
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · アニメ·コミックス
213 Chs

Anger and Disbelieve

Then, another one spoke:

"And there's more to it. Do you know about that witch, Morgan le Fay?"

"Yeah, I know. The wicked and evil one. What about her?"

"Well, she's also serving the new king now."


Upon hearing this news, Agravain lost control.

'Morgan managed to get close to His Majesty?!'

'What is she up to?!'

'What does she want?!'

'Is she planning something against His Majesty?!'

With such thoughts in mind, Agravain, who was in a state of frenzy, headed towards Rotterdam at the fastest speed possible. On the second morning, after Artorius and his group landed at Rotterdam Harbor, Agravain arrived at the camp in the port area.

In the faint morning mist, Agravain passed the sentry's inspection and entered the camp. His attention was quickly drawn to a conversation taking place nearby.

"Have you heard? Princess Morgan fell ill."

In the camp, familiar knights and soldiers were whispering to each other.

"Yeah, I heard she's bedridden due to exhaustion."

"It must be because she has been working too hard lately. After all, she has been doing so many things."

"Yeah, like making magic potions, crafting mechanical equipment, designing new war chariots and carriages, and enchanting weapons. She's a diligent one."

"So, she exhausted herself."

"Yep, she's a good person after all."

In the next second, Agravain appeared before them.

His face was gloomy.

From their conversation, Agravain couldn't discern any resistance or discontent from them, indicating that Morgan's influence on the army was deeper than he had imagined.

"Good day, Sir Agravain!"

"Don't whisper while on duty."


The sentries, who had just been whispering, were terrified by the sight of the Iron Knight's somber expression. They straightened their postures and looked as if they were about to salute.

As a high-ranking official in the Germanic Military Region, Agravain was not only an administrative officer but also the leader of the secret agents. In addition, he served as a military judge. He had a perpetually gloomy face as if he were contemplating whom to kill. From top to bottom, no one in the entire region was not afraid of him.

"Don't let your guard down, even on your own territory."

With this final reminder to the sentries, Agravain left.

"We're safe, huh."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Hey, Sir Agravain doesn't look too good. Did something happen?"

"Have you ever seen Sir Agravain look good?"

"Well... I guess not."

Meanwhile, Agravain clenched his fists tightly upon hearing the hushed whispers of the sentries behind him, tightly, very tightly.

'Bloody bastard.'

He wasn't angry at those two soldiers; they weren't worth it.

Someone else had truly made him angry.

'Morgan le Fay, a good person?'

'What a joke.'

As one of Morgan's children and her former right-hand man, Agravain knew how deep the darkness within that woman was.

'She must be plotting something!'

'Her existence undoubtedly threatens our great cause!'

'Why did His Majesty recruit her?! What could be the reason?! I must persuade His Majesty to expel her... no, it should be to kill her!'

With thoughts already forming the 'Morgan le Fay murder incident' in his mind, Agravain was now very close to Artorius's tent.

'For the sake of His Majesty, even if it means shouldering the burden of killing my own mother, I am willing to do anything.'

With such determination, he stood in front of Artorius's tent. He awaited the announcement and then entered.

Although Artorius had long given him the freedom to come and go, Agravain had never used the privilege. This was both a representation of the reserved nature of someone who walked in darkness and a response to Artorius's trust.

And then, he froze.

He was completely stunned.

The loyal Iron Knight, with the resolve to assassinate Morgan, was watching helplessly as she obediently and meekly lay in the embrace of his king, just like a certain lion in an anime, nestled in the arms of a golden-haired character.

"Well, well, Sir Agravain."

Artorius greeted Agravain cheerfully, while gently stroking Morgan's hair. He waved his hand and asked, "What brings you here in such a hurry? Do you have good news for me?"

"..." Agravain hesitated, then stuttered, "T-That..."

The Iron Knight's mind was in chaos, causing his words to become incoherent.

But it wasn't entirely his fault.

The image of Morgan, the insane, dark, chaotic witch, behaving as obedient as a court maid, was beyond belief. Especially for someone like the Iron Knight, who believed he understood Morgan le Fay better than anyone and considered her a monster, it was utterly unthinkable.

From his perspective, it was as if his king was holding onto a seven-headed, ten-crowned giant, troll, demon, or something similar—chaotic, confusing, and incomprehensible.

Morgan emitted poisonous gas from her mouth, her eyes burned with toxic flames, and her body was composed of various tentacles and chaotic malice. She was like a pillar of demons. How could anyone see her as a woman?!

'Oh, right...' Agravain quickly made a judgment. 'His Majesty is being controlled by magecraft.'

And just like that, as if he could read minds, Artorius reacted faster than Agravain.

"I am not being controlled by magecraft, Sir Agravain. Please calm down and put your sword away."

