving them behind!

Aarohi looked at him with a smile, he smiled as well, she walked along until they were out of the house, closing the gate she turned to him! "Was my brother hard on you?"

Deep gave a shook with a smile, his hands still in his pockets!

Aarohi sighed, "Well how did it went?"

"You want me to be honest?"

She stared him for a moment in silence, "Did he..... reject you?"

Deep's lips made a thin line while his brows raised slightly, before he gave her a nod, "He rejected me!"

She was silent, he chuckled, "Don't worry, it's temporary!"

Aarohi doubted it to be, he sighed, "Am I your happiness forever?"

She was mused at the sudden question, he stared her as though he could see through her soul and she gave a slight nod, "You can be!!" she added!

He smiled, "Then he will definitely accept me one day!!"

Aarohi nodded thoughtfully, "Alright! See you tomorrow then!" she said and attempted to turn back when his hand suddenly out of his pocket, held her wrist gently! She looked back!

"Alright? What about the things you said today which you have never said to me?" he asked with a raised brow!

She tried to look away but he pulled her hand gently making her look at him straight. And she kept staring him, "Were you saying truth?"

"I was....being honest with my feelings!" she admitted!

"So you like me?" he asked though he sounded hasty which he didn't mind!

She smiled stepping forward, a little closer to him, "Yes! I like you!!"

"And I wasn't lying when I said I see a future with you! Infact I see a really wonderful one! Which I always have wished to live for!"

He breathed, "Won't my lifestyle restrict you?" asked Deep not realising he was as well imagining a future with her!

She smiled again, "I won't mind as long as it is you who's restricting!"

He pulled her further closer, "And what if I ever do?"

"I will try to understand!"

"What if" even before he could complete, her index finger sealed his lips!

"No more if's! I understand and.....I won't leave you!" she said answering his unasked question! A smile crept over his face as she downed her hand, while his hand still held her wrist!

"Don't you think everything is happening a bit fast?"

Aarohi became thoughtful, "I indeed thought the same as nothing made sense! But you know what Soumya said?"

Deep frowned. "When you connect with the right one, nothing makes sense while everything makes sense!!"

Deep chuckled, "So I am the right one?"

"Who knows? I might have got influenced by my brother's wife!" Aarohi smirked!

"But I know!" he grabbed her attention, "You are the right one!!"

She gazed him in silence, still not sure on how had she managed to get someone like him, so immune to her character, and so willing to play along! To think, was it the only reason to let him in, or one of the reasons? Reasons. She didn't have any, not so particular, but still she was strangely sure about everything!

As she stared him, his sapphire eyes shone under the moonlight, Aarohi stepped closer, tiptoeing, her hand which now reached up, moving his open coat aside, he frowned, and she soon placed a kiss on his chest, staining his white shirt into a bit red!

Deep still kept staring her even when she stepped back, his hold now loosened letting her hand free! Aarohi smiled, "This meeting was special!"

"Don't you expect me to return it?" he asked amazed, they exchanged things but now it seems like no more things any further!!

She chuckled, "I would feel glad to paint your lips red!!"

His hand suddenly went behind, pulling her closer by waist, a gasp escaped, "You would feel glad?!" he asked brows raised, and she didn't miss that smirk of his!

"I.... didn't meant that way!" she hurried to say!

"But I did!!" he said teasingly, leaning closer, her heart pumped faster than ever, while he stopped just an inch away from her face! Aarohi swallowed and her heart skipped a beat when he just smiled and kissed her cheek instead, tilting his head!

He leaned a little closer, whispering in her ear, "Memories are sometimes just memories, which are needed to be treasured in heart!!" he smiled pulling himself away, her gaze was still fixed on him!

"And...you are right! This meeting was special!"

She stood silent for a moment, before stepping back, not realising his hand still held her, he with a chuckle let her free, "Goodnight!" she blurted before rushing into the house, well running away!

Deep with a shook saw her getting into the house, and a chuckle escaped again, this lady! She never failed to muse him! Sometimes she was innocent, sometimes crazy! Initiative and sometimes just like now!! Just a moment of muse had bought him here now, closer than he could expect, to someone whom he now wished to live a life with!