
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 27

The next day, Twilight Manor was buzzing with activity. Members of the Loki Familia rushed about after hearing an important announcement from Finn. With a serious expression, Finn stood in the center of the main hall, his sharp eyes scanning the gathered Familia members around him.

"Attention, everyone!" Finn began in a firm voice. "The Loki Familia will be undertaking a massive expedition with the goal of reaching the 59th floor. This will be one of the toughest expeditions we've ever done, so make sure you're ready. For those who haven't updated their status, do so now."

Upon hearing the announcement, the members immediately headed to Loki's private room to update their statuses. Everyone knew that updating their status was crucial before such a major expedition, especially when they would be facing tougher challenges in the lower floors of the Dungeon.

Bete Loga was the last to enter Loki's room. He quickly finished updating his status and stepped out with a more confident look on his face.

After Bete was done, it was Shirou's turn to enter Loki's room. Shirou walked in calmly, though there was a slight unease in his heart. He hadn't updated his status in a long time, and after defeating Olivas Act, he knew that many things might have changed.

Loki, who was sitting at a desk with her characteristic sly smile, glanced at Shirou as he entered. "Well, you finally showed up, Emiya. It's been quite a while since you last updated your status, hasn't it?" Loki asked teasingly, though there was a hint of concern in her voice.

Shirou gave a faint smile and nodded. "Yes, it has been a while. I think it's the right time to see how much I've grown," he replied calmly.

Loki swiftly prepared everything and began updating Shirou's status. As she poured a drop of Shirou's blood onto his back and read the new status that appeared, Loki's eyes widened slightly, revealing a bit of surprise she tried to hide.

"Wow, you've made quite a significant improvement, Shirou. It seems defeating Olivas Act gave a big boost to your stats," Loki said, her eyes scanning the new statistics etched on Shirou's back.

Shirou listened quietly, but he knew Loki had more to say.

After a moment, Loki grinned, but there was a serious glint in her eyes. "You know, Shirou, I can sense that you haven't unleashed all of your power. There's something inside you that you're still holding back, isn't there?"

Shirou lowered his head slightly, reflecting on Loki's words. He knew that there was a lot of power within him that he kept restrained, abilities he avoided using in this world, including his ability to use a Reality Marble.

Loki continued, her voice softer but full of hope. "I won't force you to reveal all your secrets, Shirou. But what I do hope is that during the expedition, you'll use your power to protect the other members. We're going to face much stronger enemies on the 59th floor, and I need everyone, including you, to give their best."

Shirou raised his head and looked at Loki. He could see the sincerity in her words, even though Loki was known for her playful nature, there were moments like this where she showed her serious side as a goddess leading a powerful Familia.

"Alright, Loki," Shirou responded with a steady voice. "I'll make sure to use my power as best as I can in this expedition. I won't let you or the others down."

Loki smiled, satisfied, and lightly patted Shirou on the back. "That's what I wanted to hear! Remember, we're a family here, and I'm counting on you, Emiya. Don't hesitate to show what you're really capable of."

Shirou nodded, feeling the weight on his heart lighten a bit. Although he was always hesitant to show his full power, there was something in Loki's words that made him feel more prepared to face the upcoming challenges.

After they finished, Shirou stood up and prepared to leave the room. Before he could go, Loki called out to him once more.

"And Shirou," Loki said with a meaningful smile. "Don't forget, if you ever feel the need to talk or ask for help, I'm always here. We'll face this together."

Shirou turned and gave a slight smile. "Thank you, Loki. I'll remember that."

With renewed determination, Shirou left the room, ready to face the major expedition that was about to begin. He knew that the challenges on the 59th floor would not be easy, but with the resolve and strength he possessed, he promised himself that he would protect everyone important to him, including his new family in the Loki Familia.

Level 3:

Strength: I(20) - C(634)

Endurance: I(13) - C(657)

Dexterity: I(17) - B(700)

Agility: I(23) - C(632)

Magic: I(40) - B(721)

Archer: I

Magic Resistance: I




Underdog: Reduces excelia gained when fighting weaker enemies and increases excelia when fighting stronger enemies.

That morning, at the entrance to the Dungeon, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of anxiety and excitement. The Loki Familia gathered, ready to begin the grand expedition they had meticulously prepared for. Joining them was the Hephaestus Familia, there to assist in repairing any weapons that might get damaged during the battles in the Dungeon.

