
11 Sakura

After sakura came running to the Emiya house hold she met up with Shiro and hugged him tightly and closely she was scared of what could happen and what will happen next Medusa was look for enemy's or people taking the moment to kill Sakura there was a reason why Sakura was her master normally to summon a servant one uses something like a relic which belong to that servant for example if you used a jack the ripper dager you will get the serial killer or if you used a fragment of the round table from the Artorian leagen you will get one of the knight of the round table if not king Arthur her self both you didn't have that you can test your luck the grail will find a mass a hero or anti hero matching your personality she match Sakura that is why Sakura was her master and the last thing shinji told her was to protected his little sister the light in his dark world that why she is protecting Sakura so much as finally they all enters the Emiya house hold Shiro will sit down with alter saber as they both look at Medusa

Shiro: so explain what is going on rider

Medusa: alright let me explain what is going on

Medusa told them about everything that had happened from Sakura being adopted to shinji life and all about the crest worms that live inside of Sakura's Body hearing all of the make Shiro furious not only was Zouken using his friends both that Sakura biological father gave her up just because he had another childe this pissed of Shiro more then normal her father didn't even talk to her about if Sakura wanted to be mage of learn mage craft

Shiro: my own father once asked me if I wanted to be a mage he said that if I didn't he would not trail me and allow me to live a normal life both here is scumbag that uses his kids like that

Alter Saber: I know how you feel if he is still alive I will like to kill him to end that man for doing This to his own childe

Medusa: I am pretty sure that he is dead and I am more sure that shinji is also dead


Shiro screams in the top of his lungs in anger he doesn't what it hear that one of his friend just died because of This war and not just that he died to that old man shiro really wanted to go mage killer on Zouken after learning everything

Alter Saber: Shiro Cawm down we need to check on Sakura and we need to call Rin for help and see if she can do anything to help us and do you want to wake up Sakura she Got her self knocked out when she came here after all

Shiro will them cawm down relising that he said it to loud Saber was rigth he was being too. aggressive in the situation he need to call off and think of away to help sakura for what it is this grail war has to end and it looked like that shiro whole wish may change because of this whole thing that is happening right now for now he need to call Rin and explain what is happening

Shiro: I will go and call Rin and see what she can do to help us

Alter saber: I also need to go I need use the wash room I need to take a shower after all of this

As Alter saber said that both her and shiro will then go there different ways thinking to them self that thinks can get worse right ah yeah the moment you think that the universe just like to prove you wrong doesn't it Shiro will go the telephone in his house call Rin meanwhile Rin will he in her house talking to gray

Rin: you look a lot like Saber whit out the hood

Gray: so the Saber of this war is some that looks like me what is her heroes name

Rin: her real name is king Arthur the king of knight if say you look like you. Could be her descended

Gray: oh thanks both I am

Before gray can finished what she was saying Rin phone will be ringing she goes to pick it up and hears that it is Shiro she will be confused on why did Shiro called her as she then picks up the phone and shiro the explain to her what is happening

Rim: all right then I will be there in a few minutes

As she hangs up the phone she then tell gray El-Melloi what is going on and why she is going

El-Melloi: let me help I think I can help with this if I can figure out what is wrong I can call someone to heal her or even fix her

Gray: yes let us help you Rin

Rin: thanks both this a thing between master and servants

Archer: you know what run I think we should take there help maybe that can help us more in this then you may think Rin

Rin: really archer

Archer: yeah really

Rin: Fine then why don't you two then come with us

Gray and El-Melloi: Alright then

A few minutes ago

Alter Saber enters the Bathroom she will then look at the mirror she will see the think she always see when she looks at the mirror her self and a dark shadow that looks just like her the only difference was that its eyes was glowing yellow saber ignores this shadow because she thinks it is. Just an Amazon nation she will always try to ignore it both the more the more it grows and this time something happened it spooks

Shadow: what are you doing why are you helping your enemy why are you doing this

Alter Saber: First thing I didn't realize that you can talk it looks like you are more than just my Amazon nation and second what I do is what I do not your business saber then goes to the bathtub to cool her self up both the thing kept speaking

Shadow: that master and. Servants are just there just kill them that one less servant in the war and you and shiro will get closer to the grail

Alter Saber: shut up

Shadow: I am just tell you what to do after all why don't you do just why

Alter Saber: Go aways I don't what to talk to you just leave me alone

Shadow: fine both give me a name

Alter: Alright then how about voice

Shadow: Voice I like it alright then from now on I am known as voice and that is booth remember when you need me I will be there

alter will be down with this both then she notices something dragon like scales had start to grow on her arm both as she saw them it start to go back to skin as if there was nothing there Saber ignores it again as after a few minutes she come out and wears her clutch when see sees that they are more people in the room

Shiro: Ah Saber you done come let me introduce you to these two they me El-Melloi the second and Gray his assistant they are hear to look at Sakura

Alter Saber: nice to meet you people

Saber will then great then notching that Gray looks a little bit like her and the Mr. El-Melloi looks like someone she met before both she can't remember why

