
Fate / Marvel Gacha (Fate/Grand Order X Marvel)

Note: This is a What If series of my Marvel: Group Chat. If Rudra had a summoning system in Fate's grand order world Rudra in this version is an alternate version. *** [~Ding System Activated.. ] [Welcome To Marvel Heroes Summoning System] What the hell? I got a Marvel system. I can summon Marvel Hero Characters. Note: Characters of Comics will be Appears

LoneWolfAuthor · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

2. Hulk vs Servants

(Mc pov)

The City of Ashes...

Hulk saw an army of the undead in the burning city but nothing Hulk couldn't handle. His master just watches as he rips and smashes the monsters in awe. 

then Rudra observes Hulk grinding up a zombie into bits with his left hand while smashing another's head into its chest cavity.

'It's cool,' he thought

'Do you know How it feels to get the strongest Character in games for free? You can just fucking destroy everything in your way and become king of the game. Some may think it is Boring to get the Strongest Character but I don't care As long I can win. That's great. Isn't it? That's why we try to get Weapon Skins or other things in games in free Spins.

Right now I'm feeling the same way like a King. I was surrounded by more than 200 Skeletons but when Hulk appeared he just destroyed them like they are nothing. I mean he swings his giant Sword and the force generated by it destroyed everything in its way. More than 100 enemies are dead. Hulk hit the ground with his leg and destroyed the Skeletons with a small earthquake so he won't kill me in an accident. Then he attacked them with his hands and Crushed them like nothing.

I saw his huge body which emitted Green Aura. He is giving a legend aura. Seeing Hulk action in real life is a great experience. I mean who can get a chance like this to see him? Then the Aura is gone and he turned his head to see me. His face looks angry.

I was looking at his Eyes. Instead of fear, my eyes Shined like Stars. I'm a fan of Hulk. In MCU, they showed him weak. Then I went to him.

"Thank you Hulk for saving me, I'm a big Fan of yours." He saw me and said after a few seconds with a deep voice.

"I did it because you gave life to me." He said and started to check the surroundings

"W-what do you mean by that" I don't understand.

"Did you forget about us SOLOEXTRA7, I'm a character you played in the game, others are waiting for their turn to come to be with you and support you in your journey, SOLOEXTRA7?" He said

WAIT! Isn't SOLOEXTRA7 my Account Name in Marvel Game? And he said I played a game with him. Wait wait now I understood, he is a character from my Marvel game account. Then they are my only friends. They are people who know me and care about me. Not even my parents cared about me.

'system is it true, you are linked to my account in the game'

[Yes, The characters which you can summon will be from your Game Account.]

I smiled happily

"is that you Hulk, you came from the game to save me? " he nodded his head.

"Thank you, my friend, if it was not you, I would have died" I hugged him.

"So, the Other 500+ characters are waiting for me to call them" he nodded his head.

I'm happy my summonings are the Creation that I played. So they know me for a long time.

I can't wait to bring Tony, I mean he can save this world with his brain, after all, he is Iron Man. But I have different versions of many same characters in my account.

I have 4 Hulk characters in my account they are Immortal Hulk, Kluh, Old Man Hulk, and World breaker hulk. And just like him, I have many versions of other characters too. It just depends on my luck on which version I will summon.

Well, I leave it to the future.

"Hulk, let's go and save my colleagues," I said and Hulk followed me.

Now I think another boy is also Ray shift here like me. I should save him.

"Are they your friends?" Hulk said with the same angry face.

"No, well maybe, he is just a good guy may be in the future he may become a friend to us, "

Then I saw this place in a better view.

Hulk catches up to me and stops at the sight I was looking at and it just reminded him of his purpose to stop destruction like in-game events.

It was hell on earth all over again...A burning city with monsters roaming the streets Hulk can't begin to imagine how many lives have been lost…

'It never ends...The cycle will never end…as there is another Villain...' Hulk thought

"This...Is Fuyuki...We were supposed to ray shift here to prevent this from happening."

"So, We failed to stop it," Hulk said

"No...No Hulk, to stop this we are here. I will explain later"Then I looked at Hulk...I can feel the rage radiating off of him and guessed he wanted to find out who did this as well.

'He is different from the comic because he is a character from the game and a Hero, if he came from the comic then the World Breaker Hulk would be Avenger Class.

This Hulk is a Hero, Who wants to stop villains like a Game character in a story,'

"No point in standing around now. Let's go. Hopefully, we can-"

"R-Rudra? Can you hear?! It's Romani." my wristband lights up and without taking another pause I activate it. A hologram appears of a young man in a doctor's uniform on a terminal.

