
Chapter 1: The pieces find their place

What is reality? How can one say if their experience is real or if they are in a dream? Well, this story is not here to answer these profound ponderings, but what it can do is take us to a reality where our dreams come true. Beware as these dreams are not just hopes of fortune and wishes of triumph but can also be gloomy despondency and abysmal dread.

Our story begins in the Fuyuki city. A quite place with people living peaceful life. But this city has a dark under belly which shows up from time to time. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

<Midnight, Fuyuki Church>

On a hilltop in the city outskirts to the east is located an iconic place of worship, the Fuyuki Church. It is middle of the night and there is no one to be seen near the place. It is like a haunted house, a dichotomous place. On the first floor is a study room where two silhouettes are talking to each other.

"The grail has decided to change the rules this time. We will have ourselves a little surprise."

"I have waited ten years for this event. We must make sure that this surprise doesn't cause a wrinkle in our plans." said the other person a little agitated.

"The story has repeated itself four times. This time we will have a different plot. Let us enjoy the mayhem which comes with it. The little mages will be running around in a frenzy like headless worms. All their worthless ploys will be for naught. Now this is what you call a proper Grail War."

<Next day, Karakura Town>

Outside the railway station there are two teenagers in casuals waiting for their train. One of them, Keigo Asano has brown hair, brown eyes and a slim figure. Mizuiro Kojima has short black hair, green eyes with a boy band look to him.

"Sorry for the wait guys. How long do we have for the train?" said a bubbly voice. Two girls hand wave while approaching the group. Tatsuki Arisawa is a brown eyed brunette with short spiked hair, in tune with her less than feminine appearance in a white tank top and grey shorts. Orihime Inoue is a beauty with two flower shaped hairclips on either side of her temples holding her orange hair in place. Her green chiffon dress struggles and fails to hide her curvy body.

"It is fine Orihime. We have sometime still." Mizuiro replies.

"Man am I excited for our stay at Fuyuki city. Can you imagine, we are going to spend the next trimester in an actual city." Excitement could be clearly seen on Keigo's face.

"What is there be excited about? We have to move needlessly to a new city in the name of some cultural exchange or whatever. And it is not even such a big city." said Tatsuki with a bored expression.

"Hey, don't spill your gloom on this bright day. Anything is better than our crappy town. The next three months are going to be a blast. We will meet new people, see new places and eat new food. Where is your spirit of adventure you violent tomboy."

"What did you call me? Let me show you my spirit with my fists you idiot." Tatsuki started to chased Keigo around giving little bumps on his head with her fist.

"You guys are fighting already? It is going to be a long trip you know. Learn to live with each other will ya." tall well-built orange haired teenager with a long masculine face said with a smirk while approaching the group.

"Ah! Ichigo is here." Happiness can be heard from Orihime's voice.

The teenagers greeted each other and went for their train. They have a long five hour ride to Fuyuki city and an exciting time ahead.

Thank you for reading. I love fanfic which compare the power levels of characters from different universes. Unfortunately I could not find a well done work of this kind. So I decided to write what I look for in other's work. I hope you enjoy it.

BhasMukhcreators' thoughts