
Fate: Zero to Hero

Ritsuka Fujimaru the last master of humanity, in all honesty he never thought he would see this, he has been through the 7 singularity and 7 lost belt and he though he would win he, he did but in the end lost everything, but now given a second chance he will change everything even if he has to start from Zero and become a Hero, he was Story is 13+ Anyway yeah this is a Fgo fanfic MC: Ritsuka Fujimaru Ship Ritsuka X Harem There will be spoilers and other things from the fate univer will be used in this hope people like it

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · アニメ·コミックス
183 Chs

Back to childhood

Ritsuka Fujimaru blinked in astonishment as he found himself standing in a familiar yet distant place. The surroundings were those of his childhood home, the walls adorned with memories of a time long past. He looked down at his hands and realized they were small and delicate, the hands of a child.

"I'm... back home," Ritsuka murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of the situation.

Memories flooded back to him as he took in the sights and sounds of his childhood home. He was five years old again, back in a time when the weight of the world had yet to bear down upon his shoulders.

But as he marveled at the strangeness of his new reality, a pang of uncertainty gnawed at his heart. What was he supposed to do now? How could he possibly change the course of fate from the confines of his childhood home?

Before he could dwell on these questions, a familiar voice called out to him from the other room, a voice filled with warmth and affection.

"Ritsuka! Come here, sweetie, it's time for dinner!"

Ritsuka turned to see his mother standing in the doorway, her smile bright and welcoming as she beckoned him over. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that he was back in the loving embrace of his family, back in a time when everything had been so simple and carefree.

"Mom..." Ritsuka whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he ran into her arms, tears streaming down his cheeks.

His mother held him close, her arms a comforting embrace as she murmured soothing words of love and reassurance. "It's okay, sweetie," she whispered, her voice a gentle melody in the midst of the chaos. "Mommy's here. Everything's going to be okay."

And as Ritsuka clung to his mother, his heart filled with a sense of peace and contentment that he hadn't felt in years. For in that moment, he knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would face them with the love and support of his family by his side.

Ritsuka Fujimaru gazed around his childhood room, the memories flooding back as he absorbed the familiar sights and sounds. The realization sank in that he had been sent back further in time than he initially anticipated.

"I'm back as a child," Ritsuka thought to himself, his mind racing with a mix of confusion and determination. "It seems I've been sent back further than I thought I would be."

As he took in the surroundings of his childhood home, Ritsuka's thoughts turned to the monumental task ahead of him. How could he possibly navigate the complexities of altering fate from the confines of his childhood years?

But even as doubt gnawed at his resolve, a spark of determination ignited within him. He had been given a second chance, a chance to rewrite the events of the past and shape the future of humanity.

"I may be young, but I won't let that stop me," Ritsuka muttered to himself, his voice filled with quiet determination. "I'll find a way to make things right, no matter what it takes."

With a sense of purpose guiding him, Ritsuka set out to navigate the challenges of his new reality, his heart filled with hope and resolve. For he knew that no matter how daunting the road ahead, he would face it with courage and determination, for the sake of all those who had sacrificed so much for humanity's future.

As Ritsuka sat down to dinner with his family, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was something important he had forgotten. His family had been involved in magecraft, he remembered that much, but the specifics eluded him.

"I remember now," Ritsuka thought to himself as he joined his mother at the table. "My family was a mage family, albeit a small one. But I can't recall what our particular magecraft specialization was."

As he took his seat, Ritsuka glanced around the familiar surroundings of his childhood home, searching for any clues that might jog his memory. The walls were adorned with ancient tapestries and arcane symbols, a testament to his family's long history in the world of magecraft.

But try as he might, Ritsuka couldn't seem to recall the specifics of his family's magical lineage. It was as if the memories were just out of reach, tantalizingly close yet frustratingly elusive.

"I'll have to do some investigating," Ritsuka thought to himself, determination flickering in his eyes. "If I'm going to navigate the world of magecraft, I'll need to know everything I can about my family's history and traditions."

As he sat down to dinner with his family, Ritsuka resolved to uncover the secrets of his family's magecraft heritage, knowing that it would be a crucial step on his journey to reshape the fate of the world.

As Ritsuka sat at the dinner table with his family, a heavy burden weighed upon his young shoulders. Despite the warmth of his family's love surrounding him, he couldn't shake the sense of guilt and unworthiness that gnawed at his soul.