Seeing Agravain's eyes turning red, ready to fight Morgan to death, Artorius quickly interjected.

This statement surprised Agravain even more, leaving him bewildered.

"But, Your Majesty..."

"Morgan is an exceptionally talented woman, you know. As long as you understand how to handle her, she can be the most outstanding ally."

While Agravain struggled to find his words, Artorius smiled and said, "As I said, she can be controlled. It's like taming a wild beast."

As he mentioned the 'taming' part, Morgan chuckled and playfully nudged Artorius, causing Agravain's body to tremble and his pupils to constrict, afraid that she might tear Artorius apart.

"I've said it before, Sir Agravain. Embrace diversity, for greatness, lies in acceptance." As Artorius spoke, he gently patted Morgan's little hand. She let out a soft snort and then stood up and walked to his behind and just stood there.

"What's wrong about Lady Morgan? Though she has made some mistakes in the past, as long as she repents, we can forgive her, right?" Artorius continued his speech.

"Has she truly repented?" Agravain asked carefully.

"Of course not..." Artorius replied without hesitation. "But I don't care about that. What matters to me is Lady Morgan's cooperation and the power she brings us. Do you understand, Sir Agravain?"

Agravain remained silent, though he wanted to respond with—"No, not at all." He decided to choose silence in the end. Morgan was staring at him with a threatening gaze as if saying—"If you don't wise up, I'll destroy you personally."

Agravain wasn't afraid of death, but he liked to keep his usefulness and continue serving his king.

"Well, Sir Agravain, it's fine if you don't have anything important..." Artorius said, relieving the awkwardness of their initial conversation. "Tell me what has been happening in the war zone while I was away."

Agravain remained silent, not answering Artorius's question.

Even without a hint from his eyes, Artorius understood his meaning.

"If we are on the same side, we should trust each other, without worrying about Lady Morgan."

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Agravain replied, expressionless as always, but Artorius sensed his reluctance.

"Regarding internal affairs, I have resolved the incidents and documented them for you to review at any time." Agravain stated, presenting a record book. It contained accounts of everything related to the Germanic peoples, the Romans, and any other opponents who worked against them in secret.

Resisting the military jurisdiction, refusing to pay taxes, plotting rebellions, colluding with external enemies like Clovis, and the Roman Emperor Lucius—conspiracies, betrayals, chaos, darkness.

Everything was recorded in that thin book and marked as resolved with a checkmark. Each cold statement represented merciless killings and suppressions or cunning and dark conspiracies.

Capturing spies, taming them, turning them into double agents for their own side.

Selecting and enticing traitors and informants from within the resistance group, then eliminating them all at once.

Using benefits to win over and bind the local power players, threatening them with fear and torture, and seizing their weaknesses to make them submit.

All of this had been Agravain's work over the past two years.

By any means necessary.

Orderly and organized.

Cruel and insane.

Like the art of darkness, a precious masterpiece of terror.

"Excellent as always..." Artorius commented as he checked each item, confirming that Agravain had completed all the planned actions.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty." Agravain responded, unable to hide a smile when faced with Artorius's sincere compliments.

Behind Artorius, Morgan watched the scene with great interest.

Agravain was like a well-praised hunting dog, fully domesticated into the shape desired by Artorius, both inside and out.

'I chose the right man, fufu...' Morgan thought, feeling pleased. The frustration caused by the loss of her former 'tools', or rather, children had completely vanished.

"Now, what about external affairs?" Artorius calmly asked. "How are our intelligence operations progressing regarding the Romans and the Germanic peoples, Sir Agravain?"

"That is precisely what I am here to report to you..."

Agravain glanced at Morgan once again, then bowed after Artorius gestured for him to continue.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Agravain took out another record book.

"The senators in the Roman Senate can be stabilized through bribery." he said calmly. "The same applies to the bribed officers and generals."

"Selling military intelligence, distribution maps of the military districts, even trading military supplies and provisions."

Their military infiltration into the declining Western Roman Empire had been quite successful. Agravain reported these details in a relaxed tone.

"At present, three Roman generals and four governors can be swayed to our side. Once we engage in war with Rome and gain the upper hand, they will immediately defect, creating an opportunity for us."

"Well done, Sir Agravain, very well done."

Upon hearing this, Artorius praised Agravain once again before he could even downplay his achievements.

However, before Agravain could respond humbly, Artorius raised a question.

"But... I have a small question."

"Please, Your Majesty."

"The ones we're about to deal with are the Franks—we're preparing for a massive battle against the Franks, maybe even starting immediately, right away, or tomorrow. In this situation, any intelligence advantage we gain over the Romans means nothing—because if we lose, we won't be able to hold onto anything we have."

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