

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

The Truth Can Be Hard To Comprehend

Friedrich POV:

The area was deadly silent after what my voice said, my eyes widening in shock at what I just heard, as I looked at my teammates they were equally shocked,

"It wasn't me who spoke ! my voice acted on her own accord ! " I exclaimed trying to explain what just happened, but instantly, as I looked around, I saw a man in quincy attire, his head was a bubble of darkness but I could see his mocking smile.

I saw red, I gripped my spear, charging at the unknown quincy, at this moment I didn't care if he was one of my brother, he was someone that made me betray His Majesty

"A bit angry Friedrich Braun ?" I heard 'their' mocking voice again as I neared them, I jumped, using my spear like a descending meteor to cut 'him' in half

"WHAT ?!" I exclaimed, as the stranger blocked my strike with one finger, stopping my spear in its course, the strength behind the strike created an enormous crater under the feets of the quincy but he still kept his smile looking at me, amused at my try.

'The Iron ?! ' I thought, shocked at what I saw, how was it possible that two Quincy had the same Schrift ?

Cang Du and BG9 sprung in action, the first one using Hirenkyaku to appear behind the stranger, trying to impale him with his reishi powered claws, but like me his strike didn't leave a dent in him. 

BG9 rained bullet on the head of the stranger, doing nothing too, the stranger smiled even more seeing this 

"Good try, for two products of the imagination of this fool" he said looking at me 

"What do you mean by that ?" I asked the man, what he said did something inside of me, as if a part of me agreed with what he said

"But it's time that I end both of you failed products " he said as BG9 started to contort and a blink of an eye, BG9 became a ball of metal

"You bastard ! " I cried as Cang Du backed off before charging a reishi blast with his claw

"Shé Jìn Zhǎo" exclaimed Cang Du, as the blast of reishi was launched toward the back of the man, seeing this the man closed the gap between us and took a hold of my spear, and before I could comprehend what happened, I was flung toward the blast of Cang Du, as the blast would have made contact with me, my Schrift deflected it from me and the man's way, toward the Chaldeans.

I heard Mash and Jeanne exclaim as I saw Mash protect Ritsuka with her shield, then I sensed a hot blast pass through me, as I took my eyes from the Chaldeans to look behind me, I saw a steaming hole in the body of Cang Du, the Stern Ritter had widened eyes, bewildered that the shot pierced his iron like body with protection of Blut

"Strange, don't you think ? " asked the stranger, "Piercing your body is not hard if I use x-Axis don't you think, I just added the Heat to mock you defective product" spat the stranger as he saw Cang Du fall to the ground, the light leaving his eyes

"Why ?" I asked "You're a Quincy like us so why are you stopping us from completing His Majesty's mission ?", my spear shaking as I felt fear for the first time in a while, my opponent totally unshakable

'Breathe, Friedrich, rationalize,' I thought, trying to calm myself down. "The opponent has multiple Schrift: Iron, Heat, and X-Axis. But how is this even possible?" My breath accelerated as I looked at the smiling monster.

"Hey ! you bastard ! " cried the knight named Mordred "Don't act as if we weren't here and why are you killing people from your order ?"

The darkness headed man looked at the knight before chuckling 

"Perhaps, the Knight that killed his king and his brother in-arms will enlighten me on how to betray or is your daddy issue too strong ?" the man ridiculed Mordred, as he turned back to look at me, not even acknowledging the presence of Mordred anymore.

"Yes," said the man, surprising everyone,"You were about to ask me if I mocked you knight, I 'saw' it and my answer is yes, perhaps Master of Chaldea, you should tend to her wounds "

I saw the sword of Mordred, that was fine just a moment before missing half of the blade, her helmet destroyed by an unknown force, her eyes and ears bleeding.

