
The Traveler

It was early morning when Lumine entered Mondstadt.

She had recieved a message from Jean saying that more otherworldly travelers had arrived.

Although she knew they would not be Aether, she was still eager to meet them.

After all, it wasn't everyday someone who was as foreign as yourself also suddenly appeared.

"Hey Lumine! Welcome back to Mondstadt!"

"Hey Amber! Looks like you've been doing well. So where's the two travelers?"

"You look amazing as well! The two travelers went into spiritual form or something last night so they're somewhere here."

As if on cue, the two Servants materialized themselves.

"Hello, name's Lancer. The red guy here is Archer."

"Archer and Lancer? I'm 90% sure those are pseudonyms, but alright. I'm the Traveler, Lumine."

"I'll let you three hang out for a bit 'cause I'm off to scouting! Bye!", Amber called as she sprinted away and out of Mondstadt.

"Bye Amber! Anyway, let's check something shall we?"

Emiya looked confused.

"Check what?"

"Stats and stuff! You two must have some kind of stat numbers and the like given that everyone here also has stats."

Emiya and Cú looked at each other before Cú responded to Lumine.

"Uh yeah. Where we come from, we also have stats. Only two though. What about you?"


As the trio exited Mondstadt, Lumine led them to different areas, all the while explaining the stat system and element system of Teyvat.

"So you're telling me that if I create an elemental reaction, more elemental particles will be generated? And once you absorb a certain amount, you'll be able to utilize an elemental burst?"

"Yep! So let's check your stats now! Just say 'character window' and it should pop up!"

Emiya hesitated before saying out loud, "Character Window."


A gray window suddenly popped up in front of Emiya.

"Hmm....no element it seems. Oh don't worry, I can't see your stats. I can only see your skills. The tabs to the left should say weapons, talents, and constellations, although yours says...CE, skills, and NP? What?"

"Oh, those are from our world", Cú said," CE are craft essences that can be equipped on any Servant-we're called Servants by the way-skills are the unique abilites we can use although we also have passives. And then NP is short for noble phantasm, our ace-in-the-hole like your bursts."

"I see, I see. Well, what's your stats anyway? I can switch between elements, currently only geo and anemo though. I prefer geo though since I deal more damage that way. Anyway, my atk stat is 1,917 with 17,151 hp, 61% crit rate, and a 168% crit damage.

Looking at the stats, Cú asked a single question.

"Is....is that atk stat considered high?"

Lumine blinked. "Yes, why?"

"Well, uh, that's considered low in our world."

Emiya nodded.

"Well what's your atk stat anyway?"

Emiya blinked before coughing into his hands.


Lumine blinked again, "What did you say?"


"You're kidding."

"Nope. For me, 9,398 is at max default level. However, I'm grailed-something similar to limit breaking I guess- to level 100. I also have an additional 2000 atk from extra additives and then the CE-similar to your artifacts and weapon- I am using gives me another 2000 atk. That's 15,379."

"And how about you, Lancer?"

"Well, my base atk is lower, 7,239. I also got grailed to level 100, so that's, uh,"

"9,797 for you", Emiya supplied.

"Right, add in normal fou and that takes me to 10,797. My CE doesn't give me any atk so that's about it."

Lumine coughed into her hand, "What the actual heck are those stats....ok. I'd ask about crit rate and related things, but based on what you told me before, crit rate is stuck at something called c.stars? And crit damage has a base of 100%. Defense doesn't exist. What about health?"

"Our health pools are generally lower than yours. Mine is just under 16k while Lancer's is a little less."

"Ok...", Lumine said pondering, "what about skills?"

"Good question.....", Emiya replied, tapping the tab that would showcase his skills.

"It seems our skills page was modified to look more like yours."

"Yeah", Cú chimed in," it seems our singular skill is set, but we can flip between bursts. Interestin' huh?"

"Wait what?"

"Oh yeah. I've got two here. Wait, what the hell?"

"What is it?", Emiya asked, ignoring the dumbfounded look on Lumine.

"Look at these names! Barbed Pierce of Death? And Soaring Strike of Death? These names don't match up with either noble phantasm! Don't laugh, bastard!!"

While the Cú began to yell at Emiya for chuckling at the ridiculous, shortened names, Lumine quickly shook her head to clear her confusion.

"You can decide your burst? And you have two options?? This, this-urgh!"

"Archer!", Lumine yelled, rounding up on the red bowman, "what about you?"

"Oh me? Hmm."

Archer pondered for a bit, switching between his possible bursts.

"I have three."

"What? That's not fair! Give me one more option!"

Lumine suddenly let out a yell, startling both Servants.

"Ahem, excuse me for a moment."

Turning around, she quickly ran towards a distant cliff.

Watching her leave, Cú and Emiya turned to look at each other.

"What do you think she's doin'?"


Suddenly a loud WTF was heard followed by a lot of cursing and asking why the heck the world was so unfair.


"Great. Ok. So how long we gonna stand here for?"

"I don't know."

"Sooo, what are your options eh?"

"Lost world of Blades, Seven-pointed Boundary, and....and Lonely Mirage : Copy?"

"Ok. I can guess the other two, but the last one?"

"Hmm. Based on the description, it allows me to project a working 'burst' or 'noble phantasm' of someone else. Damage and effects will be reduced by a little. Oh, it's just Projection really."

"Huh. Still, that's hella unfair. Why couldn't I get one more option. Even if this ain't Ireland, maybe add in that noble phantasm?"

"No way Lancer. Our luck isn't that great."

"No need to remind me, Archer. I'm the one who died to it anyway."

"Heh. Of course."

