
Fate: Qin Shi Huang

▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ The fourth grail war gains yet another master and servant duo. . What was once the line of destiny, is now just a mess of chaos, thanks to the newcomers presence. ... Do you want to find out more about the changes that the greatest emperor of China might bring to the fourth grail war? Well, how about you try this fanfic's first chapter, and find it out yourself? ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ / No rights of the works used in this fanfic are owned by me. \

Gilgamesh_Official · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

/ Chapter 02: Qin Shi Huang And Mitsuki Minatozaki \

/ Author's Note: Alright, I am quite pumped to develop this story forward, so please write me critics of what I should do, or better in this. All help is appreciated! Have a good read.\

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/ 3rd Person Pov | Mituski Minatozaki's Mansion, Hong Kong \

A few seconds went by after Mitsuki's conscience slipped, and the newly summoned servant of otherworldly origins remained rooted in the summoning circle.

His eyes still locked onto his new master lying figure, while her latter upper body was nakedly raw for the world to see.

Fortunately, the 'world' inside the room was only her newly summoned servant, so no harm in that. But not for long.

With only the breathing of Qin Shi Huang spreading through the silent broad room, a sudden opening sound of doors was heard.

With a slight push, Nucai as the ever-loyal servant, looked onwards into the room after hearing a thud sound when he was guarding the door that led inside the very same.

Qin Shi Huang surveilled the masked man with curiosity, his piercing eyes locking onto the entering mute man with clear authority.

"You seem to be her servant?!" Qin asked as he saw the nervous state the man got when faced with his lying mistress on the ground, all worn-out.

The answer Qin got though, was a simple nod of the man's head, as he seemed to look expectantly at Qin's figure with the wants of passage, to go help his mistress out. And Qin did give him the pass, "Then feel free to tend to your mistress, as she has exhausted herself with my summoning."

Nucai seemed relieved at that, and yet made no move towards the lying black-haired woman, looking at Qin Shi Huang with a cautious gaze.

Qin simply shook his head, all of the information he had gotten until now wildly messing with his sense of what he considers 'normal', and said: "Fret not, as a summoned servant I pose no threat to you." Taking a step to the side with a powerful, yet eloquent movement. His body glowed slightly as he dematerialized right in front of Ducai's widening eyes of surprise.

However, he did not forget to leave a warning to these unknown people that he was seemingly bound to, uttering a single word full of promise, strength and authority, as required from a 'King' of his stature. "Yet."


Half an hour later, Qin Shi Huang could be seen atop a skyscraper of high heights, looking down onto the city line with widened eyes and a small smile on top of his slightly more 'alive' expression.

"So this is what humanity reached?" He muttered under his breath, as his rarely open eyes took hold of every light in front of him, as his ears did the same to any preceptive sound that got within his hearing range.

His breath was sucked inside, as he wondered his senses all around him, towards the city life below him, chaotic and lively. "What a strange, yet breathtaking view." He commented right afterward, the reflection of the city's lights present in his light-brown star-shaped eyes.

It seemed as if they had present in them a child-like awe, facing the evolution of humanity that extended an immensity of years after his death.

His mind went quickly towards his journey on Ragnarok, after his duel against Hades. The hopes within him extinguished when humanity lost its future at the hands of the gods.

He dreaded that outcome, and yet it still went forward. Nothing he tried to do afterward was of any help.

The gods erased humanity right after the Ragnarok, and his own momentarily life too was extinguished by then. After that, he found himself in a limbo state.

Neither dying, nor living.

His conscience still awake, and he managed to think during the brief moments of silence that befell him during those accursed moments of limbo.

It was then that he felt a slight thug at his conscience, a small plead for help from two different parties.

One was the most mysterious one, he felt it had a will, yet no life.

It was the Holy Grail.

The grail had asked for his help, to relieve itself from the impending doom that it would one day bring to humanity againstits wishes.

And the other plead was from a Chinese woman, who wanted to accomplish the very same thing as the grail did.

Its destruction.

And that puzzled Qin Shi Huang, what kind of things were even these terms, that appeared in his head out of nowhere.

That was the moment when he decided to check for more information, and it was certainly the moment where he unknowingly agreed to help both parties to attain their wish.

Thus he was summoned to this universe, to participate in the fourth holy grail war.


"I wonder, how has my name been remembered throughout history in this universe..." He suddenly asked himself in lost thoughts, curious to discover the differences between this universe Qin Shi Huang and his own.

However, his musings were cut short when he felt an ungodly amount of mana in the air, coming from what he knows as Japan's direction. "Hmm?" He hummed in curiosity before a smirk playfully played at his lips.

"I see..." His voice came out excited, and his covered eyes transmitted a soft glow through his now wearing blindfold, getting up from his seated position in a single movement. "— it's already starting."


Back at his master's Mansion, Qin materialized himself inside a spacious room where a resting woman was lying atop a comfortable and luxurious bed.

Everywhere he looked, expensive paintings remained fighting against time and history, showcasing events of time's past.

Legacies in their own way, prompting a rather satisfied smile to thug at his lips, settling his overworking mind in a good mood for the war to come.

Suddenly, a slight cough came from the direction of the lying woman, and Qin's senses guided him towards her in undisguised grace.

"Say, woman, now that you have woken up," he started without much ceremony, speaking his outspoken mind, "— what is your wish for the grail?" The question left his mouth rather quickly, and that made the still-unwell woman look at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Y-You." She muttered with difficulty and surprise, as if she had thought he was but a simple dream she had previously, and not a successful summon.

Qin Shi Huang though, barely paid it any mind, his decades of being an emperor ruling his mannerisms, even now.

