

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · アニメ·コミックス
142 Chs

Chapter 136: Artemis's challenge

(3rd Person's POV)

Artemis perched on the chair, eyes glued to the kitchen scene unfolding before her. Hippomenes, a man she couldn't stand for reasons she couldn't quite articulate, and Atalanta, her adopted daughter and renowned huntress, were engaged in a playful dance. Laughter and the clinking of utensils filled the air, carrying tantalizing scents of something delicious brewing. While Artemis never partook in mortal meals, Atalanta's insistence on welcoming Hippomenes as a guest had swayed her - albeit reluctantly. Now, the prospect of a good meal had replaced her reservations.

"What are they doing?" Artemis thought, a smirk tugging at her lips as she watched the playful flirting unfold. Despite her fondness for Atalanta's dedication to the hunt and her vow of chastity, Hippomenes remained a thorn in her side. The memory of their…unfortunate encounter burned bright, fueling a simmering anger. Although Atalanta dismissed the incident as a harmless lapse, Artemis wasn't convinced. Hippomenes, with his giant dragon and questionable charm, was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

And if it did? Well, Artemis wouldn't hesitate to silence the explosion. In fact, both of them, if necessary. Her grip tightened on the chair armrests as a cold resolve settled in her gut. Justice, Artemis decided, would be served.


(Titus's POV)

In the kitchen, I bustled around, preparing a feast for our esteemed guest: Artemis, my mother-in-law. The air crackled with tension, a stark contrast to the mouthwatering aromas wafting from the pots and pans. It wasn't the usual pre-meal jitters, though. This was different, heavier, thanks to a recent, rather awkward encounter.

You see, Artemis had, shall we say, stumbled upon Atalanta and me…well, not exactly dressed for company. Things got a little heated, figuratively and literally thanks to a nearby fire, but before any misunderstandings could ignite, Atalanta, ever the diplomat, had intervened. She'd not only smoothed things over with Artemis but also extended an invitation to lunch, hoping to bridge the gap.

Now, watching Atalanta from the corner of my eye, I saw her internal conflict bubbling beneath the surface. The joy of having her savior, her goddess of the hunt, as a guest was undeniable. Yet, a deeper worry gnawed at her. She knew my aversion to the gods, instilled by the ever-present shadow of Draco's influence. And with Artemis witnessing our naked play at the lake, I wouldn't be surprised if I found myself on her "not-so-nice" list. One wrong move, one raised weapon from Artemis, and my carefully constructed cover could crumble like burnt toast.

The tension was thick enough to slice, and I knew it wouldn't be just Artemis's appetite I needed to satisfy by the end of this meal.

"I didn't intend to make gods my enemies for now, and I didn't think Atalanta understood this. So, to lighten the mood, I playfully squeezed her buttocks.

"EP!" Atalanta shrieked and immediately glared at me. "What are you doing? The goddess will see us!"

"Don't worry, she can't see below the waist," I reassured her with a raised brow as my hand ventured under her skirt, exploring Atalanta's cheeks.

Atalanta's cheeks burned as she muttered, "They say you're a helpless pervert, but this is truly...the worst." Despite her grumble, she didn't push me away.

I sighed and stopped my playful teasing. "Huh?" she asked, confused, as I began to gently stroke her hair.

"Atalanta, don't worry about anything," I said softly. "I have no interest in making enemies, and I wouldn't dream of dragging you into my fights. Do what your heart tells you to, and I'll support your decision no matter what." With a smile, I kissed her forehead. "For you, I'd swallow my pride."

Atalanta paused for a moment before burying her face in my chest, hiding the blush creeping up her neck. "You're such a sinful person," she mumbled, hugging me tightly.

She even forgot about the daggers Artemis was throwing our way with her eyes. While one might think it was anger at Atalanta, the chaste huntress, engaging in romance, it was actually pure, jealous rage.

After our preparations, the table was laden with a spread fit for royalty. Roasted chicken, fried fish, and even adorable sweet treats adorned the surface - a feast I'd orchestrated after using my Eyes of Fate to peek at Artemis's preferences.

As we presented the food, Artemis's eyes widened with delight. Dishes she'd never encountered before tempted her every sense. "Dear Goddess Artemis," Atalanta began, bowing low, "accept this humble offering from me and my husband." I joined her bow, then we both stepped back. Mortals couldn't dine with gods, so we stood patiently as she began.

"Don't mind if I do!" Artemis exclaimed, clapping her hands before diving in. Her satisfied moans left little doubt of her enjoyment. Atalanta, catching my gaze, smiled at the goddess's approval.

And then, in a whirlwind of bites and chews, the entire feast vanished before our very eyes. Artemis, completely shameless, devoured everything while we stood there, dumbfounded. Honestly, was there no etiquette in this era?

"Hmm, Atalanta," Artemis finally spoke, wiping her lips, "this food is truly remarkable! I never imagined mortals could create such a culinary masterpiece." Her eyes gleamed. "I trust you'll grace my palace with a visit soon."