"Doctor!" I said and I was relieved to see a friendly face.

"Oh, thank goodness It connected. I was trying a wide area scan but the whole system is barely working as it is right now. I am just glad the signal bounced off of something and connected." The man was relieved to find another surviving master and they both caught up on the situation as Hulk listened.

"Thank god, I don't want to roam on roads like a lost child now. Doctor, where are Ritsuka, Mashu, and others" If I had another team with me it would be great to solve this current problem.

"Rudra, most of the staff got killed by the Boom explosion. Only you and Ritsuka, Mashu got transported to this singularity F and now we should try to pick the pieces up." then I tell him about my current status as a master of a servant.

"You summoned a servant?! Mash is one thing but you summoned Berserker and he also listening to you, "Romani said with intrigue.

"Well I did but, he also appeared and saved me willingly...Wait, what about Mashu and Ritsuka?" Rudra asked curiously.

"It would make more sense once you see her in person. I'll try to make a rendezvous point with what navigation data I have so…" before he can finish the sentence, the connection is cut off.

"Seems like the connection broke" he saw Hulk and said

"Hulk we need to move and save them and get the hell out of here, " then both started to move forward.

Before Rudra can decide which direction they should go, Hulk grabbed him and used his hand as a shield for Rudra. An Enemy Attacked Rudra but Hulk saved him.

"What" Then Rudra understood he Made a rookie mistake, he let his guard down.

Hulk took a giant Rock and threw it at the enemy location. The enemy jumped and dodged the attack.

"Enemy Spotted," Rudra said. And saw the Enemy, he looks like a demon with a Dark aura.

Hulk felt angry, he didn't like Coward and he appeared in front of Rider. Hulk grabbed his head and crushed it like a watermelon.

Out of nowhere, a huge figure attacked Rudra from behind but he didn't let his guard down. He dodges the attack but still, the attack made a small scratch on his neck.

'God, I know I'm useless in fighting that's why I'm good at Dodging attacks' Rudra thought and saw his attacker.

His appearance is that of a slender, dark man with his right arm bandaged. His face is a skull. He must be Assassin because he attacked him from the shadows.

Then Hulk appeared Assassin behind and grabbed his head then mashed him to the ground.

"I see, this is a battlefield, kill or killed," I need to improve myself.

Rudras' comm unit then lights up and he activates it, showing a familiar face. It was Ritsuka with his black hair and blue eyes.

"Ah, Rudra! Finally, I came through! Are you ok? We heard sounds and are rushing to the rendezvous." He said running.

"We're ok now, We ran into servants but Hul-... Berserker defeated him. Their Class was Assasin and Rider." he confirms.

"What? You defeated them before me!" A voice from beside Ritsuka

"We ran into a servant ourselves. She was a Lancer but we managed thanks to Mashu and Caster. I'll explain later once we meet up!" The call ends and both run to the waypoint to finally reconnect with the others and finally get some bearings on what was the cause of this mayhem.


It was an abandoned school that seems to be free of monsters as they run-up to the front gates with the others waiting for them. The Director in her black and yellow attire. Ritsuka, who was in the male version of the Chaldea uniform. Mashu was wearing entirely different clothes or it would be better to say armor. It was mainly black with purple outlines and had a big tower shield in her right hand.

"Mash! You are ok!" Rudra was shocked to see the pink-haired Kouhai. Now she looks like a superhuman.

"Senpai! It's so good to see you alive too!" She laughed as her face blushed. Ritsuka laughs at seeing them both so happy. He was relieved to find another survivor out here in the burning city

"Who is this giant," Director asked

"I'm not a giant," Hulk said with an angry face.

"No, you're a giant," She said

"I'm Hulk"

"It's good, that you are okay," Ritsuka said with a smile to Rudra.

"yeah, dude, there is no way I'll leave all responsibility to you" Ritsuka nodded his head.

"Alright, break it up you two." The Director said with a straight face but on the inside was happy.

"Come on. Let them live a little before another fight starts!" The man with blue hair and robes said. He then turns to the Hulk curiously.

"You are new? I haven't seen a new Berserker in my war" He said but offered a hand.

"Names, Cu Chulainn of Ulster. Caster class. Normally Servants hide their identity but the rest in this hell hole already know, so why bother right now." Hulk stares at him for a moment not caring or interested in idle banter. He walks away to make sure the place was secure from monsters.

