
Fate/ Zero : Flugel follows the war

Synopsis: Matou Kariya was always nicknamed the Cripple, Failed as a magus, Failed in his love, failed, failed and failed; that's Kariya's life, but what if the turning point changed when he tried to take part in the cruel holy grail war, because of his good intentions to save Sakura he was given help by the gods, instead of summoning a mad knight, he instead summoned a Flugel, -and his name is Jibril. The final unit created by the god of war Artohs who was given the title “Imperfection”

kirigaya_afi · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

22.This is just the beginning

"I said I couldn't see it! That guy was definitely a Servant... But I couldn't read his stats!"

Rider frowned in suspicion at Waver's confusing explanation, and looked back at the angel girl.

the wings on its back and the circle on top of its head display distinctive features or provide any clues to its maker's lineage. —he just assumed that she was a valkyrie.

Not only Rider, Saber, Lancer and Irisviel also noticed the same thing. No matter how carefully one looked, one would not accurately see the Berserker's figure.

It's not just eyesight that's affected; it also fits the clairvoyance of the Masters. It would be a kind of unique curse that falsified the person's true identity. It couldn't possibly be a skill property of the Berserker class.

"It seems there is another troublesome enemy, we have..."

Saber nodded hearing Irisviel's muttering.

"That's not all. With four opponents now, we can't make any random moves."

In an ordinary battle royale, the most reliable tactic was to crush those with numerical inferiority with concentrated efforts. So, if they showed a single weakness here and now, they might be forced to suffer the worst outcome, a hopeless four-on-one battle. In this case, not even Saber stood a chance.

Who would start attacking whom, and who would take that opportunity to make a move— To survive in this place, one needed to see other people's movements accurately. This applies to all Heroic Spirits.

Currently, Rider is not targeting anyone in particular. His current goal was probably to see the Heroic Spirits participating in the Holy Grail War. But as a person who knows no fear, he is the kind of man who dares to face anyone's challenges.

Archer clearly sees Rider and Saber as his enemies. The golden Heroic Spirit seemed to take ill humor in the two people who called themselves the "Conqueror King" and the "Knight King". His target of choice was most likely the person who provoked him, Rider.

There's only one problem left.

Berserker. No one knew what the angel girl's intentions were manifesting here and now. This adds to the chaos where no one can control the situation. No wise Master would think of pitting his Servant against each other amidst this chaos.

"Oya~, it seems like you guys have low intelligence so you don't understand the meaning of what I said."

Feeling ignored Jibril said in a disdainful tone, Kariya next to him looked at the situation they were in, if this was to be one against four then he should at least kill the sword master and his rider first.

No doubt anyone would be equally wary of the Berserker, but there was one exception. There was no doubt or hesitation in Archer's red eyes, only the anger and killing intent he held back while staring at the Berserker.

The disgusting look from the little girl only made him angrier; The golden Heroic Spirit could definitely see it.

"You crazy dog, do you expect mercy from me?"

The gaze of lowly people is equally low and dirty. Being poured on by this gaze was an intolerable disgrace for a noble. For Archer, who claims the title of "king" more than Rider, Berserker's bad behavior makes him a total villain.

The treasure swords and spears around him changed direction. Their tips were now completely aimed at new targets; namely, Berserkers.

"You should at least entertain me while you scatter, mutt."

Swords and spears clashed in the air due to such a heartless decision.

A weapon that appeared out of nowhere, fired without warning— this must be the reason why the golden Heroic Spirit was an archer. But this Noble Phantasm is too abnormal. The Noble Phantasm, which was supposed to be a treasure for Heroic Spirits, was thrown carelessly as if you were casually throwing a handful of rocks.

However, its destructive power was enormous. The surface of the road was blown up like it had been hit by an explosive blast, and the scene was covered in asphalt dust that was shattered into pieces.

"... Kh!"

Everyone swallowed it evenly.

Amidst the thick dust, the shadow of a dark and tall figure came into view.

Berserker stood unscathed, He had just moved from his starting point, where the path had become a crater. Of the weapons thrown by the Archer, the culprit was the spear, which hit its target after a while. And the sword that should have reached its target a little before the spear did not bring destruction.

The reason is because the sword is now in Berserker's hands.

How many have seen such fast attack and defense? At least Irisviel and Waver didn't understand what had just happened. To be honest— Berserker had grabbed the treasured sword easily, when the first attack was launched by the Archer, and with his new weapon, he had repelled the second attack, the treasured spear.

"...that little girl, is she really a Berserker?"

Rider responded by howling to Lancer's tense muttering.

"For someone who should have abandoned the reasons for his madness, he is quite an expert. And I have also never heard of an angel whose legends were recognized as a hero, especially if that angel was just a little girl."

