

We arrive at our next destination, the Armory. After we arrive at the door and open it, I see a room filled with weapons and armor all over the place. However, all the weapons release a weird aura that makes me uneasy just looking at it.


I hear Emiya say it with a sneer on his face. If even Emiya says it was an abomination, then I don't think I can use the weapon or even touch it with my hands. I look around the room, but I can't find any Demon Gods anywhere. The only being inside the room is a woman sitting on the throne at the end of the room where the exit is located.

The woman is wearing REVEALING clothing that only covers her nipple and her cursed hole. Even Beast III/R wearing a cloth that covers her private part. The woman releases an aura that is so sweet I can vomit if I go near her for a minute.

Before I could order my servant to attack, a portal appeared near us, and from it came a servant that appeared from E Pluribus Unum Singularity. I look at Florence Nightingale, who walks toward Fujimaru Ritsuka and says.

"Commander, This place is filthy, let's sterilize this place even if both our lives are on the line."

I step away from the Berserker Nurse, and When I hear her say that our life is on the line, I know that she means it. I look at the woman on the throne and wonder who that woman is, and I'm guessing that woman is Asmodeus, the demon of Lust.

"Asmodeus, The lady of Poison and the personification of lust."

It Looks like my guess is right, the Demon God in front of us is the Lady of Poison, The seductress and the personification of Lust. But why is she here? Why not the other Demon Gods? Before I could finish my thought, Asmodeus raised her hand, and suddenly another copy of the servant appeared near her. The servant near her is the copy of servant from E Pluribus Unum Singularity, and oddly enough, my servant does not appear near her.

"Heh, Now… To kill"

Without even order from Fujimaru Ritsuka, Cu Chulainn Alter already went to the front line with his spear in his hand.

"Well then, it's time for a beating. Disregarding men or women, let's do it until we fall."

After saying that, Beowulf also joined Cu Chulainn Alter, fighting his copy that Asmodeus summoned to fight us. I look at Fujimaru Ritsuka that orders her servant to attack the servant copy that Asmodeus summons. I look at their fight and see that the Servant Copy has the same stats as the original, but I didn't know if they have the same Noble Phantasm that can be used. I hope that this servant is like a shadow servant that didn't have a Noble Phantasm.

I ordered some of my servants to help the others while the rest of them stayed with us, as I don't trust Asmodeus didn't have some kind of trap for us. I look around the room and see there is something weird in the corner of the room, it was like a bug releasing gas, but the gas disappears a second later.

"Archer, Shoot, that bugs in the corner of the room."

Emiya looked confused a little before looking at the location I pointed and widening his eyes. He summons a no-name sword and then shoots it at the bug. As the bug is dead, I see the gas that the bug releasing almost filled up the ceiling before disappearing once again.

"Archer, Search any bug in the ceiling or the wall around the room. Asia Custer, help Archer search for any bug or something weird around the room. I don't know what Asmodeus is planning, but it must be involving poison if the gas is any indication."



I also help them with my magic, but after a few seconds, Asia comes to me and says that I didn't need to use my mana in this task as I need it for the next fight. Hearing it, I immediately let my servant do it, so I don't waste my mana in this task.

I look at the fight between the combination of Fujimaru Ritsuka servant and my servant, our servant is at the winning side as they keep pushing the copy servant little by little. I look at my duo Berserkers that target the nearest servant they can get and beat it with their sword. I look at Lily and Benienma doing a hit and run tactic with the help of Billy the Kid and Robin Hood while Cu Chulainn is fighting against Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Fionn mac Cumhaill at the same time with the help of the original.

"Master, all the bugs in the room have been terminated."

I look around and feel that the room becomes less sweet? Yes, the place becomes less sweet than before we came into the room earlier. When I was about to order Emiya to join the fight, a wall near us began to break, and coming from it were the Demon Gods that should be guarding the Armory.

"Mashu, Help Gudako-san servant against the Demon Gods."

"Yes, Senpai"

I hear Fujimaru Ritsuka orders Mashu, who immediately puts herself in front of me and holds the attack from the Demon Gods that are coming toward me.

I look at Fujimaru Ritsuka, holding the Azoth Sword that I give him and the runestone on his other hand to prepare himself facing the Demon Gods that just appear.

I nodded at him and also raised my staff and Jeweled Sword Zelretch to prepare myself against the Demon Gods.

While I fight the Demon Gods, I glance at Asmodeus, who raises her hand, and suddenly, the entire room slowly fills with a purple gas coming from her. Seeing the gas, I blast the tentacle monster and raise my staff at Asmodeus and cast a spell at her.


Suddenly a powerful gust of wind appears from my staff and goes to the Lady of Poison, bringing her poison toward her as well. Seeing that her trick is not working, Asmodeus rises from her throne and then raises her hand, and suddenly the copy servant begins engulfed with black flame, and after a few seconds, their body begins to release a dark aura.

The copy servant began to roar at their original counterpart and attack them immediately. It looks like Asmodeus enchants her servant to another level. This is bad. With the new strength of the copy servant and Asmodeus guarding the exit, we can't go to the next room. What should we do?


I look at Queen Medb, who walks toward Fujimaru Ritsuka and says.

"Master, please go to the exit after Cu Chulainn activates his Noble Phantasm. He will hold Asmodeus long enough so you can go to the next destination."

This is the first time I see Medb's serious expression. In the game, she is portrayed as a wannabe succubus that is only interested in sexual desire. Because of that portrayal that I forgot she is a queen as well, she is the leader of her own country. Of course, She has a serious expression.

I look at Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is nodding his head at Medb and preparing to run, but before he can do anything, George already puts him on his horse while Mashu rides Artoria horse. I looked at Lily and her horse ready to carry me toward the exit, so I took Lily's hand and got up on her horse.

"Here, he comes."

I look at Cu Chulainn alter releasing an aura of madness around his body and says.

"Slaughter. Without exception."

"Liberate all curses. Without moderation. Be prepared to challenge despair..."

"Curruid Coinchenn"

Suddenly his body began to change, his Gae Bolg began to melt away and began to form an Armor around Cu Chulainn's body. This is his other form, where he gains a boost to his strength and endurance. In this form, he got EX strength and A+ Endurance making him one of the most powerful berserkers in the Nasuverse.


Cu Chulain then disappeared from his current position and appeared in front of Asmodeus before kicking her from the throne and throwing her away.

"Now, Go"

The horse then began to charge in the speed that can't be reached by an average horse, and just a second, we already arrived at the exit and stopped a little for Heracles to open the door and get out the room.


"I thought you are only thinking about sex all the time."

Medb looked at Scáthach before looking at her beloved Cu Chulainn.

"Yes, I love sex, but our master has a bigger burden he needs to face. While I want to have sex with him, sometimes I also know my duty as a servant for my master."

Medb looks at Scáthach, who nodded at her answer and summoned her spears then said.

"Good, I thought you forgot about your duty as a servant."

Scáthach then began to join her Cu Chulainn in the fight with an excited grin on her face.

"Hmmm, maybe I can reward Fujimaru when we come back. Yup, I will make his night more eventful fufufufu."