
22 party

Archer will then look around as he saw what is happening the last thing he can remember was being killed by Angelica and seeing shinji drag Rin body next to him but know he was back. Archer had many questions but he first thing he noticed was the it was Sakura she seems to have Command shills on her hand which only meant one thing.

Archer: I think I have a few questions that you guys need to answer me

Shiro: we will know what is that

Archer: First of all how am I here again and second how is sakura a master again

Shiro: To answer your first question I need to also answer the second as well

Archer: Stop wasting time and answer me

Archer was getting annoyed at this he was thinking to him self way he was back he should have been part of the grail by now but he wasn't.

Shiro: so let me explain after we got a letter from my sister in around 5:30 pm we saw that there was something on sakura hand and so me and saber realised it was a command shill and it looked like the grail wanted her to be in the battle field more so went here were I summoned saber and will sense we didn't have anything we use the gems that Rin used we tried all of them but most of them failed the only one did was this one

Shiro raised his hand showing Archer a heart shape necklace. Archer will recognise this one

Shiro: and that is how you came back now can you tell why was it this necklace that brought you back

Archer: Alright then I will tell you but first let's go to your house and then I can tell you

As they went back to the emiya house hold and Archer explained to them about who he really is and why that necklace brought him back. Everyone but archer was shocked at hearing this explanation

Shiro: So you're my future

Archer: No I am not I am more like you from a different timeline you see

Shiro: I knew that grail can summon heroes from anytime period but I didn't know that it can summon one from the future and not just that a different timeline

Alter Saber: this also explains so much about you but seeing what you told you are way different then out shiro

Sakura: yeah saber is right

Archer: enough of that so what is this about a party

Shiro: let me explain

So Shiro tells Archer about what is written in the letter that Illya sent them

Archer: Alright then sense it is 5:20 pm we should be getting ready what we want to wear and if we will take anything

Alter Saber: your rigth

As time passes and everyone will wear what they want. Shiro seems to wear a white suit with black tie black boots. Alter saber seems to be wearing a black dress with black boots with her hair being tied back with a black ribbon. Sakura seems to be wearing a pink dress with pink gloves that covers all the way to the elbow She seems to have two red ribbons on her hair with a necklace she seems to wear white heels. Archer seems to be wearing a white suit with black overhaul and red scrap. As all four of them seem to be walking to the Einzbern house, they will then see Lancer and Kiri. Kiri seem to be wearing his normal church outfitted with no change the only thing that was different about him was the he was smiling which sent chills down everyone's spine they then saw Lancer. Lancer seemed to be wearing a white suit with black overhaul with a blue tie and black pants.

Shiro: Hello lancer and hello there Kiri

Kiri: Well nice to meet you mr emiya

Archer: hello there lancer

Lancer: So Archer I thought you died how are you back here

Lancer said in a mocking voice

Archer: I have a new master and I guess the Grail had more plans

Look what we have here

They turn their heads to see Bazett and Avenger. Bazett seems to wear what she normally does. Avenger seems to wear a red suit with red pants and wne black boots. Lancer and Kiri will be shocked to see Bazett alive they both will be stunned to speak Kiri was confused but Lancer was happy

Avenger: Well it looks like Archer is back and has a new master I say let's keep going after all we don't know who else we will meet as keep going

As they start to walk to the house as they did they will leysritt

Leysritt: Your name pleas

Everyone then gives her there name leysritt

Leysritt: ok follow me

As they start to follow her as she opens the doors she leads then to some kind of platform as they all then stop as then leysitt then speaks

Leysritt: everyone gets ready

Sakura: wait what do you mean by that

As then the platforms then glow as they close their eyes as they then open up their eyes they see that they were in front of a giant. Castle, which seems to be made out of marble stone as there was a Golden Gate they start to walk to it as they enter the door they saw two different stastaircasesey see to lead to one place as they start to go up the staircases as they go up to the dining room as will then see a large table as they saw the rested of the master and servant were there in the front of the table was Illya and Gil sitting next to each other but they then see that berserker was there just sitting there they will then notice that Mr El-melloi and and gray where also there.

Gil: will it looks like everyone is here why don't you take a shit

As everyone does Sakura will go next to shinji and Archer will be next to her Saber and shiro shit next to each other same for Avenger and Bazett. Lancer will sit next to Bazett and kiri will go to the other side of the table

Gil: you know I didn't think all the seven servants and master will be here but either way everyone is welcome here know do anyone of your have a questionn you can ask me but before this let's eat and enjoy the food before anything

Everyone: Alright

As Sella and leysritt will go to bring the food. Take this time sakura will tap shinji solder

Shinji: what is it don't yo-

Shinji will stop looking at sakura not believing what he is seeing meanwhile caster and reset of her allies will be thinking oh fuck. They didn't think that sakura will be here and not just that she will be the new master of Archer which made everyone think that this was not going as they planned

Shinji: Sakura is that you

Sakura: it is big brother

Shinji: I am so happy that your alive

Tears seem to be coming from Shinji's face seeing that his little sister was still alive. Eruyla was seeing this and she was happy to see this but she will also be glaring daggers at caster and her team knowing that they tricked her and her master she will make sure they pay for what they have done.

Sakura: no need to cry I am right here

Shinji: yes I see that now

El-Melloi: Well it looks we have a brother meeting with his sister again that is very sweet

Gray: It is master

As the food Arvind the food for everyone was different form each one

Gil: Sense we have heroes from different part of the world I looked into where you are from and got food from those places I hope you enjoy

Everyone was excited to eat their food. Alter saber wanted to see how her country's food taser but she wished it was junk food and not this but she still wanted to try it anyway. After a while everyone was done eating their food and washed their hands as they saw that the plates where being taken away as then all sit there waiting for some of talk as then gil spoke

Gil: So I know a lot you have a question you can ask me what it is and I will tell let's start with the lady's first starting with you caster

Caster will be shocked that she was but she start to speak

Caster: what is this place and what is this thing

Gil: getting to the important part already alright then let me tell you

As then Gil gets up and taps his feet on the floor the floor desiperd showing the city everyone was shocked at this

Shinji: Are we in the sky

Sakura: it looks like it brother

Gil: This the flying city of Babylon this city is the same city that king Gilgamesh ruled do it being a part of his legend it has a become a noble phantasm that I can use

Caster: What are you

Gil: can't answer that you get only one question. So who is next

Bazett: let me speak

Gil: go ahead

Bazett: who are you and what can this place do

Gil: First of all my name is Lig and I am a class card user I have the class of King Gilgamesh this class card came to me

Gil was lying to hide his identity

Gil: for what this can do it that it has all the Nobel phantasm of every hero i can fire them or use them one by one this whole place is anti-world level phantasm but there is something more then that I can control everything here also there is one the canon I have

Bazett: I am sorry what might explain that again

Gil: No. So anyone else wanna talk