Noble Phantasms are weapons used exclusively by the Heroic Spirit who possesses them. Other Heroic Spirits that mastered it would not be able to handle it well. Whether it was due to magic or skill, it was impossible to repel the consecutive attacks so clearly in an instant.

However, what was more surprising was the anger that hit Archer. All sorts of facial expressions distorted her graceful face, frozen in a murderous frenzy.

"That's all?...you can try something better—Monkey...even the dogs of the Werebeast Clan are better than that"

"—Not just insulting this King...How dare you touch my treasure with your dirty hands...Do you really want to die, damn it!"

The air surrounding the Archer starts dancing again. Like a halo, a golden majesty twirls in circles to show a flock of new Noble Phantasms— now sixteen of them.

And not just spears and swords. There are axes. Hammers and halberds. Even items with indefinite usage or origin, bladed weaponry with a strange shape.

Every single one of them is polished like a mirror, and still has an enormous amount of prana flowing from them. Not one of them is below the level of a divine mystery... All of them, without exception, are indeed Noble Phantasms.

"That's not possible..."

That was Waver thinking out loud. But the other the Masters and the Heroic Spirits probably thought likewise.

A Heroic Spirit doesn't need to stop at one Noble Phantasm. Sometime, someone can treasure three or four super weapons that qualify as such. But nobody could have that many.

And here— the Archer is throwing them one after the other like he has an inexhaustible supply of them. And none of them were even seen before in the battle against the Assassin the previous night.

"Let's see— just to what point this little compulsive thief can keep up!"

At the Archer's command, the flock of Noble Phantasms floating in the air were let loose, rushing towards Jibril.

A thunderous roar shook the night air, a flash of light exploded across the sky.

Who would believe that such destruction could be accomplished by throwing swords and other similar weapons? Countless Noble Phantasms rained down on the streets of the warehouse city, which seemed to have received a carpet bomb.

And still, the Archer's fierce attacks did not stop. The Noble Phantasm fell like a bolt of lightning, shooting towards where the Berserker was standing with enough force to scatter anything, and continuing to strike, strike, and strike some more. The attacks continued, and the violence even increased. —Because the target, Berserker, will not fall.

Everyone was shocked. Even in a critical situation with many enemies around, everyone has the same thoughts.

This is a repeat of the miracle of the first attack. the girl simply grabbed the first spear that came towards her with her left hand, then swung left and right, sword in her right hand, parrying all the following Noble Phantasms with ease.

Such techniques were smooth and flawless. There is greatness in it. Even with the Noble Phantasm taken from Archer, the handling wasn't bad in the slightest. He swung it freely, like an extension of his own arm; it simply seemed like a demonstration of his incredible skill with a favorite weapon he had specialized in for many years.

Both attack and defense follow their path together.

Come to think of it, unlike the other three Servants, the identities of the golden Archer and the Berserker girl were still a mystery. Saber and Lancer shuddered at the threat. If they wanted to progress through the Holy Grail War, they would probably face both of them. But in the face of a beast that was beyond reason itself, how should they prepare to stand?

"—The golden one seems to be proud of his number of Noble Phantasms, but that little girl has the worst affinity with him."

The two Servants watched silently on one side, while the other one stood there, Rider, speaking confidently.

"When that girl picks up a weapon, she becomes stronger just by picking it up. And Goldy throws it shamelessly. She's an all-rounder."

As the Conquer King commented calmly, Jibril did not retreat a single step in front of the Archer's fierce attack. Instead, when a more powerful Noble Phantasm flew towards him, he would abandon his current Noble Phantasm to exchange it for a new weapon.

The loud roaring sound stopped when the last of the sixteen Noble Phantasms fell.

In the empty silence, there was only Berserker amidst the falling dust. The surrounding environment, including warehouses and street lights, was completely damaged. the angel girl had a battle ax in her right hand and a simple sword in her left hand. All the other Noble Phantasms were scattered at Berserker's feet, or trapped in the surrounding rubble. Not a single sword reached her beautiful skin.

Jibril nonchalantly raised the two remaining Noble Phantasms in his hands— and without any preparation, he threw them back at Archer.

"Now, you're not bad...monkey..but it's still weak"

"let's look more so you can cheer me up"

Maybe his aim was off, or he wasn't actually trying to hit anything, but the ax and blade hit the streetlight pole where Archer was standing. The blade struck the middle, and the axe, the top, cut the pole into pieces as if it were butter.

The pole that was cut into three pieces fell down shaking. But only it fell clumsily to the ground. The golden Heroic Spirit had jumped before the iron pole was cut into pieces, and landed on the ground unscathed.

"Bastard...What a fool...Are you trying to put me in the same position as you, I'm the one who should be at the top?"