Shirou stood among the members of Loki Familia, observing the preparations. His eyes glanced over at Tsubaki Collbrande, the captain of the Hephaestus Familia, renowned as a skilled blacksmith. Shirou recalled that he had once copied one of Tsubaki's Magic Swords, a flame sword with immense magical power. He had since modified that Magic Sword into one of his magic arrows.

While waiting for the order to move out, Shirou noticed Aiz Wallenstein standing slightly apart, receiving a necklace from Lulune Louie, a member of the Hermes Familia. Lulune smiled broadly as she handed over the necklace, saying it was a gift from a mysterious figure in a black cloak who wished for Aiz's safety during the expedition.

"This is from the mysterious figure in the black cloak," Lulune whispered. "He wants to ensure Aiz is always protected in the Dungeon. This necklace has protective powers."

Aiz accepted the necklace with a slight nod, ready to wear it. However, as Aiz lifted the necklace, something made Shirou feel uneasy. He sensed a strange energy emanating from the object. Being skilled in Structural Analysis, Shirou decided to examine the necklace more closely.

"Aiz, may I see that necklace for a moment?" Shirou asked, his tone calm but serious.

Aiz looked at Shirou with a bit of curiosity but trusted his instincts and handed over the necklace. "Sure, Shirou. What's wrong?"

Shirou took the necklace and focused his energy, using Structural Analysis to see what was hidden inside. After a few moments, he opened his eyes, his expression turning serious.

"This necklace…," Shirou began, looking sharply at Aiz. "This necklace isn't just a protective charm. There's something hidden inside, a type of magic similar to a bugging device. Someone might be trying to monitor or listen in on your conversations during the expedition."

Aiz's eyes widened slightly at Shirou's explanation. "A bug? But why…?" She paused, trying to digest the information.

Shirou sighed, thinking hard. "I don't know who placed this magic or what their purpose is, but I suggest you don't wear it. If you have to carry it, it would be better to drop it along the way. That will reduce the risk if this necklace is indeed intended for malicious purposes."

Aiz nodded slowly, recognizing the truth in Shirou's words. "Alright, Shirou. I'll follow your advice." She put the necklace into a small pouch at her waist, deciding to discard it at the right moment later.

Lulune, who was still nearby, unaware of the serious conversation between Shirou and Aiz, simply smiled and waved at them before returning to her group.

After that, Finn gave the final instructions before the expedition began. "Is everyone ready? Remember, we're heading down to the 59th floor, so stay focused and watch out for each other. The Hephaestus Familia will be with us, so don't hesitate to ask for their help if your weapons get damaged."

Tsubaki, standing next to Finn, patted his shoulder with a broad smile. "Don't worry, Finn. The Hephaestus Familia is ready to keep your weapons sharp and strong!"

Members of both Familias responded with enthusiasm, ready to face the great challenge awaiting them in the depths of the Dungeon. Shirou felt a bit relieved knowing that Aiz wouldn't be wearing the necklace, but a sense of caution remained within him. He knew that on this expedition, many things could happen, and he had to be prepared for anything.

With thorough preparations and high spirits, the Loki Familia, along with the Hephaestus Familia, finally began their journey into the depths of the Dungeon, ready to face the dangers that awaited them on the 59th floor.

As the expedition began, Finn decided to split the Loki Familia into two groups. The first group went ahead into the Dungeon to clear the path and secure the area, while the second group, consisting of Shirou, Aiz, Tiona, Tione, Bete, Riveria, Gareth, and Finn himself, would follow to ensure the safe passage of all Familia members.

They moved quickly but cautiously through the early floors of the Dungeon. However, during the journey, they were startled by a novice adventurer who came rushing toward them, his face pale and his breathing heavy.

"Help! A young man with white hair… he's being attacked by a Minotaur!" the novice shouted in a panicked voice.

Aiz instantly jolted at the description. "Bell..." she muttered softly, her voice filled with worry. Without a second thought, Aiz dashed in the direction the novice had indicated, the wind following her swift steps.

"Aiz!" Finn called out, trying to stop her, but he knew Aiz wouldn't just stop like that. Finn quickly gave orders to the others. "Everyone, follow Aiz! We can't let her go alone!"

Shirou, Tiona, Tione, Bete, Riveria, and Gareth immediately ran after her, following Aiz who was already far ahead. They knew that if Bell was truly being attacked by a Minotaur, time was of the essence.