After the two finished they're conversation, they noticed that Lumine was still cursing in the far distance.

"....By Lugh, can you make us some breakfast?"


~After Breakfast(Lumine didn't eat any)~

"Okay, you two high-stat, multiple-burst-option cheaters. Let's test out how well you fight. Right now, we're in the arena of Lupus Boreas, a wolf spirit. Normally, I do this challenge weekly for rewards, but today, we'll be using it to test out your abilities! Now who wants to go first?"

"I'll go. This bowman doesn't like doing something he doesn't understand anyway."

Emiya glared at Cú.

"Hey! Am I wrong?"

"Anyway", Lumine said, attempting to wave away the pending argument, "please jump down here as I get you started!"

As Cú jumped into the arena, Lumine made her way over to the starry sword.

She placed her hand on it and shouted, "Initiate challenge!"

Suddenly, a cold wind blew through the arena before a wolf spirit appeared before them.

"Traveler and her companions, ready to test your skills?"

Cú hesitated for a second before answering, "Hell yeah."

Relax, Cú. It should be okay as your geis is about eating dogs, Emiya mentally said to Cú.

I hope so. Still doesn't sit right with me completely though, Cú replied.

Lumine proceeded to hop out of the arena and sat alongside the edge with Emiya.

"Let's see how long it takes for your friend to beat the boss. Andrius's level is 94 and he has a little over 500k health."

~A few minutes later~

"Done, Lumine!"

Lumine blinked.

"Under 10-minute solo? What the actual f**k??!"

"Ahaha, relax Lumine", Emiya tried to say.

"Absolutely not! What the hell are your multipliers??! And how did you literally just stand still and dodge everything??!"

"Uh, skills and my multipliers are probably better than yours?"

"Urgh", Lumine said, holding her head as if to keep it from exploding.

"Alright, Archer, your up."

~A few minutes later~


"Well of course", Cú scoffed, "that bastard gets a skill that doubles his critical damage."

Lumine turned to Cú. "What did you say?"

"Uh, he has a skill that doubles critical damage? Or actually, I believe it was his passive that activates when he uses his skill because this world messed up our skills a little, but yeah. And based on this world's fighting style, his noble phantasm-burst, sorry-can also utilize that crit damage."

"But that's not it is it?? A duel-wielder bowman with nukes as arrows? That's-that's f**king broken! They literally exploded upon hitting Andrius!"

And the Archer class really is made of archers, Cú projected.

Shut up. You know that got translated wrong.

It's still funny though, Cú shot back.

"Yeah, that bastard was using Caladbolg II a bunch of times in that fight. If it wasn't for the abundant mana throughout this world, his reserves wouldn't have lasted that long."

Hey Emiya, I think Lumine's losing it, Cú projected.

We should probably force her to stop. She looks like Rin when Rin gets real pissed, Emiya replied.

Guess that's it for today, Cú mentally laughed, I almost wanna see her jaw drop tomorrow when we go fight more bosses.

For once, I'm with you there, Emiya replied.


A gray window suddenly popped up in front of Emiya.

"Hmm....no element it seems. Oh don't worry, I can't see your stats. Oh your only a 4* huh? ONLY A 4* HUH?"

Emiya and Cú took a step back.


"4*s aren't worth really that great. The only good 4* is Bennett, but the rest are downright trash. 5*s all the way."

Suddenly, Lumine muttered, "Must get 5* units."

Holy sh*t, Emiya projected to Cú.

Yeah. I didn't think another one existed, Cú projected back.

In unison, the two thought together.

Another Gudako.

We're screwed.

~after checking stats~

Lumine turned her slightly crazed eyes towards the duo.

"Never mind rarities, you two MUST stay here. That high atk will slaughter everything! Wait."

Lumine suddenly stopped ranting, having realized something.

"You two are only 4*s. I wonder what your 5*s are. How HIGH ARE THE ATK OF YOUR 5*S HMM?"

Should we tell her?, Emiya projected.

Sure, why not? We're not 5*s so it's fine. Also, the likelihood that someone will be sent here again is pretty low, Cú replied.

"Well, not every 5* is max grailed, but at our Chaldea, there's one. Her atk value is 16,176, but her base atk value isn't even the highest."

"Yeah. A friend's Jalter has the highest with 15,498 not counting golden fou or CE stats."

"I see, I SEE", Lumine nodded.

She's definitely drowning herself mentally with all those numbers, Emiya thought.

Yep. Definitely, Cú replied.

~When Ganyu was released~

"Um, hello miss Lumine. I'm Ganyu. I hope to be of help!"

"Nice to meet you Ganyu!"

*after attacking some enemies*

Well, Lumine thought, her arrows sure are powerful being literally ice explosions and all. I would've called her a missile launcher or nuke launcher if it wasn't for Archer's arrows literally being explosions.

"Is something wrong, Lumine?"

"No", Lumine replied, a lone tear running down her face when thinking about the two broken beings she met a while back, "not at all, Ganyu."


Lumine -

IWinToLose Gaming's Lumine stats

EMIYA, lvl 100 -

CE: Oni in Human Clothing, MLB

Cú Chulainn, lvl 100 -

CE: One Summer

Miyamoto Musashi, lvl 100 -

CE: Aerial Drive


even longer this time at almost 1900 words




I do not choose stats based on youtubers I like or such. I literally do a little bit of research(coughytcough) for some relatively high atk stats or good builds. I DO NOT watch streams or any long videos as it's tough to find the stats easily. That's why Lumine's stats were taken from a build guide rather than an actual gameplay video.


given how long the chapters are, I'll probably keep to a once a week schedule.


SOTNcreators' thoughts