

Fuyuki, Japan,

Some Distance Off Shinto District,

"Boy, did you make up your mind?"

Waver looked at the veritable giant of a man that was his servant with a difficult gaze, his coat flapping in the strong winds that seemed to be dominating the entirety of Fuyuki at the moment. The cold rain sliding down his face didn't seem to much hinder the thin framed magus as he stared at the mist enveloped Shinto District in the distance,

"Y....Yeah." He nodded, slightly stuttering but with resolute eyes, if Roman was going rogue then... the only way to stop him was to do it by force, "Don't you..... feel betrayed though?" Waver looked at the red haired Rider in mild confusion, he himself was quite used to the Trambelio's eccentricity but Iskander had met him not long ago.

"Hm?" Iskander tilted his head to the side, folding his arms, "Why would that be the case?" His tone carried a hint of genuine confusion, this 'betrayal' was supposed to-

"Hahaha.." The King of Conquerors reared his head laughing, "You think it would serve to irk me?" Iskander spoke amusedly, maybe it would have irked him had he.., "To be fully honest, this was well within expectations." Full of ambition yet incredibly whimsical while remaining in control, there was no way it wouldn't have happened.

"You must agree! A peaceful resolution, as nice as it may seem, is boring as all hell!" Who better knew the fact than him? He who had gotten close to making the world bend the knee to him, "This is a much appreciated conflict." Iskander closed his eyes, folded his arms and nodded solemnly.

"Weirdoes....." Waver grumbled, pulling on his coat in an attempt to even slightly alleviate the chilling cold. The young magus immediately decided to not pursue the topic further, "We grab Roman, and drag him off before he can cause more damage."

"Understood!" Iskander raised his hand to the sky with a massive grin and thunder came crashing down, kicking up dust and smoke that revealed a massive golden chariot drawn by bulls when cleared away by the winds.

In a single, swift motion not characteristic of his massive bulky frame, the King of Conquerors had already taken the reins, dropping Waver just a bit behind him,


Iskander pointed his sword at the seemingly tallest skyscraper and the bulls obeyed, running instantly, their mighty hooves producing loud booms accompanied by the cackling of dancing lightning all around the chariot.

The Gordius Wheel, a mighty chariot larger than a truck, with two sickles attached to either side and drawn by two bulls that Iskander claimed to be sons of the King of the Olympians, Almighty Zeus.


"I can see actively monitoring movements end in a completely boring way."

Raging winds, cold rain pouring from the sky, lightning flashing across the heavens, a mighty and marvellous spectacle of nature's might made manifest..

All this went seemingly ignored by Roman as he rubbed his chin, sitting on the edge of a skyscraper's rooftop with his eyes narrowed. The Magician seemed to be hell bent on making things more and more challenging for himself with zero care for whatever consequences there may be for his actions, both for himself and others.

Raising a finger, the Magician tapped it against his head, stopping a certain spell he'd been running to monitor everything that went on within the mist itself, "That's better." Now Kiritsugu could try to RPG him too and he wouldn't see it coming either.. Chuckling to himself, Roman sat back, staring at the sky with relaxed eyes.

A very 'fruitful' plan he'd come up with right after arriving in Fuyuki would soon see itself completed, "You come here for more validation?" Roman sneered, seemingly addressing the thin air.

Kagetora glanced at the newcomer from the corner of her eyes, holding a massive golden lance in her left hand as she listened for any ensuing battles down below. Seeing that it was one of their own, the Lancer returned her attention to the group of 'enemies'.

".....Master, a little less mean and a little more doting please?"

"I refuse."

With droopy ears, Tamamo no Mae, having just arrived, slowly made her way closer to Roman, sitting just a bit behind him in a polite and regal manner, "Is there some way I can be of use?" She asked meekly, lowering her gaze. The stupid homunculus had taken over the task of looking after Sakura AND the house so she, even though she was a shrine maiden fox, was left with nothing to do other than fight.

Tamamo's rather sizable blue dress acted as perfect cushioning to sit once Roman extended the barrier protecting him from the weather to cover the Caster as well..... "Can Master decide which type of character he is already?" She asked with a sigh, he insulted her and then he stopped the rain from ruining her dress.... How was she supposed to take this?


