
Fate of Two

anonymousjokester · ファンタジー
6 Chs

chapter 1 The beginning

my story starts long time ago not to sure when but it started when i was born. my mom told me many times i was born without a heart beat. even tells me i never gotten sick or any broken bones.. i hit the age 5 i started school years past with no issues then i turned 18 hitting high school i had a car the looks i even had the ability to talk smoothly and calm to people that it calms them down.. i was in highschool for a week before they tell me i should be in college instead. so my mom had a meeting with school board about me skipping highschool going straight to college. my mom didnt know how we was going to get the money. i mention my dad she told me she doesn't know who my dad is.. which bothered me some what but not much i made it 18 years and not needing a father figure so i took my moms hand and told her it was going to be alright ill just work for a year and make the money since i skipping 7-12th grades i had 6 years to make money and stay with kids of my generation.. and not be with older kids.

my mom agreed to let me work longs i go to college if i get the money sooner then we thought.. which i agreed easy. so the first week i spent looking for jobs. this is where it gets fuzzy for my memory cause two days later my mom

had a heart attack and ended in hospital.. i think the date was april 20 2020,..

thinking about it as we have this convo its been 150 years ago since then. i know its hard to believe since i still look like im 18, for some reason my looks don't change..im not no vampire or anything like that if thats what you assuming. and im not claiming to be one. but after my mom passed away in april of 2020, i kinda went blank. but this is enough for today i am hungry and i need to go home.