
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Anemo VS Hydro and Cryo

(3rd POV)

Students of all years gathered in the mock arena anticipating the incoming battle. Murmurs and whispers overflowed the seats creating an overwhelming ruckus, making it hard to clearly hear what other people were saying.

Among the crowd was Ikki along with Stella and Alice who were seated in the second row counting from the end.

"Are you not worried, Ikki-kun?" Alice asked while looking at Ikki, wanting to see his reaction.

"Not in the slightest," Ikki said as he shook his head and a faint smile appeared on his face, "I have faith in Shizuku and even if she loses, she'll become even stronger than now."

"Hmmn, is that a brother's love?" Alice tried to tease Ikki with some embarrassing words.

"You could say so," Ikki admitted without being embarrassed, but then looking at the side, he saw Stella pouting at him. He smiled wryly at his jealous girlfriend and patted her head.

Seeing that he wasn't flustered at all, Alice could only sigh in defeat and looked at the arena.

Meanwhile, Shirou was accompanying Kuroneko in the training room. He leaned against the wall as he watched Kuroneko doing warm-ups.

"Are you prepared?" Shirou asked.

"Of course!" Kuroneko said with a mix of excitement and determination, "I will go all out today! Just because she is my friend doesn't mean I will go easy on her!"

"UmU," Shirou nodded in approval and walked towards her, putting his hand on her shoulder, "Then go, I'll be watching and cheering for you!"

Kuroneko nodded and a bright smile curled up on her face before she ran off to the battlefield.

A faint smile appeared on Shirou's face as he watched her disappear into corridors.

"I should leave too, or else they will get at me," Shirou muttered and shook his head.

He left the room and headed towards where Ikki and others were, which were easy to spot.

"Hey! Come here quickly! It is going to start!" Stella quickly called Shirou as soon as she saw him and gestured towards the empty seat beside Ikki.

Shirou nodded and sat on the seat they saved for him. And then looked up to see a dark-sea green hair colored girl, who was quite above average in terms of beauty and had glasses.

'Must be the commentator huh' She looked quite excited, and he couldn't blame her for it—He was excited himself.

"Good morning, everyone! My name is Mikazuki Tsukuyomi and I will be your commentator as usual! And today we have a special guest, Nene Saikyo!" She announced as Nene waved her hands. At the same time, Shizuku and Kuroneko entered the arena from the opposite entrances.

"Now we are here for the long-awaited battle! On one side, we have the sister of the infamous Kurogane Ikki, a freshwoman who is one of the promising students of our academy! Will she drag her opponent into the depths of the sea this time, too? The first year, the Deep Sea Witch, contestant Kurogane Shizuku!"

A loud cheer and excited screams could be heard from the audience, mostly the male audience shouting Shizuku's name.

Ikki has his eyebrow twitching looking at them, but he internally decided that he won't let any of them approach Shizuku ever again.

"Her opponent is one of the new stars of our school as well! It is said that she will hunt you down no matter where you are and so fierce that you cannot escape from her arrows! Will the huntress once again hunt its prey? The second year, the Queen of The Hunt, contestant Gokou Ruri!"

"I already told you to call me Queen of Nightmares!" Kuroneko shouted with a flush and small pout, which in turn received the laughs of everyone.

Then she turned her head towards Shizuku and stared at each other.

"I won't go easy on you," Kuroneko said with a confident smile on her face as she flicked her hair.

"Me neither, I will crush you," Shizuku replied with a taunt and smirked.

They both chuckled and turned around, walking in the opposite direction to create some distance between them.

Kuroneko summoned Sylphy as a green bow appeared on her hand, while Shizuku did the same as a dark blue coloured kodachi appeared on her hand and she held it in a reverse grip.

"It seems the contestants are in position, so without further ado, let's start the match!" Mikazuki said excitedly as she pressed the button.

"Let's go ahead!" The female mechanical voice echoed through the arena as it announced the start of the match.

But contrary to the expectation of the audience, none of them moved yet. Both of them were aware of the strength of each other based on the previous matches and spars that they did in their free time, not to mention that they were strong enough to be qualified to enter the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival.

