

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · アニメ·コミックス
97 Chs

85) Poseidon V/S Tiamat


Poseidon Pov

I looked at Tiamat who moved forward unaffected by the attacks of Amara and others, her Endurance had further increased by several times at least, and her Divinity as well. Her beast Authorities have become stronger, testament of her ability to shrug off attacks that previously dealt damage to her.

Her Self-Seal has broken as well making it harder than to kill her. Essentially, she dealt damage to herself every turn of her attack or defense making her actual vitality weaker than it was supposed to be, previously it was 90% meaning she only had 10-20% of her actual health at any given moment, such self-harm stemmed from her motherly instincts.

' The Gods of this era were fools to abandon such a gentle and loving mother ', I snickered, absolutely disgusted of them. If in future I was to meet them, then I will kill those useless maggots. I looked at Tiamat who had been degenerated to her current form, a beast who only knows to destroy humanity for the sake of being not getting abandoned again, for not dying.

' Truly laughable ', I thought as I glanced at my army of summons who have arrived here, Tiamat's agility has been boosted so she had covered more than half of the previous distance between herself and Uruk, she had already poured extreme amounts of black mud which continously birthed new Lahmus.

" Artoria, Jeanne, It's time I begin my fight. Don't try to foolishly die, especially you", I said as I looked at Jeanne who pouted," I am not foolish! Lord Poseidon that's mean!", she retorted and I flicked my finger on her forehead," Ouch!", she looked at me with teary eyes, and I said," You could have avoided it, but you didn't. You are a fool, a lovable fool", she rubbed her forehead and nodded with slight blush.

" My Liege, do you require any help?", Artoria asked with eagerness in her voice, she definitely wanted to fight alongside me, I smiled and said," Well I tell you if I need any help", seeing her slightly sad I gave her a pat before diving down. My army of summons marched towards the millions of Lahmus, and I commanded," Annihilate them!", my voice resounded through the ears of my summons whose speed increased.

A torrent of spells were released from behind me moving towards the coming army and struck the Lahmus, the summons limited to the mobility on the ground went against the crawling Lahmus, clashing against them. Sound of slashes filled my ears like a melody as Lahmus' blood spilled around, the flying Lahmus were burned either in the Holy Light of the Angels or under the attacks of the Elementals.

"~Anghhhhh!!~", Tiamat screeched as her eyes fixated on me, our eyes met, her pink eyes looked into my blue eyes and I looked into her pink eyes. A familiar feeling seemed to come to me, reminding me of a vague figure in my memories. I knew whose it was," Mother", I said with a voice filled with so much emotion, that I myself felt a tad shocked.

Tiamat's movement stopped hearing my words, I closed my eyes recalling everything, how we brothers and sisters were born to Cronos and Rhea, on how our father hearing a prophecy ate us, and we were saved by Zeus later on. My experiences made me extremely apathic to everyone, except Rhea. 

At first I had no emotions to her whatsoever, but she crept into my heart and told me the only way for us to survive was to unite together, that Gods should trust together... She was a fool, for she was betrayed by the very Goddesses she trusted and killed. I hated the very thought of depending on someone because of it, maybe it was the promise she made me do it, that I never went against Zeus, more so after understanding he was just a battle junkie fool, and due to Hades.

I opened my eyes, barely a tenth of the second has passed, and Tiamat's movement which had halted for a brief moment began again. It was for barely two seconds, but for us it felt like dozen of minutes. I looked at her and washed away all the thoughts I had. She indeed reminded me of my mother, maybe because of the sheer motherly love she held, but she was my enemy and in the end I had to kill her.

