
Fate Unravels

The_Fall · ファンタジー
8 Chs


There were three main access points embedded into the northern ring, two on the opposite sides where the ring met with the main walls of the Zone, and one at the direct center of the ring. Bisecting the gaps that lay between the access points were two large gates. To the west of the center lay the Door of Life and to the east lay the Door of Death. One to allow entrance, the other to allow exit. With the impeding break at hand, the Door of Death would soon open.

Clovis approached the center access point just as the sun set beneath the horizon. The journey had progressed slowly, but it passed without further incident. With a simple nod of acknowledgement, the guard allowed him entry into the northern ring. He felt an odd sense of home within the confinement of the ring. Since he could remember it was all he had known. He had not once ventured within the Zone, his only means of exploration had lay beyond the walls, into the wasteland, never further within. He had been told that his unconscious body had been found at the center access point, bloody and bruised, teetering on the edge of life and death. His first memory was of waking in the Military Hospital, strapped down and cuffed to the bed. Ever since he had been under the watch of the military. That was nearly two years ago.

Being within the imposing walls of the Zones offered a fleeting sense of security for all that lived within them. Everyone was aware of the dangers that lay beyond, and the likelihood that those very same walls could crumble at any moment. All the faith, all the hope of humanity lay solely upon the Gifted.

The Crest appeared by a child's fifteenth birthday, for those destined to receive it. No indicator had yet been found to explain why one individual was chosen while another was not. It felt random at best, uncontrolled and chaotic. Resources had been poured into researching the phenomenon since the creation of the Zones. As of now it had all been to no avail. All humanity knew was that their salvation would be determined by the Crests that blessed the Gifted. Aside from that, all else they could do was pray.

Clovis made his way to the barracks first. His handler would be waiting for him, and if he didn't report to her first thing, he would never hear the end of it. As he reached to open the door, a meaty hand slammed onto his shoulder. He turned quickly, coming face to face with a mountain of a man, their noses nearly touching. The man's face looked as if it had been chiseled from stone, with nothing but hard lines to give it depth and detail. His skin was weathered, and a large scar dragged a garish line from his left temple all the way down to the right corner of his mouth. In stark contrast his eyes were soft, shining a soft blue reminiscent of an iced over lake.

"Come with me. Please." He had said it softly, in a deep gravelly voice, yet the power behind his words was impossible to hide.

It was clear that this was an order, not a request. The "Please" had been an afterthought, a mere pleasantry. Clovis had never seen this man before, making it clear that he was an outsider to the northern ring. The pressure he exuded was equal to, if not greater than the northern ring's commanding officers. It was not a force that one could forget.

Clovis simply nodded his head and reduced his resistance so that the man could propel him in the opposite direction. They were headed to the Command Tower where the upper echelons of the military were housed; it was known as a forbidden zone for the common soldiers. Even the officers avoided it if they could. The guard at the entrance eyed them wearily before the man flashed him a badge that prompted him to unlock the door and grant them entry. Bowing deeply, the guard waved them inside, keeping his eyes locked onto the floor until the door closed once more. The man turned Clovis into an elevator just off to the right of the entryway.

The Command Tower was a massive building, the largest in the ring. Its highest point pierced the clouds, and it was said it dug into the ground just as deep. Clovis had always brushed off such thoughts as the simple, drunk ramblings or rumors to pass the time, but as the elevator continuously descended, he silently apologized to his comrades for writing them off as he did. Roughly a minute passed before the elevator finally came to a stop.

For most of the descent the elevator had been surrounded tightly on both sides, suffocated within a narrow tunnel, but about halfway through the tunnel opened on one side. Clovis could sense a large expanse of land, roughly the size of the ring above them. He sensed numerous inhabitants he had never met before, a large percentage of whom were Gifted.

As the elevator doors slid open, the man pushed Clovis forward once more. The underground chamber had given rise to a large military complex, whose forces could rival, and most probably, surpass those that lay above. Large metal buildings had been erected anywhere there was space to, with small walkways built between, where it seemed separations were necessary. No windows had been built into any of the buildings, which was understandable, as the chamber itself offered little that would have been worth gazing out at. Many of the buildings were probably research and testing facilities. The largest building, a massive cylinder built nearly to the chamber's ceiling, most likely served as a headquarters of some sort. A living area had been built into the first section of the chamber, made up of housing, restaurants, and what even looked to be a few shops.

Clovis could feel the fluctuations of energy from multiple clusters of Gifted. They were spread throughout the complex, but the largest cluster was located somewhere beneath the cylinder. Some form of training facility probably dwelled within its depths.

Mildly curious, Clovis looked around, and took in all he could. Some of the buildings had been reinforced with barriers that dulled his senses, but he could still pierce through them with some effort. The further they ventured into the complex, the stronger the barriers became.

