
Fate: Hessian does a thing

Hessian gets magic and does stuff in the multiverse.

dervishscyth · アニメ·コミックス
74 Chs

Back home

Hessian POV

Alright, now that the whole Prisma Illya crap is taken care of. I can get back to what I was going to do originally. According to that R.O.B, I should be able to head back to my first dimension. Even if I were to tear into the dimension again, Alaya wouldn't stop me this time.

"SUCK IT ALAYA!" I shout to the world as I step out of the dimensional tear.

[Master Hessian I do not believe taunting Alaya is a wise move] Onyx said and before I could respond I felt an invisible force behind me.

Apparently the collective will of humanity which was named Alaya heard my taunt and decided to respond in kind. I lost my footing as an invisible force seemed to smack me out of the sky, hurtling towards the ground like a meteorite. With a following explosion, I impacted the ground as I found my body broken in multiple places.

"Onyx... please heal me"

[Already on it, Master Hessian.] Onyx replied as I feel my physical body miraculously fix itself.

"Woo, well that just happened." I stood up and looked at the newly created crater on the ground

"Indeed, I must say that was quite the entrance." I turn my head towards the voice which was on top of a long flight of stone steps. "However in the future, I would suggest refraining against landing from such a height." Oh hey it's Kojirou.

Since I can feel the bounded field still around Ryuudou Temple, I'm going to assume that Shirou and Rin haven't dealt with caster yet.

"Well thanks for the suggestion Koji, I'll be sure to remember that in the future." I reply as I lazily stretch my newly healed body. He seemed to raise a brow at my lackadaisical response, probably since I knew who he was.

"Oh? Have we met before? I'd like to think that I would remember an interesting fellow as yourself." He says as he seems more interested than anything else. I guess when you're forced to be a guard at a spot, then it's only natural that you would get bored eventually.

"I've met many people in my travels, but enough about that." I say as I stood at the bottom of the steps. "For now, by any chance would Medea be up for a talk?"

The samurai didn't respond as an unseen voice echoed out

"Assassin, let him through."

"Well if the lady says so, then who am I to deny." Assassin shrugs as he steps to the side.

With a smile, I made my way up the steps

"Bold of you, to walk into my territory alone." Medea spoke as she stood across from the young magician.

Hessian just shrugged "I'm here to talk about this war that you're participating in." he said as he made a table with chairs and offered a seat. This move put the caster on edge as she didn't detect any magical energy used.

Medea didn't move from her position. "Oh? Are you perhaps a master then?" she smirked at his lazy display

"Yes and no. I am a Master but not in this war." Hessian responded as he rested his chin on his hand.

"Also, I'm just here to talk Medea, honest." he smiled as he ignored the hidden spells ready to attack him.

"And why would I agree to speak with you? I don't even know who you are, yet you know who I am."

"Ah right then, I should introduce myself." he stood up with a bow "Hessian Aversis Von Schweinorg. True Magician, Formerly known as Humanity's last Master."

The title of True Magician made the caster scoff "A True Magician? That's quite the claim."

"indeed, but that's not the topic I'd like to discuss. I am here to talk about your involvement in this war." Hessian smiled as he retook his seat.

"My involvement? If you want me to just give up the grail, then you'll be disappointed." she chuckled as she also took a seat

"Even if the grail is corrupted?" he responded

"Hmmph, what nonsense are you speaking of?"

"You should know by now, that there's something fishy with the grail Medea." Hessian responded lazily as he looked directly at her eyes nearly hidden under the hood.

The caster opted to stay quiet. It was true that there was something incredibly odd about this war. But of course it would be odd since she cheated and summoned her own servant to act as a guard.

Hessian sighed at her silence "Look Medea, I have been a Master to many servants. I've made bonds with them in the past and that includes you." he says as he didn't take his eyes off her

"I could have just attacked you out right, but since I understand you to a certain degree. I want to help you out."

"Help me out? What help could you possibly give me?"

"To let you walk away from this war, to let you start over with your current lover. Wouldn't you like that?" he asked as Medea flinched "The grail is corrupted, so it's useless to you. I didn't lie when I said I was a True Magician, so let me help you."

"How do I know you aren't just deceiving me?" she asked as she seemed to tremble

"I would have suggested a geass contract but that would be a moot point." Hessian said as he just realized they can both easily break from contracts "You just have to trust me. I really don't want to kill you." he emphasized as he released his spiritual pressure

Medea shook as she nearly drowned in the young magician's boundless pressure.

"Well Koji, looks like you're coming with me" Hessian spoke as they made their way to Hessian's old house.

"To think that I would switch owners so soon." Assassin sighed as he followed along in spirit form. "Although I do not care much for who I serve, as long as I get to test my skills against the other servants."

The two made their way to Hessian's old house. However what they came to was a completely destroyed home. The bounded field was broken and his basement seemed to be raided.

"Ugh, I'm guessing someone went snooping since I was gone." Hessian commented as he was annoyed at his home being raided. He wasn't surprised that someone got past the bounded field, since he was still new to magecraft back then.

"I suspect this was done years ago." Assassin gave his input from the side

"I agree, they must have been looking for something. However I didn't actually have anything here at the time." Hessian said as he left nothing worth taking before he left "For now, let's just fix it up" Hessian began to rewind the damage done to the building.

In a short time, the house was restored to it's former state. The rubble shifted back into pristine condition and the grass seemed to come back to life.

"Home sweet home"

Hessian spoke with a smile as he took his first steps back to his house.