' Maximized Magic Protection from the Evil, Maximized Magic Lesser Mind Protection, Maximized Magic Quick March, Maximized Magic Rabbit foot, Maximized Magic Hawk Eye, Maximized Magic Rabbit Ears, Maximized Magic Lesser Dexterity, Maximized Magic Lesser Strength, Maximized Magic Protection of Energy Negative, Maximized Magic Haste, Maximized Magic Lopsided Duel, Maximized Magic, Maximized Magic Aspect of Titania, Maximized Magic Elemental Form ', I silent chanted weaker spells one after another with Maximized Enhancement and stacked their buffs on me.

My all parameters increased rapidly two reaching EX, but I wasn't finished and continued chanting,' Maximized Magic Body of Effulgent Beryl, Maximized Magic Body of Effulgent Aquamarine, Maximized Magic, Maximized Magic Body of Effulgent Heliodor, Maximized Magic Greater Strength, Maximized Magic Greater Dexterity, Maximized Magic Greater Haste, Maximized Magic Mercy of Shorea Robusta, Maximized Magic Greater Luck, Maximized Magic Greater Full Potential, Maximized Magic Shield, Maximized Magic Greater Luck, Maximized Magic False Data Life ', I finished with the final chants.

My body was bathed in a plethora of colors as all the spells I chanted activated and took effect, with every proceeding one I could feel myself get stronger, each enhancement stacked on top of each other further strengthening me. My all Parameters reached EX, and I felt huge amount of strength, all of it happened within a few seconds due to the courtesy of my Thought Acceleration. I took a battle stance and summoned my trustworthy Trident, which was by now an A+ rank Noble Phantasm.

I held my trident as I coated my body in Water God Battle Aura which further enhanced my step further and then I charged, my body reached the speed of Thunder as I appeared in front of Tiamat," Penetration!", I activated my Noble Phantasm, while at the same covering my Trident with Anti-Immortality Touki and then I thrusted forth my Trident.

My Attack ignored her defense and pierced directly inside in her body, a wave of Anti-Immortality Touki hit and I continued thrusting my Trident," Amphitrite!", I started thrusting my trident at the speed of thunder in a circular pattern, her flesh was pierced by my trident repeatedly, it riddled the huge body of the Tiamat with thousands of holes, she screeched and then with releasing an Evil Aura she threw me away.

"Tsk", I clicked my tongue, while her move did no damage it managed to throw me away, and her wounds started healing again, however this time at a slower pace. My Anti-Immortality Touki should render her very Immortality useless, negate it, but Tiamat managed to wash it away, get rid of it even if it was slower than before.

" Rhongomyniad!!", suddenly I heard Artoria's voice as a red pillar of light pierced through Tiamat at the very same place where her body was riddled with her holes, Tiamat cried in pain as she launched several beams of magical energy at us, I didn't dodge them I simply spun my Trident negating them. After a while when she had stopped firing off beams Artoria appeared behind me.

" Forgive me, My liege but I can't let you fight her again. I admit you are stronger, far stronger than all of us combined. But our help isn't useless, however meagre at it might be, please punish me later on but for now! We shall fight with you!", said Artoria as she held Rhongomyniad in her hand, Jalter, Jeanne and Scathach came beside me as well.

" Lord Poseidon, please let me protect you this time!", said Jeanne as she looked at me with determination," Forgive me M'Lord, but I need to use my body to be help of you! Even if it's meagre!", Jalter said gritting her teeth and Scathach said," C'mon, I am your wife, do you think your wife will like you fighting alone against such a opponent?".

As for why Amara and Ishtar weren't with them, let's just say the former used up a lot of her mana and latter simply couldn't participate to fight in such a dense group of Lahmus. I chuckled amused of them, they went against my decision, but I wasn't angry but felt touched, maybe my brother would be struck with Zeus' lightning the moment he hears my thoughts? It will be funny indeed.

" You can die", I bluntly stated as we again avoided her attacks," It's fine! At most we will be sent back to Throne of Heroes!", said Jalter and I knew she was indeed correct," Fine, then accompany me and don't disappoint me!", I said as we charged forward attacking. This time I wasn't fighting alone, and it felt weird but pleasing as well.