"I don't deserve redemption," Ritsuka thought to himself, his gaze fixed on his plate as he pushed his food around absently. "After all, I'm only doing this so I can atone for my sins, for the blood on my hands and the lives I failed to save."

The weight of his past actions loomed large in Ritsuka's mind, casting a shadow over the idyllic scene before him. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was unworthy of the second chance he had been given.

But even as doubt and self-condemnation threatened to consume him, a small voice whispered in the back of Ritsuka's mind, a voice filled with hope and determination.

"You may not feel worthy of redemption," the voice said, "but that doesn't mean you can't strive for it. Use this second chance to make a difference, to save lives and right the wrongs of the past. It's not about deserving redemption, it's about earning it through your actions."

Ritsuka's heart clenched at the words, a flicker of hope igniting within him despite his doubts. Perhaps redemption wasn't something to be earned through self-flagellation and penance. Perhaps it was something to be found in the small acts of kindness and selflessness that he could perform each day.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Ritsuka resolved to make the most of his second chance, to strive for redemption not for his own sake, but for the sake of those he had failed to save. And as he sat at the dinner table with his family, he knew that no matter how unworthy he may feel, he would never stop fighting for a better future.

Ritsuka's thoughts churned with a mixture of frustration and resignation as he listened to the voice echoing in his mind. The weight of his past actions bore down upon him like a crushing weight, threatening to suffocate him in a sea of guilt and regret.

"I've lost it," Ritsuka muttered to himself, his voice barely more than a whisper as he wrestled with the tumult of emotions raging within him. "But then again, I'm not surprised. My morality is... well, it's beyond repair. It's like it's been burned to ashes, dropped into the depths of the ocean, sealed in a box, and hurled into the heart of a volcano."

The absurdity of his own words brought a bitter chuckle to Ritsuka's lips, a humorless sound that echoed hollowly in the empty recesses of his mind. How could he ever hope to find redemption when his very soul was stained with the blood of countless lives?

But even as despair threatened to consume him, a small ember of defiance flickered to life within Ritsuka's heart. No matter how broken he may be, no matter how irredeemable he may feel, he refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

"I may be lost," Ritsuka whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination, "but that doesn't mean I can't find my way back. I may be broken, but that doesn't mean I can't be rebuilt. I may be damned, but that doesn't mean I can't seek redemption."

With those words echoing in his mind, Ritsuka resolved to forge ahead, to confront his demons head-on and to fight for a future where hope could flourish once more. For no matter how bleak the road ahead may seem, he knew that as long as he drew breath, there would always be a chance for redemption.

As then, Ritsuka reminisced about Mash, his faithful servant and beloved companion, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing in his heart. The memories of their time together flooded his mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of the bond they shared.

"I miss her," Ritsuka thought to himself, his thoughts drifting to the girl who had stood by his side through countless battles and trials. "But if Mash were here, what would she say? Would she offer me comfort and reassurance, or would she see right through me, to the broken soul that lies beneath?"

As he pondered this question, Ritsuka couldn't help but imagine Mash's gentle voice echoing in his mind, her words a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume him.

"I miss you too, Senpai," the imagined Mash would say, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "But you're not beyond redemption. You're not beyond fixing. No matter how broken you may feel, I believe in you. We'll find a way to mend your shattered soul, together."

A wistful smile tugged at the corners of Ritsuka's lips as he imagined Mash's words of encouragement. "God, letting her see the internet was a bad idea," he mused, a hint of amusement in his voice despite the heaviness of his heart.

But deep down, Ritsuka knew that Mash's faith in him was unwavering, her belief in his capacity for goodness a guiding light in the darkness. And as he faced the challenges that lay ahead, he would carry her memory with him, a reminder of the strength and resilience that dwelled within his heart.

As then Ritsuka nodded to himself, determination flickering in his eyes as he resolved to uncover the secrets of his family's magecraft heritage before embarking on his journey to join Chaldea.

"But first," he thought to himself, "I need to learn about the magecraft my family practiced. Understanding our traditions and history will be crucial if I'm going to make a difference."

With a sense of purpose guiding him, Ritsuka set out to explore the depths of his family's ancestral home, searching for clues that would shed light on their magical lineage. He combed through ancient tomes and dusty scrolls, piecing together fragments of knowledge that had been passed down through generations.

