

What happens when you put together a vampire troll and travel between worlds? ------- after dying when falling down a penny floor when you open your eyes again what you find is a snowfield. What a surprise it takes to find a deck with twelve cards. ------------------------------ Notice since this is just to see what happens I promise nothing. It should also clarify that I do not originally speak English and that I speak Spanish so spelling may be lacking in some things.

DemonKingTwoHeaven · 書籍·文学
8 Chs


It is cold.

No, I'm cold and this not normal, I'm supposed to be in my room so why I'm so cold right now.

When I try to open my eyes, I only see white, I don't know what it is, I try to move my hand to touch it just to quickly remove it because of the cold.


My voice sounded hoarse, very hoarse as if I had the flu, I tried to speak again just to be sure it was my voice


That's when I stopped to look around and see all this tranquillity. That's also when I saw the sky, which was black, proving that it was night.

It wasn't long before my body started to itch, and it slowly got worse until I was screaming in pain, it hurt and only got worse with every second.

And it got worse, slowly but surely, a whistle in my ear started it until that whistle became a voice and that voice multiplied, voices of different gender and age trying to say something, each one spoke, louder and louder, I think I felt the famous pain of splitting your head in two.


If it were someone else maybe he would think a little more before saying something that voices in his head say but well, I was not in my best physical and mental condition.

Each voice repeated words, each in a different language but understandable to me, and each time they became more restless saying the word "install" only made it worse by being more violent and shouting more and more.


The only thing I could understand and what I automatically said, the voices became calmer except for one that stood out and quickly marked two words in my brain.

"Install Saber"


Everything stopped instantly, the pain and the voices stopped so as not to disturb me any more momentarily.

But it came, like a blow, memory after memory hit me but these memories felt bad but did not stop for me to think, a whole life that I did not know I had presented itself before my eyes.

Born only regarded as a tool for your mother... Yearn for the love of the people to which you respond with indifference... Love to end up not to be loved... to Be a genius to want to your art and music... And finally be in cold soil, so that the love that you wished will come after you with a warm blanket and only be able to respond with the word "Too late, this is fidelity".

Memory after memory passed through my mind some repeating over and over again, and I sank deep into it as if I was drowning.

So that, the one who came out alone was Neron.

These memories, they were breaking me down


I fell to my knees holding my trembling body with one hand, the other hand was on my face holding it tightly, as if at some point I would lose my face.

I trembled, I felt scared and confused, I needed my art, my music, my safe place.

For my music I needed an instrument, I needed to call it the ultimate instrument, my instrument.

I felt anxious I needed to find it quickly, I had to find it now.

And even though I was scared I got up with shaky legs and walked, I would have run but my legs didn't respond to my anxiety, I leaned sometimes on the trees around me, it seems that I am not in my best condition, I laughed, what kind of joke is that, this emperor is always at his best no matter where he is I will always be ready to act.

The trees around me seemed to be moving like snakes, and I don't know if it was because of how bad it was, but I had to keep going I had to find my instrument quickly, no one except this emperor could touch it it was mine, and whoever wanted it would have to pass over my dead body.

Small sounds around me stopped me, the movement of the leaves, small branches breaking seemed to me the beginning of a sonata, I could imagine it.

The emperor's arrival in an unknown place is greeted in a confrontation with an enemy.

But who is this enemy, the suspense, what a generous way to start this story.

And the suspense was broken by the enemy.

Coat as black as the night that covers us, eyes as red as scarlet blood spilled by humans, white bone mask covering his face.

The beast against the emperor will be worthy of tales and stories in Rome.

When the beast is launched against me I just move my hand and the music is heard when I see the beast split in two by a movement of my hand.

And I move my hand slightly to see my beautiful instrument.

Aestus Estus.

Like the flame of my empire, how foolish I am, my instrument is always with me.

Several eyes suddenly opened around me.


Let this story begin