Even after fighting for his quest of immortality, even after being summoned to Ragnarok to fight in a harsh duel to the death against a god of the trinity, Hades. Even after winning said duel, and killing the god of the underworld, he still stood by his past Emperor mannerisms as if it was the present life he led.

And so he disregarded the woman's condition, pressing his question on her further. "Have you finally thought of an answer?" He asked her in a serious and steady voice, taking a seat on a nearby couch that he found to his liking, before looking at the woman again.

His ever-present smirk plastered on his handsome face.

At that, the woman reigned in her unruly mind and emotions, looking with difficulty at Qin's figure in the background of the dimly lit room. "I have had an answer since I was able to think for myself..." She mustered the strength to answer her newly summoned servant, hiding no emotion from him. "Good, so you can answer my question." Qin pressed, his smirk widening, on the contrary to his master's deepening frown. "I-..." She started, remembering a memory that still haunted her mind on sleepless nights.


~ Flashback ~

Outside of a burning manor, three people could be seen rushing towards a car. A beautiful woman in her early thirties, a small child around 6 years old, and a male servant accompanying the two girls.

A considerable distance behind the trio were mercenaries rushing after them with murderous intents. Armed with high-caliber weapons, knives in hand and soldier vests covering their bodies.

They followed suit after their targets with no pause or rest, and seeing the rushing mercenaries from the corner of her eyes, the older woman of around thirty years old summoned her courage, and with a tired and yet hardened voice, spoke to her daughter which she carried delicadly in her arms.

"Listen Mitsuki, you must always remember this!" She began, her tired state visible by the ragged breaths she took in between words.

In response, her young daughter could only look up towards her with an innocent look on her face. "Mama?" She questioned, too young to understand what was going on.

Though she did understand that bad guys were after herself and her mother, she did not understand why that was.

Still, with a hardened look on her face, the mother pressed on her own wishes to her sweet and innocent daughter. "The grail is still intact Mitsuki," she began, summoning once more her courage to pass on to her daughter the legacy that her family had tried to keep for years prior. ", — and for there to be peace in our world, you must destroy it!" Tears were threatening to spill from her already moist eyes, and she could not believe that it would get to this extent.

Their family long wished to destroy the Holy Grail, to end the weapon that could destroy humanity with a single wrong-chosen wish.

And that came to bite them in their backs when they thought themselves secure and protected from those magus families.

In turn, the small Mitsuki could only widen her eyes in surprise and confusion, questioning her mother with a choked voice. "W-What's happening mama, I'm scared!" She said, hiccups gathering in her throat.

Her mother though, remained stoic as she ran alongside her trusted servant towards the only non-destroyed car, parked a few steps away from them.

"Remember it, Mitsuki! Destroy the grail!" She spoke harshly to her only daughter, putting her inside the car, while her servant started the latter. She fastened her sweet girl's seatbelts and almost bailing her eyes out, managed to say a last sentence. A 'promise me quote,' if you will. "Do what we tried, and failed to accomplish, dear." She choked, while a young Mitsuki kept crying her eyes out. "Mama? MAMA?!" She cried in anxiety and nervousness but only received one answer. "Please sweetie, do it for Mama." She managed to smile at the end, looking back at the approaching mercenaries with newfound hatred in her eyes.

A few 'slow-motion' moments passed, and the loyal servant stepped on the gas, hurrying away to safety while his mistress fought in vain, wishing herself to give her precious daughter a slim chance to escape her harsh demise.

~ Flashback End ~


Mitsuki looked on towards her summon with a frown, uttering but a single sentence. "I want to bring peace to this world." She said, her voice hardened by experience and pain.

Qin looked curiously at that, and a raised eyebrow said it all. "Peace?" He muttered, before throwing the woman another question. "How so?"

Much to his dismay though, his question would be left unanswered for a while to come.

"That's not for you to concern yourself with." Mitsuki muttered, turning to the side and closing her eyes for a while more, wishing to rest while she still could.

And although Qin knew that the woman wished for the destruction of the grail, her answer of wanting to bring peace to this world still left a weird taste in his mouth.

But even if something was wrong with the answer he got from her, he still closed his eyes with a small smile on his expression.

Long lost was his smirk, and now, only a thirst for victory remained in him.

"So be it." He declared to the feigning-sleep woman, getting up from the couch and disappearing right after.


Early next morning, the tenperature was low, amd that brought a cold wind that surfed the air of the private airport of Hong Kong.

And on the same,

"Have an enjoyable flight, Ma'am." A flight attendant wished the tall and imposing figure of Mitsuki a good flight, while Mitsuki herself only replied with a hum. "Hmhm." Stepping foward to board her own plane.


Inside the now soaring private jet, Mitsuki turned her eyes towards Qin, starting a brief talk with him.

"So..." She began, "What's your servant class?"

He looked curiously at her from his seat, his hidden eyes locking away any emotion she could manage to decipher by not allowing her to see them. "I wouldn't know." Was his curt reply, much to her dismay. "You don't know?!" Her surprised voice came a few seconds later, confused and non-believing, as she continued pestering him with follow-up questions.

"How could you not know your own class?"

His face was turned in her way now, and she gulped silently at the attention she got. "It's complicated, but you can address my class as a 'Saber'." He said seriously and mysteriously, wishing to refrain himself from speaking too much before they arrived in Japan, where the Grail War would take place. "I see." That was all Mitsuki said after that, gazing out the small window to her side.

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/ Author's Ending Note: Any doubts regarding Mitsuki past will be answered later on. Any guesses on the first servant to be killed by Qin? \