"Freeze, Toudo Heigen!" Shizuku made the first move as the ground transformed into a land of ice.

Kuroneko immediately jumped, seeing the ground freeze and pulled the string of the bow. Wind gathered in the bow and took the form of line, creating a high-pressure wind arrow.

"Zephyrus Wrath!" Kuroneko released the string as the wind was forced towards Shizuku.

Feeling the wind shift and getting wilder, Shizuku immediately set up a barrier to protect herself.

"Shouha Suiren!"

Columns of pure water surrounded Shizuku and successfully stopped Kuroneko's Noble Art, but the barrier was immediately blown out and Shizuku was sent a few steps back.

"I am not done yet!" Shizuku said as the water raised once again.

Kuroneko landed on the ground again, but then her feet were immediately frozen and ice started to spread to her upper body.

'Damn, I should have expected this!' Kuroneko cursed in her mind and prepared to break the ice, but then she saw her shadow growing rapidly and widened her eyes. She looked above and saw a pillar of ice falling on her.

Kuroneko hurriedly struck the ice with her bow and raised her bow upwards while pulling the string, "Strike Air!"

A torrent of wind was created above Kuroneko and pushed the giant ice pillar away before it shattered it into pieces when it almost reached the ceiling.

"A-Amazing! What an exciting exchange of blows!" Mizuki said, almost forgetting her role as a commentator, "The audience is hyped about their battle! Who is going to win this battle!?".

'That was close….' Kuroneko thought as she sighed in relief and looked at Shizuku, "It's my turn now!"

Kuroneko lifted her bow and pulled her string, and with all her might roared the magic words, "Rudra's Roar!"

She invoked her Noble Art as air condensed into a sphere before it transformed into a hurricane and shot towards Shizuku.

Shizuku, seeing her attack, wanted to flee but widened her eyes when she felt she was being pulled towards it.

'This is bad!' Shizuku thought as tightened her grip and several dark-blue gems appeared between the gaps of her fingers of her free hand before she threw them at the incoming attack. The gems shone brightly before they expanded, forming consecutive large walls of ice.

The hurricane destroyed the first wall and started breaking the layers of ice and it was approaching rather quickly at Shizuku.

Seeing her walls didn't work, Shizuku gritted her teeth as she threw more gems in front of her and they fused together, creating a thick barrier of ice around her.

The hurricane crashed against the last wall that protected Shizuku and made the arena shake violently. The ceiling was shaking as the clash created a strong wind that forced the students to cover themselves to not get blown away.

"Wow! Contestant Ruri forced the contestant Shizuku into a defensive position! Will she manage to resist or will she fall?" Mikazuki said, excited about the outcome of the match.

"I'm not done yet!" Kuroneko shouted as a grin appeared on her face.

*Buzz!* *Buzz!*

Electricity started coming out from Kuroneko's body as it moved towards her bow and formed a lightning arrow, "Zeus' Punishment!"

The arrow flew out from the bow and passed through the middle of the hurricane and destroyed the last wall that was protecting Shizuku.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" Shizuku let out a painful cry when the attacks hit as she was blown away by the hurricane and was electrocuted by the lightning bolt. She fell to the ground as her body twitched in pain.

This scene was heart-stopping and everyone forgot to breathe as they gazed at the battle, with a mix of both excited and concerned feelings towards the fight and later towards the well being of Shizuku.

"W-What just happened!? The contestant Shizuku was blown away by the contestant Ruri's Noble Arts! Is this the end!?" Mikazuki said as she leaned her body forward and grabbed the microphone very close to her mouth, before turning her head to her left, "What are your thoughts, Ne–NI!?" Mikazuki gasped when she saw that Nene wasn't there anymore.

Ikki stood up and walked towards the railings and gripped them tightly, Stella looked worried about Shizuku and Ikki before standing up and going next to him.

"You can do it, Shizuku!" Stella shouted in encouragement at her soon sister-in-law. Soon other people also followed her suit and started throwing encouraging words at Shizuku.

