
Fate/illusionary speed

It was just an ordinary day, I took my brother to school, I did a few chores for my parents and while mowing the lawn I'm hit by a car. For most people that would be the end however due to a twist of Fate this is just the beginning of my new life, with a few upgrades.

OmegaDragon · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 38


"I can't believe he made us do that. If people learn about this, I don't know what I'd do"

"I don't really mind. This is the whole reason I came here anyway, beside it because we did that we found"


Just like that I'm awake. Looking at the clock for the time. 4:30am. considering I went to bed a little before midnight, that sucks.

"Can you two be any louder"

"Did we wake you, sorry"

"Hmph, serves you right. Making us work while your here sleeping"

While Arcueid seems a bit remorseful, Altrouge doesn't care.

"Whatever. I'm going back to sleep, you two should sleep too. If your going to come with me to Mifune city, then be ready, I'm leaving after lunch"

With that info back to sleep, given that I was just woken up and still half asleep, I fall asleep rather easily.

After a full night sleep, I wake up to the sound of the tv, it seems the girls are watching tv. Sound like the news, I hear them mentioning damages and destruction that happened last night.

At lest I now know they did what I asked. Getting out of bed I get dressed, before walking over to the table. Seeing a bunch of fruits there I grab an apple and eat, nothing fancy but it will do.

"So. I'm going to say this now. I'm leaving town after lunch, I have to pick up another package before going home.

"What do you do at home"

"The usual, spend time with my family, go to school"

"That's sound boring. I tried school once, I got so bored I almost killed everyone"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't cause any school massacres"

"No promises"

Yep, Altrouge is an interesting person, having said that, Arcueid is not much better, she's just as bad in her own way. While Altrouge is the textbook definition of a true ancestors. Arcueid is an ignorant pain who unknowingly because chaos.

"You know. You are a very mean, short tempered person"

"I have to agree with Altrouge on this one"

At that, I look at the two and think over the last few days. Yep I've been a bit of a douchebag.

"Haaaaa, sorry about that. It's just, I'm not the biggest fan of the moonlit world. The pointless death, killing and backstabbing. I came here to have a happy, relaxing few days. Pick up a few packages, go home and back to school. Now I'm travelling with two true ancestors, primate murder, having said that Fou is adorable. I just killed Nrvnqsr Chaos and now I'm heading to another city, which based on some info I just got, is going to be another annoying trip. Aside from that, I have been having no luck with finding a certain something. So I'm sorry I haven't been the best company"

"I see. It's true that the moonlit world is a very cruel place"


"By the way, what are you looking for exactly that you can't find"

"Nothing. Anyway, let go explore town a bit more before having lunch"

With that we all leave the room to explore town. After two hours of shopping for souvenirs for everyone we stop at a nice looking ramen store for lunch. If I ever find the Naruto world in one of my multiverse journey, I have to try Ichraku ramen.

While we wait for out food I pull out my phone. Seeing the technological wonder in my hand Arcueid looks at it in wonder.

"What is that"

"It's a phone"

"Really, I have never seen one like that"

Rather then Arcueid, It's Altrouge who says that. Looking at her, I can only wonder.

"Do you even know what a phone is"

That comment seems to have offended her.

"Of course I know what a phone is. I'll have you know, unlike the rest of the moonlit world I can appreciate the wonders of modern technology"

At that she pulls out her own phone, a rather new Nokia, new by this year's standards. Its a solid Nokia brick, compared to my samsung S30 I got from another world. It's trash.

"So that some super advanced phone, look, it responds when you touch the screen, where'd you get it"

Looking at my phone how I got it. It happened last year when I tried to push the limits of my speed and accidentally left the fate multiverse.

I know I left the fate world because I was in a familiar empty dark space right next to a clump of shapes in one object. Just looking at it gave me a headache.

Closing my eyes I remember that trip.

(Flashback, 1 year ago)

We're all sitting down watching tv, we just had lunch and Ilya won control of the remote, so obviously, magical girl anime it is. Looking around Sakura and Miyu don't mind. Saphire is happy, and Ruby is extatic. Kiritsugu and Irisviel don't mind, there just happy the kids are happy.

Seeing the situation, I give up to my fate. The episode is about the magical girls saving another world, looking at our resident magical girls who each watch this with a nostalgic look.

Remembering their trip last year to Miyu's world, where they fought the Ainsworth family who wanted to sacrifice Miya as a holy grail to save their world. Needles to say, the girls won, and that world was doomed to 'oblivion'.

Or it would be, if the world's greatest brother wasn't around to fix the world. Kiritsugu's reaction when I told him Ilya and Miyu were kidnapped to Miyu's world was priceless. His reaction after, not so much, I still have no idea how he changed so much, from a clean well shaved man in a nice kimono, to the rugged magus killer.

He went into his room and not even a minute later he walked out as the magus killer, coat, stubble and all. Does he seriously keep his origin rounds in his room, no, how does he keep so many guns and explosives in his room undiscovered. To this day i still don't understand how he did that.

"Man that episode was so fun, it also brought back some enjoyable memory's, what do you this Ilya"

"Yep, I had so much fun then Ruby. I wish I could see more world's, many a world like that, completely different from this"

"Yeah, that would be fun, to bad there are no worlds like that we know about that"


How did I never think of that, primordial speed, other world, I'm an idiot.