"I will Guard this place," He said to his master

"Okay, Hulk"

"Not much for chit chat are you?" Caster retracted his hand as the man walks away.

"Well, he likes to do action than talk," Rudra said.

"Damn that stare reminds me of HER," he said looking to the clouded sky.

Hulk looked up at the clouded sky. Now he has to look after Rudra and his friends along on this new crusade. Can he protect them? No, why was that a question? He will succeed, no matter the cost, he will protect Rudra and his friends. He doesn't want to be Lonely again.

"So here is the servant Romani mentioned. A berserker that didn't mention in Human History." The pale blonde said to bring his attention to her as she studies him up and down. She then shakes her head mumbling something to herself but then looks at the Hulk with questioning eyes.

"Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere. You can call me Director Animusphere as I am the head of the Chaldea security force." She said with a sense of authority The Hulk was now getting bored and ignored her,

"H-hey!" Olga was insulted seeing Hulk ignore her and left her.

"Well, He tends to go about his way," Rudra said to Olga.

"I want to know everything" She demanded him.

"Okay, Frist I will introduce him to everyone," he thought of a random Bulshit story for them about his summons for the future.

Then he went to Hulk.

"Hulk, " Rudra said and Hulk saw him.

Hulk saw a Creature on Rudra's Shoulder that caught his attention. It was a small furry creature with white fur with a body that looked like a mix of a rabbit and a squirrel. Small and fluffy.

"Oh...This is Fou, he's Chaldea's resident pet. He kinda got caught up in the ray-shift with us and now he is in the same situation." Rudra said, noticing his gaze at the mentioned creature.

"Hey, let's go properly introduce you to my friends! And they are my friends like you now" he said to Hulk to understand. Then Fou jumps from his shoulder to Hulk.

"Hey Ritsuka, Mash! This is Hulk, Berserker class." He said to his friends as they looked at the newcomer curiously. Hulk just nods with a small wave to look friendly while both just stare at the giant warrior.

"Good to meet you, Hulk." The fellow with black hair then stood up and greeted him with a friendly face regardless of the imposing demeanor of the Hulk.

"I am Ritsuka and this is Mashu," He said calmly introducing himself and Mashu to the newcomer. The purple one steps forward and bows to greet Berzerker.

"I am Mashu Kryilight, Demi-servant to Senpai here. I like to thank you for saving Rudra-senpai, we were so worried after the explosions at Chaldea." She said rising from her bow. Hulk inspected the duo, they both looked like they had just been through one battle after another. Despite this, they are both still smiling and full of determination to stop whatever caused this city to burn. He looked to his master who was smiling with the same, now he understood this both kids have a Hero Heart.

Then Director and caster came to them.

"Don't worry, I will protect Everyone" Hulk said with a deep voice. Now they understood Hulk is a good guy.

"Thanks, but I thought Berserker will act differently," he said

"Senpai, don't be rude. We didn't see Berserker in our life to judge them." Mashu reacted to Ritsuka's ignorance.

"My bad,", He said.

"Well, he is right, Berserker won't act like him, calm and silent," Director said.

"That's why, Hulk is strong than anyone," Rudra said

"What," Director said.

"There is a quote, A wise man said a person who is always calm and quiet is the most dangerous when he shows his anger " Rudra then turned to Hulk.

"What makes Hulk terrifying is he can use intelligence in battle and he won't hold back," Rudra said with a smile.

Hulk smiled at that.

"Guys, you already know about Hulk, he is not from Human History,"

"Frankly, Hulk is from a Fanfiction SuperHero story, that I read when I was a kid. A neighbor's grandpa wrote those stories and his name is Stan Lee. So Hulk is a Superhero from the novel" Rudra said.

"wait, how is that possible, without having popularity, how can a fictional character come from the Throne of Hero? " Olga said

Well, he came from the system and my account.

"I never heard anything like this," Cu said

"I don't know," I said

"Idiot, " Olga said to my face

this bitch, I can't stand in front of this young master,

"Wow, Hulk is a Superhero," Ritsuka said to Hulk and he also liked Superheroes. Even Mashu looked like a Child who likes heroes.

"Well, whatever, If he is useful then it's good, at least you are useful," She said to me and made Ritsuka feel his status.

I'm ready to give a slap to this bitch.

"Ritsuka, mash, Rudra? Can you hear?! It's Romani." my wristband lights up and without taking another pause I activate it. A hologram appears of Dr. Romani.