Meanwhile, Shirou didn't move from his seat and focused on the battle.

Then, much to the surprise of the majority of the audience, Shizuku weakly stood up with her legs trembling and was bleeding from all the injuries across her body. Suddenly, water rose from the floor and covered all her body, creating a layer of water over her body and all her wounds started closing before disappearing.

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"I…I can't…lose…" Shizuku said weakly and stabbed her Device, Yoishigure, on the ground, "Byakuya…kekkai…"

In that instant, the frozen ground turned into vapor, creating a mist that blinded everyone in the audience.

"Oh! Contestant Shizuku covered the entire battlefield with fog! What exactly is she planning!?" Mikazuki exclaimed.

Inside the fog, Shizuku created several water clones and all of them rushed towards Kuroneko, ready to strike her.

Kuroneko has her guard risen up since the moment Shizuku blinded her.

'If I can't see then…' Kuroneko closed her eyes and lifted her bow above her head, 'Just destroy it!'

"Vejopatis!" Kuroneko shouted as the wind formed a swirl around her and quickly dispersed the mist around her.

"You are joking…" Shizuku whispered in disbelief and then grit her teeth, "Then what about this?"

Water rose again from the ground and formed several figures identical to Shizuku and each of them had weapons in their hands.

"Go!" With her command, the water clones rushed towards Kuroneko in all directions.

'This is bad! I am getting outnumbered!' Kuroneko thought as she destroyed clones after clones.

'Then…' Kuroneko lowered her bow and passed her fingers through the string of the bow.

Several wind arrows were shot towards the clones as it created musical notes when they were created from the air.

"Woh! Contestant Ruri is handling the clones easily while showing a musical concert live!" Mikazuki commented excitedly.

Shizuku was still in the same place and was recovering from the fatigue, 'I can't let this prolong anymore, or else I will lose!'

Gems appeared on her and she threw them at Kuroneko. At midair, they shone and transformed into ice spikes.

Kuroneko immediately jumped away from there as they crashed against the ground and in the corner of her eye, she saw Shizuku dashing against her.

Then suddenly a water clone jumped from behind and was about to slash Kuroneko. She gritted her teeth and grabbed the extremity of the bow and swung it at the clone, but to her surprise, when the bow hit it, it suddenly dispersed into water and turned into ice, freezing her arms.

"What!?" Kuroneko gasped in surprise and widened her eyes when she saw a figure jumping out from the mist.

"Hisuijin!" Shizuku unleashed her Noble Art as compressed water came out from Yoishigure and transformed into a water-blade, turning the normal-size kodachi into a long sword. Shizuku raised her sword and slashed Kuroneko.

However, just inches away from touching Kuroneko's torso, her blade stopped as if something was blocking it.

"Got you," Kuroneko said with a smirk as she looked at Shizuku, "Fujin!"

A tornado formed around Kuroneko and pushed everything away from her. Shizuku let out a cry as she was blown away and hit the walls and lost consciousness.

"A-A tornado! Contestant Shizuku got stormed away from the match! Game over! Winner Queen of the Hun–no, Queen of Nightmares, Ruri Gokou!" Mizuki announced the winner as the audience cheered and clapped.

Kuroneko looked at the audience and saw Shirou giving her thumbs up. She smiled and gave him a V of victory sign.


"Congratulations on your win, Kuroneko!" Shirou said to her when they were alone in the infirmary.

"Thanks," Kuroneko said, but then her cheeks reddened, "Say…your match is later in the afternoon, right?"


"Do you want to go somewhere after it? Just two of us," Kuroneko asked with her cheeks reddening even more.

Shirou's lips curved up and patted her head, "Sure!"

Kuroneko looked up and a bright smile formed on her face. Shirou then leaned forwards and kissed her forehead.

"Make sure to rest well now, ok? You must be tired after this match," Shirou said before turning around and leaving the room, leaving a blushing chuunibyou behind.


A/N: If you have any suggestions for the story please send me a message in discord or write it in the comments!

By the way, donate your kidne–I mean, power stones!

(I got Raiden :) )

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Heartless1190creators' thoughts