
Fate is not Fake


pstar14 · セレブリティ
7 Chs

The dream again!!??

when eliana got to the road where she told the cab man to pick her up... Miko came to her...

"hey!😨" he said.. "uh.. I'm not here to make any trouble" he said as he stepped one feet back...

"why are you stepping back.. I'm not going to bite your head of your body🤨😏" she said...

"uh okay... so I'm your new tutor.. and I have to help you with your studies.. I'm free today.. should I follow you home" he said...

"home!!!!??.. no way.. u can't come to my place" she freaked out..

"why not?"... he asked...

"well!!??.. my parents don't like visitors.. maybe your place" she lied..

"uh no... u can't" Miko said..

"why not?" Eliana asked also confused...

"because.. my parents are so annoying and my siblings are super weird" he said...

"then how do u help me with my works" Eliana asked...

"well since we both are in the same class and are seatmates... whenever we're free from class we'd go to the library" he said a d Eliana agreed...

then Miko's driver came.. he wanted to drop Eliana off but she refused and he left soon enough her own driver came.....

when eliana got home.... she barged in angrily...

"hey!! ana?!.. how was your day at school??" belle asked...

"terrible!!.. can you believe some girls called the queen bees spilled their smoothie all over me.. they're so mean... who knew being normal is the worst and exhausting" Eliana cried out...

"I know... but did you make any friend" belle asked...

"yeah.. well not really.... he's just my tutor" Eliana answered

"he?... ooooooooooohh?!!🥰.." belle giggles..

"u can think of it that way but I'm not in to the guy.. he has no friend and is really smart which means a nerd and infact he's not my type" Eliana said...

"okay then.." belle said while folding the laundry...

"my mum and dad aren't back yet?!" Eliana asked...

"they won't be back till the evening..." belle answered..

"okay then.. I'll just go and fix this sh*t" Eliana said angrily and went to her room..

When eliana got to her room, her phone began to ring when she looked at her phone.. she saw Chloe's name on it... she ignored it.. then finally picked up...

"what do you want" Eliana asked...

"hmmm... u sound angry... I guess your first day in school was horrible..😂" Chloe said...

"no it was not... infact I made a friend and he's really nice" Eliana said...

"that's only because you are popular in most towns.. he's only friends with you because you're rich and famous weirdo" Chloe said...

"that's when you get me wrong.. no one knows about my identity" Eliana said..

"you are so dumb?!!.. he's only friends with the person you pretend to be and not the real you...😒😂" Chloe said then hanged up...

Eliana was confused then finally understood... and she hated it when Chloe is right... "she's so annoying just like those m and m's" Eliana said under her breathe...

Later in the evening.. while Eliana was going through her phone... she saw that her Google app had some information about Luca... she tapped on the screen and then different pictures of him were shown...

"wow!!😳😏🥰.. look at those Charming six packs..." Eliana thought to herself and kept scrolling...


Luca was born 18th of October 2003.. he's 17 years, favourite colour is white, eyes are emerald, he loves singing and writing, his favourite food is spaghetti sauce with cream cheese but he hates coffee, he's allergic to dogs but loves hamsters 🐹.....

"what kind of person who hate dogs🥺🥺🥺.. he's really heartless" Eliana thought...

then soon belle came to Eliana's room...

"your parents are back" belle said...

"oh finally.." Eliana said then went out with belle...

when she got to her parents presence...

"good you're back.. I have something to ask?🤔" Eliana said...

"what!?.." her dad asked taking off his jacket..

"well..." eliana was thinking of how to put her words...

"hum.... you can ask later... let's eat..." Elinor said walking towards the dinning table...

when they began to eat...

"oh yeah.. I forgot to ask... how was school today" Elinor asked...

"yeah did you make a friend" Michael added...

"um.. yeah.. and school was great.. I slept, I learned oh yeah I also slapped a girl.." she said giggling at herself 😊😏...

and her parents were surprised..

"you did what!!?" her mum asked...

"why!!?" her dad asked..

"I was just going to the driver until two weirdo's they call the queen bee spilled her smoothie all over me"😠 eliana explained..

"how many times do we have to say it.. violence is not the answer!!?" Micheal said...

"😂.. she deserved it.. they're just jealous of your beauty... when you slapped her, what did you do next.." Elinor asked...

"seriously??!!" Micheal was confused...

"i said that... I know I'm way prettier than you and that's why you always find ways to talk to me but I don't give girls autograph... and when I say I don't wanna talk... I don't wanna talk.. Okay!!....😂😂😂... then I stepped on the other girl foot and walked away... next time they don't mess with me😂😂" Eliana said and was laughing hard..

"that's a good thing to do" Elinor laughed also...