As they neared the scene, Aiz suddenly stopped in her tracks, her eyes narrowing as she looked ahead. There stood a muscular man with determined eyes—Ottar, the captain of the Freya Familia. He stood firm, as if ready to block anyone who tried to pass.

"Ottar..." Aiz said in a cold tone. She knew that Ottar was a formidable opponent, possibly one of the most dangerous in Orario.

Ottar stared at Aiz without expression, but his aura of power was heavy, almost oppressive. "I was ordered to watch," Ottar said briefly, his voice deep and authoritative. "No one is to interfere with that fight."

"Step aside, Ottar," Aiz responded firmly. "I won't let Bell die here."

Ottar didn't move, only staring at Aiz with a sharp gaze. "That's not your concern, Sword Princess. This fight is part of a test given to him. Freya-sama wants to see how far he can grow."

"This isn't a test, it's torture!" Aiz exclaimed, her right hand trembling as she gripped her sword, ready to fight if necessary.

As the tension between them escalated, the other members of the Loki Familia finally arrived. Finn stepped forward, standing beside Aiz with a calm but vigilant expression.

"Ottar, we don't want any trouble here," Finn said diplomatically. "But we can't allow one of our friends to be in danger. Let us through, and there won't be any further issues."

Ottar glanced at the members of the Loki Familia gathering around him. Although he was one of the strongest fighters in Orario, facing the entire Loki Familia would be foolish. He knew this wasn't the time for conflict.

In a low voice, Ottar finally said, "I'm only following orders. But this time, I'll step back." He slowly stepped aside, clearing the way for them.

As soon as Ottar moved aside, Aiz shot forward, not wasting a moment. Shirou and the others quickly followed, rushing toward the place where Bell might be fighting for his life.

When they arrived, they found Bell Cranel, the young man with white hair, standing face-to-face with a large Minotaur. Bell's body was covered in wounds, but the determination in his eyes was unshaken. Aiz saw that Bell was on the brink, but surprisingly, he continued to fight, even though the odds seemed slim.

"Bell!" Aiz shouted, her sword ready to strike the Minotaur.

However, Bell only turned his head slightly, and despite his exhaustion, he shook his head. "Aiz-san… please let me… finish this on my own..." his voice sounded desperate yet full of resolve.

Aiz hesitated, torn between her desire to protect Bell and her respect for his request.

Shirou, standing next to Aiz, sensed the difficult decision she had to make. He placed a hand on Aiz's shoulder and said calmly, "Trust him, Aiz. This is his fight. But we'll be here to make sure he doesn't fall."

Aiz looked at Shirou, then slowly nodded. "Alright… but we'll help him if he can't fight anymore," she said firmly.

With that agreement, they all stood back, watching as Bell continued to struggle. Despite their anxiety, they respected Bell's request and stood ready to support him at any moment.

With everything that had happened, one thing became clear: this expedition wouldn't just be a physical test, but also a mental and emotional one for every member of the Loki Familia. They knew that the dangers in the Dungeon didn't just come from monsters, but also from the conflicts and difficult choices they would have to face.

Bell Cranel, still a novice at level 1, fought tenaciously against a level 2 Minotaur. The sight left the members of the Loki Familia watching from a distance stunned. They hadn't expected that Bell, who was once considered weak and had even been laughed at by Bete, could now fight with such strong determination.

Bete, who was usually cynical, stood silently watching the battle. He didn't say anything, but there was a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. He remembered how he used to mock Bell, considering him useless. But seeing the young man now, fighting with everything he had despite facing a stronger enemy, made Bete realize how much Bell had grown.

Tiona, also watching with keen interest, smiled broadly as she saw Bell continue to fight. "This battle…," she said in awe, "It reminds me of the story of Argonaut! A hero who bravely faces a much stronger enemy, armed only with determination and courage!"

Tione, standing beside her, nodded. "Yes, though Bell isn't as strong as Argonaut yet, he has the same spirit. It's truly impressive," she said in a calmer but deeply appreciative tone.

Amidst the admiration, Finn turned to Shirou, who stood with a thoughtful expression. With a small smile on his face, Finn asked teasingly, "So, Shirou, how does it compare? When you were still level one like Bell is now, you fought enemies much stronger than you, like Revis who was level 6. What was going through your mind then?"

Shirou turned to Finn, realizing that even though Finn was teasing, his question carried genuine curiosity. Shirou recalled his first encounters with opponents much stronger than himself, including Revis, and how he had to rely on more than just physical strength to survive.