"What, the, fuck " whispered Mordred as she fell to the ground, the man seeing this raised his index finger in the direction of the Chaldeans as a beam of blue light was emitted from his finger toward the group, as it made contact with the shield of Mash, it created a sort of reishi jail

I looked at the man still shocked by what I just saw, that the Jail the power of Quilge Opie, my fear reaching his maximum as I screamed at the man

"Who are you !! How can you have all these Schrift " 

"We are the disregarded , the betrayed and the betrayer at the same time " responded the man "We are Quincy !" he declared making a wide motion with his arms smiling at me

"Let me ask you a question, Friedrich, did you really think that 'His Majesty' will truly be here for you ?" he asked me "It didn't phase you a bit how everything seemed to be perfect with 'Him' or any other stern Ritter ?" In a second he was touching my heart with his hand, my Schrift not even deflecting his intent to harm me

"In fact, since your first awakening in this world, you interacted with zero Quincy" informed me the man "I will reveal you something Friedrich, we all died during the Soul Society war, the soldats, the Stern Ritter, the royal guards, this monster that you call 'His Majesty' he absorbed all of us except Ishida, we were pawn from the start Friedrich " 

I didn't need to see the state of my face to know that what he said devastated me, inside of me, I knew what he said was true, my soul seemed to agree with this monster, I took hold of my spear and charged the man again, as my spear came closer to his body I saw a spectacle that I saw frequently, my spear bent, trying to evade his body.

"Now you know what it feels like ?" he mocked, touching my spear as I saw lightning dance on his finger, the lightning quickly electrocuted me through the spear.

I sensed my body hit the ground due to the unimaginable pain that the lightning brought me

"The truth is Friedrich Braun, you were the one that imagined His Majesty and the others Quincy, that's why they couldn't harm you too much and that's why this bastard was so lenient on you" he explained coming near me , I started to generate an arrow, but as I drew the reishi to my cross, I pike of pure darkness impaled my hand 

"ARGH! " I screamed due to the pain, but as I looked at my hand, I saw no wounds, just my regular hand 

"It's truly a miracle don't you think Friedrich ? " questioned the man still smiling "And for your next question, I'll respond to it even before you ask it, I am the amalgamation of all the quincy that died due to this bastard's ambitions, but he didn't foresee in all of his 'royal wisdom' that he would end up devoured by us too".

"You, however, are even more important,"the monster started his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and fascination. "Because you are our container, a mere soldier, the vessel for all the Schrift and the hopes of the Quincy kind. How laughable, but you do possess talents, I'll give you that."

"Without even knowing how to use the Schrifts, you used the Visionary in your own soul to recreate the Wandenreich, the Stern Ritter, and even an image of the betrayer," added the shadowy man "and after the recovery of the Grail, you even recreated Cang Du and BG9 using their own souls in ourselves"

"So" I started, my breath battered "You're saying that I'm some kind of fusion of every Quincy that has ever existed and that His Majesty is a betrayer ? " I looked at him, I only felt anger toward this man now, he killed two of my teammates, disrupting my mission and even dared to lie in my face about his Majesty, trying to make him pass as a betrayer of our people.

'I'm going to kill you ! ' I thought before activating m-

"You're annoying you know ?" I heard the man say, as he held in his hand my arm on which I had my Vollständig glove, I looked at the place where my arm was supposed to be and I saw my arm but without any armament on it.

"Truly a miracle ! " he exclaimed laughing

I lost hope in this fight. How could I beat someone like that? He could kill me before I could blink and resurrect me, and I wouldn't even know it.

The shadows on the man started to get dimmer and dimmer.

"Well," he said, looking at me on the ground. "From the beginning of our encounter, I've just been using our power. You're just too dumb to understand that. The false Yhwach told you that you had all the Schrift, so try to use them instead of just waiting for this bastard to help you."

"You are a Quincy, but more importantly, you are human," he continued. "So stop waiting for someone else to give you a weapon, like your spear. Your subconscious did it using the Yhwach persona, but when will you, Friedrich Braun, take matters into your own hands? Will you forever live in the shadow of your king and die as a soldier? Or will you live, progress, and finally become a better king than this bastard?"

"Well, it seems that my time has come to an end for now," he concluded. "I'm going to sleep. In the meantime, ponder on what I said to you. Train, comprehend, and never be weak again. Being weak is not a sin, but staying weak is. Friedrich, you have the knowledge and the power of all the Quincy at hand. Stop being submissive to Yhwach and start to be a true man, a new king of the Quincy."

As he disappeared, the jail that was trapping the Chaldeans vanished.

"Let's talk at another time," I thought before enveloping myself with a coat of darkness and disappearing inside my own shadow.

"Let's sleep; I'm tired. But is all that the 'other me' said truly the truth?" I pondered before drifting off to sleep.

Unbeknownst to me, my shadow began to recover my body and heal it during my slumber, as pure white eyes started to appear all over me.

Then the voice of the man appeared once again

'Sleep well, new king' said the voice chuckling 


I hope that you liked this Chapter

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