3rd Pov

" Damn it!! That fucking big breasted horny monster!!!", shouted Amara in anger as she kicked on the floor with anger, the floor cracked due to strength of her stomps, anger was visible on her face and her horns glowed in red. She was fuming in anger, as despite her strength being among the best, she was forced to return by her mothers considering the low amount of mana she had.

Meanwhile, Romani coughed in embarrassment hearing her words, after all while she just referred to Tiamat, who had big breasts and big horns, her words were very misleading. " What?! Tell me insect! What the fuck you want?!", Amara shouted as she looked at Romani whose face became pale," It isn't his fault, Lady Amara the words you spoke just right now were very vulgar", Merlin said.

Amara glared at him, but thinking on how her mothers might get angry on hearing she said something vulgar, or worse her father! She quickly looked away, and decided to forgive the insec-*ahem* Romani and Merlin, and shifted her focus for them. Ishtar meanwhile slumped with teary eyes," It was so scary, so big, so black, so many", she muttered out loud.

Gilgamesh almost fell off from his throne hearing Ishtar's words and shouted," You idiot! Stop saying those misleading words!", Ishtar glared at him and said," Huh?! What do you say coward?! Do you know how many Lahmus were there! It was completely a black swarm and there were so many Lahmus! It took my entire strength just to return here."

Meanwhile Romani and Merlin wondered how Gilgamesh knew modern references,' Could it be?! ', Merlin suddenly had an idea and a mischievous smile came on his face,' Truly King of Heroes, to use his Omniscience for such matters ', he nodded as if enlightened, though barely holding it from blurting it out.

" Why do I feel familiar with Merlin?", said Romani as he looked at Merlin, he hadn't focused on it before but seeing Merlin gave him an Uncanny feeling as if he had seen him before." Ughh, whatever, Mash, how is Ritsuka?", he asked and Mash replied," Master is fine", he nodded and Da Vinci said," We see no abnormality in his bodily functions. He should regain his consciousness soon."

Her words relieved Kiyohime and Mash. Suddenly Siduri came and said," My King, the evacuation has been finished, all the people had been transferred to the Demonic Front", Gilgamesh hearing her words nodded and asked," Any sign of Lahmus?", Siduri shook her head," We haven't encountered any Lahmus, and even near the Uruk there are none."

" Hmph! Be glad! It must be because of the summons of my father, otherwise your city would have been overran with them long ago!", said Amara with pride, Gilgamesh just nodded it was truth, though he knew his summons couldn't hold back the Lahmus for an infinite amount of time not when Tiamat has completely descended in the world.

" Siduri! Mash, Kiyohime, Hector! I want you all to take refuge as well! Fall back to the Northen wall!", he ordered and they nodded, while Ishtar said as she summoned her Manna," Now that I have recovered my mana, I will be returning to the battlefield! This time I will show her the wrath of the Goddess of the Venus!", she said haughtily before departing and others departed as well, Amara meanwhile teleported back to the battlefield to observe their battle.

" They are gone now, won't you reveal yourself?", suddenly Gilgamesh said as a figure walked from the corner," That girl, she knew about me", the figure said, their green hair swayed as they walked. " She had no interest in you due to her frustration, more so when you are injured", he said as he slowly stood up, then looked at the person.

" It had been a long time Enkidu", Gilgamesh said looking at Kingu, and the wound on his chest which had almost healed." My name is Kingu! I am son of Tiamat! Don't call me Enkidu!", they retorted but Gilgamesh ignored his words and asked," Why are you here? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to attack the refugees now when they aren't with them?"

" My memories, the memories I have. I am here to find out the meaning of them", they said in a slight painful voice and the next moment they attacked. The battle between two friends had begun.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I am noticing you all are giving less powerstones! At first day we reached 166! At second day we hardly reached 254 and now barely at 358! Please don't hold back and give as much as powerstones!

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you the next chap! Bye!)