"At that time, there was only one thing on my mind," Shirou said calmly but firmly. "I had to survive, no matter how weak I was compared to my enemies. I knew that if I fell, the people I cared about would be in danger. So, even though I didn't have the strength to win, I kept going, hoping that at least I could protect others or make enough of a difference to give them a chance to survive."

Finn's smile widened at Shirou's response. "That's such a fitting answer for you, Shirou," he said with a small laugh. "Like Bell now, you also fight with your heart, not just your sword."

Shirou looked at Bell, who was still struggling against the Minotaur, and though he felt sympathy, he also saw incredible resolve in Bell. "Bell has a strong will," Shirou continued. "He may not have great strength yet, but his determination can lead him to achieve extraordinary things. That's what makes him similar to the heroes Tiona was talking about."

Finn nodded in agreement, his eyes returning to the ongoing battle. "Exactly. In this fight, Bell might not only be testing his strength but also proving to himself that he can overcome his fears, and that's more valuable than just winning."

Meanwhile, Bell, though injured and exhausted, showed no signs of giving up. Every punch and slash he received from the Minotaur was met with a counterattack filled with determination. His perseverance inspired the members of the Loki Familia, who grew to respect the young man even more despite his lower level.

Aiz, who had been worried at first, began to feel relieved and a little proud seeing how far Bell had come. She could see a bit of herself in the way Bell fought tirelessly, despite the odds.

As the battle continued, Shirou realized that this moment was more than just an ordinary fight for Bell. It was a turning point, a test where Bell would prove not only to others but also to himself that he was worthy of being a true adventurer.

And with each passing second, Bell Cranel, though still a novice, demonstrated that he had the potential to become someone great, just like the heroes in the stories he had heard.

Bell Cranel, though his body was covered in wounds and his breath was ragged, showed no signs of retreating. The Minotaur before him seemed to grow angrier, but Bell only focused all his energy on one spell he knew well.

"Firebolt!" Bell shouted, launching a close-range firebolt spell. The attack hit the Minotaur hard, but Bell didn't stop there. He kept gathering his remaining energy, firing the Firebolt spell again and again at close range.

"Firebolt! Firebolt! Firebolt!" Bell cried out, each time unleashing his magic relentlessly.

Finally, the barrage of attacks reached its peak. The already badly wounded Minotaur couldn't withstand the continuous blasts of magic striking its body. With one final roar, the Minotaur exploded into ashes, leaving Bell standing alone in the middle of the battlefield marked by the traces of their fight.

However, this victory came at a high cost. Bell had exhausted all his magical energy, and his body had reached its limit. With his remaining breath, Bell continued to stand, but his eyes slowly began to close. He had no strength left, and his consciousness started to fade.

Seeing Bell begin to falter, Shirou immediately moved. He rushed toward Bell, and before the young man could collapse to the ground, Shirou carefully caught him, holding his body to prevent him from crashing down.

"Bell… you've done more than enough," Shirou whispered softly, honoring the incredible effort the young man had put forth.

Bell didn't respond, having completely lost consciousness. However, on his weary face, there was a peaceful expression—a sign that he had given his all in the fight.

Shirou calmly lifted Bell's body and carried him gently. Even though Bell was unconscious, Shirou made sure the young man was safe in his arms. As Shirou turned around, he noticed Liliruca Arde, Bell's supporter, who was also injured and exhausted, lying not far from where Bell had fought. Lily's eyes showed relief at seeing Bell safe, but her body was too weak to move.

"Finn," Shirou called to the leader of the Loki Familia as he approached, "Bell and Lily are completely exhausted. I'm going to take them back to the Hestia Familia. They need immediate care."

Finn nodded, understanding the situation. "You're right, Shirou. Get them back safely. We'll continue the expedition without you. Make sure they receive the care they need."

Aiz, who was still looking at Bell with a mixture of admiration and relief, agreed with a nod. "That's for the best. Bell has given everything he has. He needs to rest."

Shirou looked at them all with confidence. "I'll make sure they get back safely. Don't worry."

With Bell in his arms and Lily carefully cradled on the other side, Shirou began to walk out of the Dungeon. Each step he took was steady, even though he knew this task was vital. He made sure his steps were firm, to avoid jostling their injured bodies.

As he walked out, Shirou felt a connection with Bell. Although they hadn't spoken much before, Shirou could sense a similarity in their determination to protect those they cared about. He also understood how important Bell was to many people, including Aiz, who clearly cared deeply for him.