"Doctor!" Mashu said

"Well, it seems everything is all right now," He said. The last member also came now.

"Oh, director, you are alive!"

"Romani!" The shout of the Olga spread throughout the area.

"Why the hell are you in charge, Romani?! Where is Lev?!"

"Director, how did you survive?! You were in the very center of the explosion!" Roman was unable to keep his surprise, but he nevertheless shook his head and was able to start talking.

"Including me, only twenty people from all of Chaldea survived. Professor Lev was in the very center of the control room when the explosion happened, I think…"

"N-no..." After the last phrase she heard, the girl's eyes filled with tears "Lev, he..."

"I'm sorry, Director," Roman said with regret.

"No, wait." But only after a couple of sobs, Olga still managed to take control of herself.

"Twenty people... Why are there so few?! But what about the masters?!"

"All the capsules are either destroyed or permanently damaged." Said the man in a dark voice "Unfortunately, we had no opportunity..."

"Call in the cryo-storage facility immediately!" Animusphere Instantly reacted.

"But, chief, this is a matter of jurisdiction..." Mashu tried to get into the conversation, but she turned out to be cut sharply.

"Better I end up in prison later than let them die now!" Olga Marie's answer was instant and certain. "Lev... If only Lev was here!"

"Chaldea has lost four-fifths of its functionality." However, Romani continued the report.

"The remaining people are divided into three jobs; controlling redshifting, repairing Chaldea, and supporting S.H.E.B.A. We are trying to establish contact with the outside world. If we succeed, we will be able to get supplies and a rescue team."

After a moment of silence, Roman tried to say it as gently as possible.

"Director, we will build everything back and pull you out. Everything will be fine, chief…"

"Do not reassure me as if I am hysterical!" Contrary to what is implied, the girl shouted into the air. "Of course, we will rebuild everything! So, although I don't like it - Dr. Romani Akiman, before my return, you are appointed as my deputy and interim director of Chaldea!"

"It's my honor, chief!" Trying to convey his joyful smile through speaking,

"So, in the meantime, we are going to solve this problem!" Raising her finger in the air, the Animusphere solemnly uttered. "Our goal is to find the cause of the existence of the Singularity and the cause of the disappearance of humanity!"

"Upon returning, another battle for Chaldea awaits us!" But after bravado, the girl's voice suddenly died out. "Now, with the financiers and magicians..."

"But the right to serve and fight during the greatest difficulties is the honor of the Animuspheree family!" Proudly raising her chin the girl then sighed. "And so now we are going to solve the mystery of the disappearance of humanity!"

Then we explained my summoning history and About Hulk to Romani.

"I see, We will test your Summoning later but right now Solve this problem, Rudra" Roman disconnected after these words.

Then we rested for some time. Then suddenly Ritsuka said to Mashu.

"I'm sorry, Mashu," Ritsuka said with a defeated look on his face.

"Huh?" Mashu said, confused.

"I keep putting you through hard times, Mash. If your master was a first-class mage instead of some commoner, your burden would be much lighter." He said as if he was truly just a common magus just to act as a backup for one of the more adept masters. He barely could keep up with the battle with Lancer and felt like a dead weight for the group.

Rudra himself looked at Berserker, his colleague's words matched his inner feeling about being his master to him. He was a strong and ruthless warrior and now he was paired up with a master who can barely save his ass.

But Rudra was happy at least he had Hulk. If he didn't alive then Hulk will also disappear from this world. But in the end, Rudra is a Human.

"You are human, Senpai," She said surprising both of them

"I'm Happy. Happy that I could form a contract with you as a servant." She smiles and turns to Rudra. Ritsuka smiles at her after hearing her words.

"I can't speak for Hulk but I'd like to believe that he is fine with you as his master." Mashus' kind words cheered up and cleared the doubt they had as masters. Sure they are not the best and we're only selected as a backup, but they are the only ones right now. They need to finish the mission for the sake of those who died during the explosion. Mashu then looks out the window at the dark-coloured sky wondering if this place had a clear blue sky once.

"Yes, Rudra, I'm happy to be with you on your journey" These words are more than enough. Hulk won't express his feelings like this. But Hulk is a long friend to him.

So he is happy to be a master to Hulk. But Rudra decided to become strong.

'If I summon Dr. Strange, I could train under him to become strong' he thought. Before moving.


A/N: I know Mc and Ritsuka are weak but they will train to become strong. But it will take some time.

I wonder How Hercules and Hulk's fight would be.