"what??!" Micheal was confused... "on her first day she slapped someone and you say it's a good thing" he asked..

"well that would show the girls who's boss and that way they would know that Eliana is not the type of person they can bully" Elinor said...

After dinner Eliana took a shower and wore her PJs... she was still on her phone chatting with Bryan the guy who played Luca in "mona and the secret door"

their chat...

Bryan's 👇 Eliana's 👇

hey.. so how was your

first day in your new school...

it was great but not really..

what do you mean🤔

some girls were mean to


sorry.. so did you make a

friend 🤔

why does everyone

keeps asking..

I don't know🙄..

whatever, I wanted to ask

something from u


do you think people only like

me for who I am

no?.. why did you ask..

well.. you know, Chloe.. she

told me that everyone wants

to be my friend only because

of my popularity 🥺

maybe that's why she also

became you friend and now

that you left everyone wants

her attention so she should

know that everyone likes her

because she popular 🤨🤔

you know... you are right!!..

anyway... thanks for the

talk.. I have to sleep for

school tomorrow...

yeah me too..

Good night!!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Then Eliana turned off her phone and dozed off...

Eliana's dream 👇...

Eliana was just on her bed sleeping like a little baby until her bed swallowed her.. she opened her eyes and found her self in the middle of nowhere and everywhere was dark.. then she spotted a light coming from a distance..

"hello!!?.. is anyone there" Eliana was frightened..

she took a step back ward and then heard a voice from the light..

"remember be, find me, help me" a trembling voice..

Eliana was confused and yet scared... she moved two steps forward..

"please don't forget me!!?.. I need you.. find me.. I'm really close to you" the trembling voice said again... Eliana decided to move forward and then the light vanished.. which made Eliana more frightened...

"who are you.. where did you go... come back.. why did you keep telling me to find you" Eliana yelled...


then Eliana woke up...

"ugh!!!.. why do I keep having this weird dream" Eliana said to herself..

Eliana tried to sleep but she couldn't so she tosed around on the bed till she finally slept and it was already morning....

this 👉 🤒🥵😴🥴😵 was how she was feeling....

then her phone began to ring.. she opened her eyes and realized it was morning.. she was so tired and went back to sleep... then belle came to knock on the door...

"I'll be down in a minute?!!.." Eliana yelled.... soon enough she dragged herself from bed and went down the stairs...

when she got down she greeted her parents good morning not knowing she was greeting the TV and the speaker...

then she went to the dining and slept on the table...

"are you okay.. darling🤨" Elinor asked...

"yeah yeah... I'm fine... you can go to your work.. have a great day.. bye!!!!" 🥴😴 Eliana said...

then her parents left...

"ugh.. I'm so tired.. I couldn't sleep" Eliana told belle...

"did you have the dream again" Belle asked..

"yeah.. but I still don't know why I keep having the dream..." Eliana was worried

"well.. don't you think you should tell you mum" belle asked..

"no way.. I can't tell her.. she'll worry more... but.." Eliana said then stopped...

"but what!??" belle asked..

"do you think there's anyone I know that I've forgotten" Eliana asked..

"how am I supposed to know that... what I know right now.. is... you should go and have your bath and get ready for school" belle said..

when eliana was ready.. she ate her break fast in the car.. when the car stopped she was already asleep...

then her driver woke her up.. when she got to class, she sat down and unzipped her her bag to bring out her books but suddenly she felt her head getting heavy and slept in her bag🤒🤤😪... soon enough she woke up and went out of class because she found one... then everyone were staring at their phone and laughing.. when they saw eliana.. they all started pointing and laughing...

Eliana was so confused so she collected a guy's phone and saw what they all. we're watching 😨😰....

a Video of Morgan and mae drawing a moustache on her face...

she gave the guy back his phone and stormed off...

later after. she finally got the moustache off.. she went to class and glared at Morgan and mae.. then went to her seat..

later after class.... while eliana was completing her notes she couldn't stop thinking of the dream...

"hey!!.. it's free time.. let's go to the library" Miko said...

"oh right!!?" she answered and followed him...

as they were studying... Eliana's phone beeped.. she took it and saw more INFO's about Luca.. while she was still on the phone... Miko dragged her phone and saw the pictures...

"do you like this guy??" miko asked..

"no??....but he's so cute🥺🥰.." Eliana said..

"so you're a fan 🤨" miko asked..

"no I hate the guy.. I'm not a fan but I just like his appearance 🤨" eliana said..

"okay!!??.. anyways.. why were you so sleepy this morning 🤨" Miko asked..

"it's just a dream I had.. I couldn't get enough sleep but right now I'm perfectly fine 🥰" eliana assured...

"Okay..." Miko said...