"Thank you, Goddess Artemis," Atalanta replied, bowing once more. "Your kind words are a reward beyond measure for a humble soul like myself."

"My, my, you've even mastered proper etiquette," Artemis continued, her voice tinged with amusement. "You seem quite the refined woman now."

Atalanta blushed, glancing at me. "All thanks to my husband, Hippomenes. He's been my guide in these matters, and even helped prepare this feast."

"Nonsense," I chuckled, planting a kiss on her cheek. "My wife simply learns at an astonishing pace." As she blushed deeper, I couldn't help but notice the stunned look on Artemis's face. A realization dawned on me: jealousy, a feeling even the mighty goddess hadn't anticipated.

Artemis slammed her palm on the table, her gaze hardening on me. "Hippomenes," she declared, her voice laced with ice, "you shall prove your worth."


The roar of the Calydonian Boar echoed across the vast field, its massive form a monstrous silhouette against the setting sun. Towering four meters tall, it exuded a palpable aura of ancient savagery, its eyes burning with primal fury. My heart hammered in my chest, not from fear, but from the thrill of the challenge.

Atalanta stood beside Artemis, her face pale with worry. She had protested this duel, this suicidal face-off against a creature Artemis herself had unleashed. But seeing the steely resolve in my eyes, she remembered Heracles' demise and the Centaur massacre - testaments to my seemingly superhuman strength.

However, her confidence was misplaced. This time, I couldn't rely on my honed Rune magic, fearing Artemis's keen eyes might pierce through my disguise. The legendary Gungnir remained hidden, its godly power a secret I couldn't risk revealing. Even my otherworldly abilities like Force Control were off-limits.

"Barbarian time, it is," I muttered with a smirk, flexing my fists. Sparks of purple lightning danced across my skin, fueled by the raw power of Bifrost energy. This new power, still untamed, promised to be the key to taming this monstrous beast.

Ripping off my shirt, I relished the cool air on my skin, the adrenaline coursing through my veins. From a distance, Artoria whistled, a sign that all my servants were watching, ready to intervene if Artemis dared to break the rules. Cu Chulainn and Scathach stood vigilant, their weapons glinting in the fading light.

"Come on, beast," I roared, my voice booming across the field. "Let's see if you can handle a real dance!"

The boar responded with a furious bellow, the earth trembling with its thunderous charge. Its razor-sharp tusks gleamed in the dying light, aimed at my heart.

Without flinching, I channeled the Bifrost energy, my body crackling with purple electricity. As the boar slammed into me, I unleashed a haymaker of epic proportions, my fist colliding with its snout with an ear-splitting CRACK.

The air crackled with the impact, a shockwave rippling outwards. The fight had begun, and the fate of this dance hung precariously in the balance.


(3rd Person's POV)

Artemis and Atalanta watched the battle unfold, their expressions contrasting. Artemis, with a haughty tilt of her chin, spoke, her voice laced with disdain. "Atalanta, mortals rarely spark my interest, yet you've managed to disappoint me deeply. You've broken your vow of chastity and aligned yourself with this...scoundrel."

Atalanta swallowed the indignity, her lips pressed into a thin line as Artemis hurled insults at Titus. "Lecher," she muttered, "vagabond." Fury simmered within Atalanta, but she couldn't raise her voice against the goddess who had been her patron, her savior.

Yet, faith was a fragile thing. Hearing whispers of the gods' true nature had sown seeds of doubt in Atalanta's heart. She knew a time would come when she'd have to choose sides – Titus, her love, against the gods who had nurtured her. This conflict gnawed at her, a relentless inner battle.

On one side stood Titus, the man who held her heart captive. On the other, Artemis, the goddess who had raised her, loved her as a daughter. But Artemis's hatred for Titus was undeniable, this "trial" a thinly veiled attempt to eliminate him.

As the fight began, Atalanta's breath hitched. Titus, armed with nothing but his bare hands, faced the monstrous boar head-on. His agility and strength were awe-inspiring, even Artemis unable to hide her surprise.

"Could he be...a demigod?" Artemis murmured, a hint of grudging respect in her voice.

Atalanta's chest swelled with pride. "Yes, he is."

"Another one of Father's dalliances," Artemis sighed, likely assuming Titus was Zeus's son.

"No, you misunderstand," Atalanta interjected quickly, fearing the wrath of the jealous Hera if Artemis revealed Titus's true origin. "He's not... Lord Zeus's child."

Her voice trembled with a mix of pride and excitement.

"He's strong, Goddess Artemis. Stronger than anyone I've ever known. He can do anything. He's...invincible."

Unbeknownst to her, the love for the gods that had once burned brightly in her heart had begun to dim, replaced by the fierce devotion she felt for Titus. The battle lines were drawn, not between mortals and gods, but between a woman's love and the divine.



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