El-Melloi: Anyway lets go and check on you friend Shiro

Shiro: Alright then

As Shiro take then to where Sakura is Sleeping as El-Melloi will then look at her

El-Melloi: you guys leave and gray you stay I need you help

Everyone both gray leave the room and wait

Rin: do you think Sakura will be ok

Shiro: I am not so sure both I am pretty sure that she would be more fine if your bastard Father didn't give her to Zouken

Rin: How do you know that

Alter Saber: Rider told us that is how and I can say I fell even more bad for her knowing that her own sister didn't even talk to her after she was taking the least you could do is at least visited your sister what did you father told you not to and you took his words and never question it

Rin: it is not like that you see i-i-i-i


shiro will yell at Rin and Rin will stay quiet after hearing everything shiro was right why didn't see help Sakura she was not a good older sister after all archer looks at her with pity knowing that she can't change the past after all so he just leaves with her followed by Shiro and then Saber boot as Saber movies her shadow will just be there as then start to speak

Voice: that girl I could use her both I already have someone more powerfull and it is my host after why should u fix something that is not broken and seeing Shiro Yale at the Rin girl made me happy I think Saber also likes when Shrio is nice to her and cold to other girls

As the shadow then finally movies with comes back to saber as all of these ill be sitting in the living room waiting for information on sakura

Shiro: what is taking then so long it has be 30 minutes

As shiro says then El-Melloi then comes into the room as he then sits down as so would Gray sitting next to him

El-Melloi: I checked Sakura and I can say one thing it was hard I managed to get read of most of the crest and lust worm inside of her both some them where way to deep inside if her my mage crafts was not enough for it I think we need to something more potten

Shiro: what do you mean

El-Melloi: tell me kid how much do you know about king Arthur and his sword Excalibur

Shiro: I know a lot what does this have to do with Sakura

Gray: so in that case you also know about the Sheet that king Arthur use to put on his sword rigth

Shiro: yes Avalon why

Shiro then realized what they were trying to say

Shiro: you guys believe that Avalon can fix Sakura

El-Melloi: yes even so it is just a theory

Rin: wait there is a problem with that Avalon has been missing for year's

El-Melloi: it was last used in the last holy grail war by the Einzbern to summon King Arthur it was used by the mage killer kiritsugu emiya AKA it was used by your father Shiro

Shiro: wait how do.you know so much

El-Melloi: I am mage detective and I was in the last war I figure it out year's later that Kiritsugu never returned to the Einzbern so it means that he still had Avalon

Shiro: both where do you think he poot it

El-Melloi: inside of you

Shiro after healing that can't believe it both it make seanch every time he got hurt he keep getting healed by sometime originally he didn't know why both know he does it also explains why his aging at start to go like a human Avalon was using what every made him age slow to heal him every time which explain so much everyone in the Room that was not El-Melloi and Gray where shocked

Shiro: know how do I summons that thing

El-Melloi: just forces and think of it and try to pull it out if your body

Shiro does as he is told he can fill it something is coming out of his body it will be Avalon both it looks different where Gold should be it was Black and where blue should be it was Red

El-Melloi: well it looks like it looks like different then I thought it wood look like both I guess things can change

As then take to Sakura room as the rest of. The group will follow him as he will then put Avalon on top of sakura as if it was falling something it went to Sakura's body El-Melloi then puts his hand on Sakura body felling that her body was being healed both at the same time the crest worms inside of her where being killed by sometime decaying enrygy

El-Melloi: give her a few minutes and everything will be fine now you people leave I will stay here to keep an eye on her to make sure she is ok

As he says this the reast will leave the room hoping that Sakura will be ok both then will then see rider is starting to diapers as she then fully goes away

Archer: it looks like rider is dead

Shiro: Could it be because if Avalon

Rin: I am not so sure what do you say saber

Saber: I don't know either ok

Meanwhile in a different place this place was beautiful and full of life lunch grass and flower can be seen every where as they was tower in that Tower was a man that man was Merlin one of the great servant a Great cater as Merlin hers footstep he turns his head to see Morgen And the Fairy Queen Morgen is the sister of Saber

Morgen: you felt that it didn't you wizard

Merlin: I don't know what tour talking about

Fairy Queen: don't lie we all know that Avalon has been corrupted and it's energy can be felled here

Merlin: yes I can fell it so what do you want me to do

Fairy Queen: I want you to go to the pure world outside of Avalon and bring it back

Morgen: yes and for this I will free plush I have no other choice the fairy queen has forced

Merlin: you see I can't do that the grail does see it has a necessary for me to be summoned yet

Morgen: yet

Merlin: yes I can fell it nonsense thing really starts o fallen I will be in summoned both that for freeing me

As Merlin says that he will the disappear from there site

Morgen: Damn the wizard

Fairy Queen: enough you know that this was going happen right you where hoping that after he return that will lock him back up

Morgen: shut bitch

As they where arguing some will hear this it was Merlin Merlin things to him self that what will be next and if the grail will summon one or two great servants it already did with the counter gardens

Merlin: know this is going to be fun

To be continue