After exiting the Dungeon and reaching the surface, Shirou made his way toward the Hestia Familia's headquarters. Although the journey felt long, Shirou remained focused on keeping Bell and Lily safe.

When he arrived, he was greeted by Hestia, the goddess who loved Bell like her own child. Hestia's face turned pale when she saw the condition Bell and Lily were in, but seeing that Shirou had brought them back safely, her worry eased a little.

"Bell! Lily!" Hestia cried out anxiously, running toward them.

"They're safe, but they need immediate care," Shirou said calmly, gently lowering Bell and Lily. "I brought them here as quickly as I could."

Hestia nodded, her eyes welling up with tears of relief. "Thank you, Shirou. You truly saved them."

Shirou just gave a slight smile and nodded. "They are our friends. It was my duty to ensure their safety."

With Bell and Lily now in Hestia's care, Shirou felt a sense of relief. He had done what he could to help, and now he could return his focus to the ongoing expedition.

However, deep in his heart, Shirou felt that the bond between him, Bell, and the members of the Loki Familia had deepened after this incident. He knew they were all part of the same world, connected by battles and the shared determination to protect what they held dear.

With that feeling, Shirou took his leave and began making his way back to the Dungeon, ready to rejoin the Loki Familia and continue their expedition.

As was typical for the Loki Familia, they successfully breached the 50th floor without much trouble. Although this floor was known to be one of the more dangerous sections of the Dungeon, they managed to get through it with little difficulty. Shirou, who had rejoined the expedition, played a different role this time. He acted more as a supporter, collecting drop items and ensuring the found treasures were kept safe.

One reason Shirou chose this role was that they were working alongside the Hephaestus Familia. Deep down, Shirou still wanted to keep his Projection ability hidden, especially since many of the weapons he replicated were derived from the works of the Hephaestus Familia. He knew that displaying his full power in front of them might raise unwanted suspicions.

That night, after a long journey and exhausting battles, the two Familias set up camp in the safe zone on the 50th floor. Despite being deep within the Dungeon, this zone was relatively safe from monster attacks, making it an ideal place to rest and prepare before advancing to the next floor.

Around the campsite, campfires were lit, casting a warm glow on the faces of those who were tired but content. Members of the Loki Familia and Hephaestus Familia sat together, sharing food, laughter, and stories about the battles they had faced throughout the day.

Tsubaki, the captain of the Hephaestus Familia, sat not far from Shirou, inspecting a weapon she had just finished repairing. She glanced over at Shirou, who was busy checking the drop items.

"Hey, Shirou," Tsubaki called out in a friendly tone, "You're pretty good at finding rare items in the Dungeon, huh? A lot of what you found today are items that don't appear often."

Shirou turned and smiled politely. "Thank you, Tsubaki. I'm just trying to help as much as I can. Besides, with you all here, I don't have to worry too much about fighting."

Tsubaki chuckled and nodded. "Well, we do have some pretty reliable hands when it comes to fighting. But still, you did a great job. Don't sell yourself short."

Finn, who was sitting across from them, chimed in with a slight smile. "Shirou has a talent for keeping the team balanced. Even though he didn't stand out in battle today, his contributions were still important."

Shirou nodded humbly. "I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly. Besides, I think keeping our weapons and equipment safe is just as important as fighting."

Tiona, who was chewing on some food nearby, joined the conversation. "Right, especially with all the drop items we got today, we can repair and strengthen our weapons. It's all thanks to your hard work, Shirou."

Riveria, who had also been listening to the conversation, looked at Shirou with a gentle gaze. She knew that Shirou was holding back from showing his full strength, but she also understood his reasons. "We all have our roles to play in this expedition. And you, Shirou, are playing yours very well."

Shirou felt a bit touched by the support from his companions, but he continued to try not to stand out too much. "Thank you, everyone. I'm glad I could help."

That night, in the peaceful camp, the atmosphere became more relaxed and familiar. The members of the Loki Familia and Hephaestus Familia spent their time resting and recovering their energy, sharing stories, and laughing together.

Aiz, who was sitting not far from Shirou, occasionally glanced over at him. She could sense that Shirou was holding something back, a power he chose not to reveal. However, she didn't feel the need to ask further. Aiz knew that every adventurer had their secrets and their own reasons, and she respected that.

As the night grew late, one by one, the Familia members began to retreat to their tents to sleep. Before going to bed, Shirou took a moment to gaze up at the dark sky above the safe zone, reflecting on his journey so far.