As he delved deeper into the mysteries of his family's past, Ritsuka began to unravel the intricacies of their magecraft, learning of rituals and spells long forgotten by the outside world. Each discovery brought him closer to understanding the true nature of his family's magical legacy, and with it, his own place in the grand tapestry of fate.

But even as he immersed himself in his studies, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out. The world outside was in turmoil, and he knew that he had a crucial role to play in shaping its destiny.

"I can't afford to waste any more time," Ritsuka thought to himself, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I need to join Chaldea, to use my newfound knowledge and abilities to make a difference in the world. That's how I'll change everything, that's how I'll ensure a brighter future for humanity."

With his mind set and his heart filled with determination, Ritsuka prepared to leave his family home behind, ready to embark on the next chapter of his journey. For he knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would face them with courage and conviction, for the sake of all those who had placed their faith in him.

Ritsuka paused, a sudden realization dawning upon him like a bolt of lightning. "Wait, why am I doing this?" he muttered to himself, a hint of self-deprecation coloring his tone. "I mean, why don't I just ask Dad? God, I'm dumb."

The simplicity of the solution struck Ritsuka like a revelation. Instead of delving into dusty tomes and ancient scrolls, he could simply seek out his father and inquire about their family's magecraft heritage. After all, who better to enlighten him on the subject than someone who had likely spent their entire life immersed in the study of magic?

With a sense of newfound clarity, Ritsuka made his way through the familiar halls of his childhood home, his heart buoyed by the prospect of finally uncovering the secrets of his family's past.

As he approached his father's study, Ritsuka's footsteps faltered for a moment, a twinge of apprehension fluttering in the pit of his stomach. What if his father refused to divulge the information he sought? What if the truth was more complicated than Ritsuka could have ever imagined?

But as he pushed open the door to his father's study and stepped inside, all doubts melted away in the face of his resolve. For he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them with courage and determination, for the sake of all those who had placed their trust in him.

Ritsuka's father greeted him with a gentle voice as he entered the study, his demeanor warm and welcoming. "What do you want, son?" he asked, his tone filled with affection and concern. "If you broke anything, don't worry. We can fix it. Just say sorry to your mom."

Ritsuka felt a rush of gratitude wash over him at his father's reassuring words. Despite the weight of his questions and the uncertainty of his purpose, he found solace in the familiarity of his father's presence.

"Dad," Ritsuka began, his voice tentative as he struggled to find the right words. "I... I have a question. About our family's magecraft."

His father's brow furrowed slightly, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Magecraft, huh?" he mused, his tone thoughtful. "What do you want to know?"

Ritsuka took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. "I want to learn about our family's magical heritage," he said, his voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in his chest. "I want to understand the traditions and rituals that have been passed down through generations. Can you teach me, Dad?"

His father regarded him with a mixture of surprise and pride, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Of course, son," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I'd be happy to teach you everything I know about our family's magecraft. After all, it's a part of who we are."

And as Ritsuka and his father settled in for a long night of discussion and discovery, the weight of uncertainty that had plagued Ritsuka's heart began to lift. For he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them with the love and support of his family by his side.

If you wanna learn our family blood starts from the great hero Karna. His father said. And from him we practiced our own mage craft the sun mage craft

Ritsuka's eyes widened in astonishment as his father revealed the lineage of their family's magecraft. "Our family blood starts from the great hero Karna?" he echoed, his voice filled with wonder and excitement. "And from him, we practiced our own magecraft, the Sun Magecraft?"

His father nodded, a proud smile gracing his features. "That's right, son," he confirmed, his voice tinged with pride. "Our ancestors were blessed with the blood of one of history's greatest heroes, and from him, they developed a unique form of magecraft that draws its power from the sun itself."

Ritsuka listened intently as his father explained the intricacies of their family's magical heritage, detailing the rituals and spells that had been passed down through generations. With each word, Ritsuka felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him, a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of history that bound their family together.

"I had no idea," Ritsuka murmured, his mind buzzing with excitement. "To think that our family's roots trace back to such a legendary figure... It's truly incredible."

His father nodded, a fond smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed it is, son," he agreed. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. It's up to you to carry on our family's legacy and wield your abilities for the greater good."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of determination settling in his heart. "I won't let you down, Dad," he vowed, his voice filled with resolve. "I'll do whatever it takes to honor our family's heritage and make a difference in the world."

And as father and son sat together in the quiet solitude of the study, surrounded by the weight of their shared history, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their bond of blood and magic.

To be continued

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