
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · アニメ·コミックス
122 Chs

chapter 14

The next day, Rémy woke up early and prepared to do his morning training with his new spear. He began to practice with the weapon, performing precise and fast movements.

After a few minutes of intense training, Rémy noticed that Jeanne was still asleep. Impatient, he decided to wake her up with a strong flick on the forehead. Jeanne woke up startled and rubbed her forehead, looking at Rémy with a discontented expression.

"What was that, Rémy? Why did you wake me up like that?" asked Jeanne, still sleepy.

"Sorry, Jeanne. I needed to train and you were sleeping too much," Rémy replied, without much patience.

Jeanne sighed and got up, still a little dizzy. "It's okay, I understand. But next time, wake me up more gently, please."

Rémy agreed and continued his training while Jeanne prepared to start the day.

Jeanne got out of bed and picked up her sword, ready to start her own training alongside Rémy. She knew she needed to prepare for the battle ahead and didn't want to fall behind.

"Are you going to train all day, Ré?" Jeanne asked, giving a bitter smile.

"Yes, I need to get stronger if we want to win this war," Rémy replied, with determination.

Jeanne sighed and shook her head. "I know, but sometimes I wish you had a little more time to have fun and enjoy life."

"There's no time for fun when we're at war, Jeanne. We need to be ready at all times," Rémy replied, looking at her seriously.

Jeanne nodded and began her own training, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She knew the war was a matter of life and death and that every moment of training could make the difference between victory and defeat.

As the two friends trained side by side, the sun began to slowly rise on the horizon, illuminating the room with a soft light. Jeanne felt the adrenaline rushing through her veins and sweat running down her face, but she knew she couldn't give up.

"Let's keep training, Jeanne. We can't let our guard down," said Rémy, with determination.

After hours of intense training, Rémy was about to start another when Jeanne interrupted him.

"Rémy, we need to go out and look at the camp. We can't be locked up here all day," Jeanne said, determined.

Rémy tried to argue, but Jeanne didn't give him time to speak. She picked up her sword and began walking towards the door, hoping that Rémy would follow her.

"Jeanne, I haven't finished my training yet. I need to keep practicing to improve my skills," Rémy said, trying to justify himself.

"I know you want to stay here and train all day, Rémy. But we need to be aware of what's happening around us. Come with me, please," Jeanne said, with a soft but firm voice.

Rémy sighed and followed Jeanne to the camp, knowing she was right. They needed to be aware of any movement from the enemy and know the terrain they were fighting on.

After walking around the camp for a while, Jeanne innocently asked where they should go next.

"Rémy, where should we go now?" she asked, looking at him with a smile on her face.

Rémy was silent for a moment, thinking about what to do next. He didn't have a specific plan in mind, he just knew he needed to keep training and preparing for the war.

"Well, I don't have a specific destination in mind. I think we should keep exploring the camp and see what else we can find," said Rémy, shrugging his shoulders.

Jeanne agreed, and they continued to walk around the camp, observing the soldiers' movements and looking for any signs of danger. The sun was starting to set on the horizon, casting a golden light over the landscape.

"It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" said Jeanne, admiring the sunset.

Rémy looked towards the horizon and agreed. "Yes, it's beautiful. But we can't get distracted by the beauty of nature. We need to stay alert to any threats that may arise."

Jeanne nodded, and they continued walking, keeping their senses sharp and their swords ready for any eventuality.

Rémy looked at Jeanne beside him, eager to know if she would be willing to train. "So, shall we train?" he asked, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Jeanne sighed and looked at Rémy. "Ha!" she replied, with a tired and disheartened tone of voice. "I don't want to, we've already trained enough today. I'm tired," she explained, making it clear that she wasn't in the mood for another training session. Her body seemed exhausted, and her mind wasn't willing to devote itself to any more physical efforts.

Rémy asked Jeanne if she would like to practice some spear techniques, but she replied that she didn't feel well enough to train at that moment. Instead, they continued walking, exchanging ideas on how they could improve their skills.

Although they didn't train physically at that moment, the conversation was useful so that they could continue to learn and prepare for future battles. With time and practice, they hoped to become more skilled in combat and be able to defend their land and their people more effectively.

Jeanne watched the soldiers who walked around the fort, their weapons firmly grasped in their hands. She anxiously searched for Étienne, but he had not yet appeared. "Étienne must be quite busy," she commented, furrowing her brow.

Rémy couldn't resist and approached Jeanne, but she quickly stepped back, protecting her forehead with her hands. "Don't even think about flicking my forehead," she warned, giving him a challenging look.

The atmosphere was tense and silent, only the soldiers' footsteps echoing through the fort. Jeanne seemed restless, as if something was about to happen. Rémy, on the other hand, seemed distracted, lost in his own thoughts.

Meanwhile, the soldiers continued to patrol the fort, alert to any sign of danger. The wind blew strong, making the French flags flutter violently. Jeanne looked towards the horizon.

Suddenly, a shout rang out in the air, followed by the sound of horses galloping towards the fort. The French soldiers quickly positioned themselves, ready to repel any enemy attack. Jeanne and Rémy approached the main gate, eager to see who was coming.

Jeanne and Rémy arrived at the main gate of the fort, where the soldiers were positioning themselves to defend against the enemy army. When they looked towards the horizon, they saw a large number of English soldiers approaching quickly.

The French soldiers began to panic, but Jeanne remained calm and decided to give a speech to encourage her troops.