He knew that the deeper they ventured into the Dungeon, the more likely it was that he would have to reveal some of the power he had kept hidden. But for now, Shirou was content with his role as a supporter—protecting his friends in ways that were not always visible but were just as important.

With a calm mind, Shirou finally entered his tent, ready to face the new challenges that awaited on the floors to come.

That night, around the warm campfire, the atmosphere in the Loki Familia and Hephaestus Familia camp grew more serious. Finn Deimne, the leader of the Loki Familia, gathered all the key members for a strategic meeting. They knew that from the 51st floor onward, the challenges would become increasingly difficult, and every step had to be carefully planned.

Finn stood in front of the campfire, his face illuminated by the flickering light, giving him a stern and authoritative appearance. All eyes were on him, waiting for the decisions to be made.

"Alright, everyone," Finn began in a calm yet firm tone, "tomorrow, we will continue our expedition to the 51st floor and beyond. These floors will be much more dangerous, so we need to determine who will advance and who will stay behind to guard the camp."

Finn looked around, seeing the attentive faces watching him. "Aiz, Tiona, Tione, and Bete," Finn started naming names, "you will be on the front lines. You are the best at close combat, and your strength is crucial for breaking through the enemy defenses on the next floor."

Aiz nodded slightly, her face showing her usual determination. Tiona and Tione smiled with enthusiasm, while Bete just grunted, but it was clear he was ready for the upcoming challenge.

"Raul, Lefiya, Cruz, Alicia, and Narvi," Finn continued, "you will act as Supporters. Your focus will be on supporting the frontline team with magic, healing, and ensuring our path remains secure."

Lefiya nodded confidently, relieved that she could contribute to the team. Raul and the others also showed their readiness, though there was a hint of worry in their eyes, knowing the challenges that lay ahead.

Finn then looked at Riveria and Gareth, who were seated nearby. "Riveria, Gareth, you already know that you'll be joining us. As usual, you'll help lead the team and ensure everything goes according to plan."

Riveria nodded calmly, her expression as serene as ever, while Gareth simply nodded in agreement, ready to protect everyone with his immense strength.

Finally, Finn turned his gaze to Shirou, who was quietly sitting at the edge of the meeting. The atmosphere suddenly grew more tense as Finn looked at him with meaningful eyes.

"Shirou Emiya," Finn said seriously, though there was a glimmer of hope in his voice, "you will join us as a Wild Card."

All eyes shifted to Shirou, who remained calm despite the increased attention on him. He knew this was an important moment.

"So far, you've chosen to hold back your power, and we respect that decision," Finn continued, "but in the coming floors, we might face threats unlike anything we've seen before. I want you to be ready to show your true capabilities if needed."

Shirou looked at Finn for a moment, then nodded firmly. "I understand, Finn. I'll do whatever it takes to ensure we all make it through this expedition safely."

Tiona grinned widely, encouraging Shirou. "This is exciting, Shirou! I've always been curious about how strong you really are. I'm sure you'll impress us all!"

Tione added with a more serious tone, "If Finn is entrusting you with the Wild Card position, it means we all trust you. Don't worry, we'll face whatever comes together."

Aiz simply nodded slightly, her expression calm, though her eyes showed that she too was eager to see how far Shirou could go.

Finn continued, "For those of you staying at the camp with Hephaestus Familia, make sure everything remains secure. This is our resting place, and we can't afford to lose it." He paused for a moment, looking at everyone sharply. "Remember, we are Loki Familia. We always protect each other, and we never leave anyone behind."

All the members nodded, feeling the shared spirit among them. Despite the daunting challenges ahead, they knew that with teamwork and combined strength, they could face anything.

After the meeting ended, Finn let everyone rest and prepare for the next day. Shirou, still sitting by the campfire, felt a mix of emotions—determination to protect his friends and uncertainty about how they would react if he truly revealed his full power.

Riveria approached, sitting next to Shirou. "Don't worry, Shirou," she said softly. "You're not alone in this. We're all here to support each other."

Shirou looked at Riveria and gave a small smile. "Thank you, Riveria. I know. And I'll do my best to make sure we all come back safely."

That night, Shirou prepared himself for what might be his biggest challenge in the Dungeon so far. And though there was tension, he felt a bit more at ease knowing that he wouldn't face it alone. Together with Loki Familia, he knew they could handle whatever came their way.

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