"Y...Yes?" The Caster slightly stuttered hearing her easygoing master all serious.

"When the second set of servants arrived, one of them instantly sought out and attacked me. Do you know what that's about?" Roman asked with folded arms, turning around to face his servant.. He was rarely ever in a situation he didn't understand and while Saber attacking him could be nothing but coincidence, he'd learnt to doubt most events over the course of his life. Asking others for aid though.... that was unlike him, something he noticed a moment later.

"Hmm." Tamamo no Mae hummed, dropping her meekness entirely, this was too important a matter for her to let feelings sway her, "I apologise, I've no idea..." The Caster politely bowed her head in apology, deciding to investigate the matter herself.

"Meh.." Roman waved a hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it then." He'd get to the bottom of that himself, maybe the Wizard Marshall had some idea of the nature of this….. predicament, "On another note, for a shrine maiden, you sure seem to have a thing for playing with people." The Magician smiled widely, staring down at the now frozen servant.

"I would never..."

"But you know it too don't you? Deep inside, that 'person'."

"How do you know abo-"

"Ja, how indeed."

Roman stood to his feet, lightly snickering at the caster's sudden crisis, and joined Kagetora in just staring down at the ground below.

"Bob seems to be enjoying himself."

".....Can I pet him? Master, can I keep him?" Kagetora looked at her current Master hopefully, name aside, that thing was really cool... She wanted one!

Just a bit to the side, Tamamo gazed at Roman's back... It was undeniable that she wanted to remain with the man after the war ended now... Not after he accepted that for which she was shunned all her life, how was a maiden even supposed to not be infatuated after that?! He was nice to her.. minus the cruel remarks, and considerate... most of the time.... His personality was one that could sweep up even her.

Still.... the words he spoke... the 'person' he referred to.. That was undeniable too... Her very being told her that if she acted on what she felt now would be a hasty decision made out of lack of time and would be some kind of betrayal to said 'person'...

Tamamo no Mae, found herself conflicted and, unable to understand, she did something she rarely ever did.. Tamamo dematerialised and left for the mansion with a heavy heart.

Perhaps that was precisely why Roman had said what he did, to help her make a decision, a decision which had actual thought put into it before she did something she would regret..

"Ah, as expected, I'm amazing." The latest True Magician, seemed to be already aware of her dilemma yet didn't choose to follow the woman, only gazing down at the battle that had just started with a small grin on his face.

"Strike Air! Wind King's Hammer!"

A shout diverted his attention, followed by a deafening screech.

"They killed Bob!"

".....What?" Roman's eyes widened in mild surprise as he hurried to understand what had just happened, ".....They'll pay...." He narrowed his eyes, raising a hand and pointing two fingers directly down.

"Vengeance...for Bob."

Roman cut the air with his fingers, and down below, a series of explosions erupted from the ground.

Kagetora leapt off the roof, spiralling to the ground with lances in either hand, she liked the damn thing and they'd just killed it, just like that! She wanted it as a pet damn it!



You'll get 4 more chapters by Monday, I'll try my hardest to realise this and again, I apologise for my messed up schedule, way too much been happenin these days.

A bit of an explanation,

that 'person' they refer to is the mc of the EXTRA series, Hakuno Kishinami who she falls for if you do that route. Now, in FGO, if you summon Tamamo she remembers their existence (nothing else) and there's seemingly no Tamamo route (with her claiming her heart belongs to another). That doesn't seem to be actually the case though because in the Valentine event, after Ritsuka Fujimaru (FGO MC) accepts the tails, she instead falls head over heels for them instead.

Now, the end result of the prior explanation is, you can NTR your own Fate/EXTRA character in FGO.

Tamamo is, as a character, supposed to be someone that can easily end up infatuated but become immensely devoted once that actually happens. Her love then becomes so strong that even in other timelines or instances of her being summoned, she carries them over BUT, they get considerably dulled for lack of memories among other things.

Essentially, it becomes a paradox if she likes the MC in both FGO and EXTRA, we just add one more to that and voila, prime example of Fate time fucked situations.

OR, if Roman feels the same. Would he knowingly be able to accept such a thing?

You decide.