"I wouldn't press your luck any further." The voice came from behind Clovis. "The barriers beyond this section of the Garden can detect and combat any attempts to see beyond their veils."

The man stopped pushing Clovis and allowed him to turn around to see who had spoken to him. To his surprise, the man who had spoken was a dwarf.

"The names Welmer. I'm the head of weapon development in the Garden." Welmer said, extending his hand out in greeting.

Clovis accepted his hand, noting the rough calluses that covered his hand. Welmer was clearly a veteran blacksmith, but the pressure that seeped out of him identified him as a powerful warrior as well. He was the typical dwarf, all except for his clean-shaven face. He had a flat nose and broad cheeks, his hair as red as fire, sharply contrasting his forest green eyes.

Dwarves had entered this world through the Rifts. They were highly intelligent creatures, specializing in technological development, with a large emphasis on weaponry. Many were very skilled with magic as well, having high affinities for metal, earth, and fire. All creatures that came through the Rifts seemed to possess the three powers naturally, not requiring a Crest to utilize them as the Gifted did. Dwarves along with various other races of intelligent creatures had begun to coexist with humans since the Overlap began. Elves were the predominant race, followed by dwarves, then angels. Other races existed as well, in smaller numbers, such as dryads and merfolk.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Clovis stammered, his voice soft and weak. His vocal cords had been heavily damaged when he was found and had yet to fully recover. As such, he was unaccustomed to speaking. "My name is Clovis."

"Well met! I would love to stay here and chat, but let's keep moving Clovis. The top brass would be most unhappy if we're late." Welmer began trotting forward as he spoke. With a wink, he added, "We're heading to the same place. You'll love it."

The man began pushing Clovis forward once more. Welmer took the lead and led them through the streets of the Garden, which seemed to be the name of the complex. As they progressed deeper and deeper, the population of the other races became denser, which explained the high population of Gifted Clovis had thought he felt when he arrived. Much of humanity thought of the other races as higher beings. They had brought with them technology and utilization methods of the three powers. Without their help, humanity would surely have fallen by now. Many of highest positions within the Zones were held by a member of one of these races.

As they walked, Clovis couldn't help but wonder where they were going and why. Their destination may be the cylinder, but with how large the building, there was no telling what purposes its many floors held, and which they were headed to. Welmer's presence only offered more questions as well. One such was about the identity of the man who had brought him here. He could only hope that the answers would soon be presented to him.

Despite the progress they were making, the cylinder never seemed to get closer. It felt just as far now as it did when Clovis had first arrived. When the group passed behind the final building, he finally understood why. A large chasm lay between them and the cylinder, however the illusion of distance came from a barrier that spanned the width of the entire chamber. It was the most complex barrier Clovis had ever seen, capable of distorting space, which, even if just a visual trick, was an incredible feat.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Welmer said, his gaze fixated beyond the barrier. "The Great Tree of the Garden. At least that's what we like to call it. A sleek cylinder of metal, piercing high into the sky. It's awe inspiring every time I see it."

"I think the boy was more impressed by the barrier, Welmer." A new voice chimed in. "Not your silly Stick in the Mud."

The new voice belonged to a dryad that had appeared behind the group. She had a soft face, embedded with bright hazel eyes, and framed by golden blonde hair. She sauntered over to the group, ignoring the daggers that Welmer was glaring at her.

"So, you're the boy that has everyone so excited." She said, examining Clovis from head to toe. "I am Lilith, and I lead magic development in the Garden."

Clovis waited for a sign to introduce himself, but none came. Lilith simply brushed passed him and walked toward the edge of the chasm. For some reason he had the feeling she was disappointed with him.

"Follow me." She said, extending her hand out toward the barrier.

After a few moments passed, a bridge began to manifest from within the chasm. The barrier flickered for a brief while before slowly dissipating. The Great Tree appeared before them, far closer than it had appeared before. The group crossed the bridge as it finished forming and Lilith led them toward the entrance.

"Don't listen to her Clovis. This here is the Great Tree. Only the stuck-up woodland types call it the Stick in the Mud. It is disgraceful I tell you." Welmer said with a sigh.

Clovis couldn't help but chuckle. "All right, Welmer. I'll be sure to refer to it as the Great Tree, and not the Stick in the Mud. You have my word." For some reason, he felt comfortable talking to the dwarf. It seemed natural, rather than the awkwardness he often felt when he tried to converse with others.

"Now that's a good lad!" Welmer said, giving Clovis a hearty slap on the back for emphasis. "I must warn you though, you must be on your guard from here on out. I'm sure you are unaware as to why you're here, given that Mr. Stoneface is the one who brought you. So, just, be mindful as we move forward."

"I don't often agree with Welmer, but he is right Clovis." Lilith had stopped just within the doorway. She looked back, a small frown on her face. "The people we are about to meet hold the power of the Zones in their palms."