"Soldiers, today is the day we will show what we're made of! We will not let the English take our fort! We will fight to the end and we will not retreat! We will fight for our land, for our freedom, and for our families! Let's show them that we are stronger than they think!"

Jeanne's words resonated in the soldiers' hearts, who began shouting and beating their weapons in a sign of support. Rémy watched the English army approaching calmly, while Jeanne continued to motivate her troops.

"Soldiers, let's fight with honor and courage! We will not let our enemies defeat us! We are the defenders of this fortress, and we will protect it with our lives! Let us fight like true Frenchmen, with bravery and determination!"

Jeanne's words echoed through the fortress, inspiring the soldiers to fight even harder. Rémy felt a shiver down his spine as he watched the English army approaching closer and closer.

Suddenly, Rémy, who was standing next to Jeanne watching everything from the top of the wall, decided to share what he knew about the mysterious girl. "Hey, listen up! Her name is Jeanne de D'arc, also known as the Maid of Orléans!" he shouted to the entire fortress.

The soldiers looked at each other, confused. "What are you talking about, boy?" one of them asked, with a look of doubt.

"It's true!" exclaimed Rémy excitedly. "She is a hero of France, a courageous warrior who is here to lead our fight against the English!"

Rémy's words fell like a bomb among the soldiers, who began murmuring among themselves, intrigued. But even without knowing exactly who Jeanne was or what she had done, they felt that she was someone special, worthy of respect and admiration.

"She is the Maid of Orléans!" repeated one of the soldiers, with a hint of excitement in his voice. "The maid who came to set us free!" agreed another, raising his sword high.

Jeanne was momentarily confused by Rémy's cry, but soon understood what he meant. He was encouraging her to continue leading the soldiers with determination and courage. With a grateful look at the boy, Jeanne raised her sword in the shape of a cross.

At that moment, an electric energy filled the air, and all the soldiers felt a wave of determination and courage invade their hearts. They began banging their swords on their shields, creating a deafening noise that echoed throughout the fortress.

"For Jeanne de D'arc! For France!" shouted the soldiers as one, as they prepared to face the enemy.

Jeanne felt a tear escape from her eyes, moved by the soldiers' response. She raised her voice, making herself heard above the noise of the swords:

"Brothers in arms! Today is the day we show the enemy what we are made of! We will fight for our families, for our homes, for our country! We will fight with all our might, and we will not rest until victory is ours! Forward, soldiers of France! Forward, for freedom and justice!"

The soldiers shouted even louder, inspired by Jeanne's words. They stood in formation, ready to advance against the enemy. The sound of swords banging on shields continued to echo through the air, like thunder announcing the arrival of a storm.

Jeanne, with her sword still raised, looked at the soldiers with pride and gratitude. She knew she was not alone in this fight, that she had by her side brave and determined men who were willing to give their lives for their homeland. She could not disappoint them. With a determined smile on her lips, she advanced with the soldiers.

Rémy, who had given Jeanne the necessary support, now looked in another direction of the gate with a serious look on his face. He spoke quietly to Jeanne:

"Shine like you never have before, Jeanne. Show them who you truly are."

Remy's expression was cold and determined, as if he was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. He knew Jeanne was a strong and courageous leader, but he also knew that she needed to show that to the soldiers if she wanted to lead France to victory.

Jeanne looked at Remy with admiration. She knew she could count on him to give her the necessary support in tough times. With a confident smile on her face, she replied, "I will do it, Remy. I will do it for you, for me, and for all of France."

With that, Jeanne advanced along with the soldiers, her sword shining in the moonlight. She led the charge with determination and courage, inspiring the soldiers to give their best. The sound of swords clashing against shields continued to echo through the air, now accompanied by the sound of the soldiers' firm steps towards the gate.

Remy descended from the wall with determination, his face bathed in the moonlight that shone in the sky. He walked in the opposite direction to the one Jeanne and the soldiers had taken, with a cold and serious expression on his face.

His step was firm and decisive, and the sound of his boots on the ground echoed through the fortress. He seemed to be in his own world, focused on his goal and his thoughts.

The wind blew strongly, shaking Remy's red hair and making his shirt flutter. He seemed not to care about the cold or the strength of the wind, as if nothing could distract him from his purpose.

As he walked, Remy kept his mind focused on what was to come. He knew the battle would be difficult and many lives would be lost.

As he walked, his gaze fixed more and more forward, as if he could see beyond what human eyes could see. He knew that France's future depended on what was to happen, and he was determined to do his part to help in the war against the English invaders.

With a deep sigh, Remy firmly grasped his spear in his hand, ready to face the enemy in front of him. He knew the battle would be long and difficult, but he was willing to fight to the end, without hesitation and without fear.

"This battle will be a true hell, my dear friends. I hope you have the courage to endure until the end." Remy spoke with a sadistic smile on his face, his eyes shining with the prospect of the carnage that was to come. He knew it would be a tough fight, but he was eager to witness the complete destruction of the enemy army.

As he spoke, Remy ran his tongue over his lips in anticipation, his muscles tense and ready for the imminent battle. He knew victory would not come easy, but he was confident in his own ability.

In the distance, the enemy army appeared on the night horizon, but Remy did not feel afraid. Instead, he smiled widely, knowing that the enemy was completely ignorant of the destruction they were about to face. He was ready to lead his victory, and nothing could stop him.


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