

I, Jayson, shall summon them all!!! What!? Someone was trying to destroy the world!? Who cares? Let my subordinates take care of it!! -Oneshot -Spoiler Alert in all kinds of Fate series- -Expect many POVs aside from the MC -A mixed parallel world of fate series thanks to a certain old man >>>>Caution to the ENGLISH speaker *I only create this fanfic for a hobby with poor grammar and poor implementation of the story* *I might not be able to update it regularly* *Heavily based on games and anime itself* Want to support me? Buy me a coffee ^.^ ko-fi.com/greedyqindian

GreedyQindian · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Stars and Cosmos

-Argo, Jason's Workshop

"Master, I am already 100% in stability and ready to be sortie and serve you."

A woman with long gold hair tied in long twin-tails and blue eyes dressed in a white dress shirt said while Jason, whose supposed to be outside reality, suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Okay, Big Sis Angelica... I see... looks like your emotion was the one that was stripped out of you when you became a homunculus."


"Hah... good thing our father, no... the ancestor of this cursed family is gone as he was obsessed with pandora itself, or else I don't know what would become to our world if the pandora box happens to be forcibly open again."

Jason said as he looked at the status of his Big Sister, whose been in a coma for many years when she became a homunculus.

"In the end, I'm still also going to use you... are you okay with that, Big Sister?"

"I am nothing but a puppet for the Ainsworth family to command."

Angelica Ainsworth said without emotion, making Jason have complicated feelings.

"Then... I'm going to make you a Demi servant... Good thing that the arrogant King was around this city. You're a perfect vessel for his Saint Graph as you can suppress him, and with my mystic, I will destroy any ego that would stay in his saint graph ..."

Jason said as he prepared his following action against a servant lurking in this city for ten years after the last holy grail war.


Fuyuki - Near the Forest of Eisnbern Castle

Great Destruction havoc upon the Forest of Fuyuki City as two Servants killed each other to their death.

(I can't believe that Oni-chan would waste his command spell to kill my Servant four times... strangely enough, his Servant still has a Magical Energy to materialize given her usage of Magical Energy... what is happening right now? My command spell was a bit special as it could control a Berserker servant who could disobey a normal command spell, but Oni-chan commands spell was-)

Illyasviel thought as she prepared to use her command spell if the situation worsened.

"You need to surrender right now, Oni-chan. My Berserker is the strongest servant in this war... you won't be able to defeat him just by powering up your Saber, and you already have used your Command Spell enough to be forfeit in this Holy Grail War."


Illyasviel said with doubt, as she already knew that Shirou was not an ordinary master by any means necessary as he was still standing behind Saber like a maniac to provide her support by using mystic code.

"You mean this?"

Shirou said as she let Illyasviel see his command spell coming back. Argo's magical energy filled the slot on his command seal, making Illyasviel's last bit of confidence shatter.

(Boss Jason said that the command spell could be used anytime and could be refilled as long as Argo's Magical Energy was enough)

Shirou thought not knowing that kind of thing was almost impossible in the first place.

"Berserker, we're going to retreat!!!"



Illyasviel decided to retreat, knowing that her Berserker would be the one to die if Shirou continued to use his command spell like infinite water for him to drink at any time.

"Enemy Servant and his Master already retreated... Shirou, are you okay?"

Saber said with concern, knowing that even though they had the advantage as they fought last night a Shadow Servant replicating the Heroic Spirit Heracles, a real one was still a monster of his own right.

"I'm okay... but still, it's a good thing that we know that a berserker has nine lives... or else it would be like last night's fight in simulation practice..."

"Yes, strangely enough, Master Jason already knew what kind of servant we would face as he simulated all kinds of Servants we would encounter in this war."


Shirou also thought his boss was an enigma as he became more mysterious the more he knew about him.


"To think that I would happen to see a mongrel and a blood-sucking one in this town... such a fate, but my duty was to exterminate those pests that would interfere with my entertainment.

An arrogant voice resounds across the place near the battlefield where Saber and Berserker fight as golden portals with different weapons started to appear.

"Oh my... what a blunder... to think I would meet the King of heroes... what an honor to be in your presence... I am Jason Ainsworth ... and this beautiful woman was my Servant Arcuied Brunested... Please make me your acquaintance."

Jason said with much more fanfare, irritating the King of heroes for his disrespectful manner. However, he still tolerates it as he finds the young man amusing and slightly curious about his origin with his Servant whose saint graph won't lose to the output of his saint graph.

"Heh... a clown and royalty of Brunested, this is laughable... Hahaha... Still, even though I find you amusing, I won't tolerate any disrespect to my authority!"

The King of heroes said as he started to fire all ancient weapons with different origins to Jason and Arcuied.


Jason destroyed all the weapons fired by the King of Heroes with a single snap of a finger, while a fantastic blue palace replaced the surrounding place with endless blue flowers on the ground as the moonlight shone brightly upon them.

"Hoh, a Magecraft of that caliber, a spatial displacement... and you... the Millennium Castle Brunestud... looks like you plan to hunt me, huh... very well, entertained me, mongrels!"

The King of Heroes said while looking around his surroundings as he went all out against his enemies. Thousands of Noble Phantasm rained upon Jason and Arcuied while blue and golden chains interlocked with others.

"Still, I find it interesting to think the princess of Brunestud would become a Servant and with a personality close to a human at that... even when you are supposed to be a-"

"Ah, Mou!!! Shut up!"

Arcuied frustratedly said as she yanked out a portion of the ground and threw it to the face of King of Heroes.


"Tch, to think the princess of Brunestud was this barbarian...Well, how about you? are you not going to make a move, Clown?"

King of the heroes with a smirk while looking at Jason, who shrugs at him.

"Are you sure? It won't be a battle if I make a move."

Jason said, making the King of Heroes pause not long after that he hold his head as he tried to suppress his laughter.

"Hehe, Hah, ahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHA, are you mad, Clown? You might be able to battle me if you use your Conceptual Weapon, but you left that thing to the other side of this Marble Phantasm. You fool"

"Heh, Who knows? Well, let me show you the progress of my studies regarding stars and cosmos... I'm sorry for this, my friend Wodime. I'm going to let his Majesty witness our research..."

Jason said as he floated in the sky as the power of Stars and Cosmos started gathering in his surroundings. Incredible magical energy started rising, and Argo, who was giving magical energy to Shirou, suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"This is the light that seeks hope in the bleak future... Asylum of humanity... As a human that seeks light upon an endless star, I shall declare and cast a counterattack upon our enemies... Argo /The Ship Seeker of the light..."

"!? You... bastard, EA!!!"


A pure red light that comes from the sword of rapture intercepts the pure white energy that comes from the stars as the whole surrounding becomes static, destroying even the Marble Phantasm created by Arcuied Brunested as the light of stars destroyed even the EA's pure red light as though as the stars itself exploded in close proximity.