
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

7. What the wandering knight saw and heard

  [As agreed, you left the royal court. ]

  [From that day on, news began to spread in the land of Britain - a knight killed two of his companions. ]

  [You know that was a rumor carefully prepared by Morgan. She cut off your way back. ]

  [Talent Affinity has been replaced by Affinity·(evil): Rather than expressing your thoughts in a friendly manner, you are now better at using threats with a bad reputation, and your words and deeds will be perceived in a less friendly way. accept. ]

  [The talent Battle Continuation has been enhanced to Battle Continuation+: Because of Morgan's instructions to you by the bathtub, you were able to stand up even if you were seriously injured before you assassinated Vortigern. ]

  [You have been walking alone for a long time, but because of the loyalty to Morgan in your heart, you have never felt lonely. ]

  A small border town.

  Going a little further, we will come into contact with the area where Vortigern's army was wreaking havoc.

  Ian chose to rest here temporarily.

  In a tavern, the townspeople were drinking happily from wooden wine glasses and talking about various things. Although the place may be affected by war at any time, with the blessing of the British army, they are qualified to do so.

  "Hey!" A man with a goatee said with a face full of alcohol, "Have you heard? It seems that a knight killed two of his companions and is now running away!"

  Ian knew that he was talking about himself. He had heard too many similar words along the way.

  But he didn't mind.

  Because everyone is only spreading rumors indirectly, and no one has devoted themselves to researching the truth of the matter.

  This is what Morgan would like to see.


  The vision of the princess is the vision of the knight.

  I am also willing to see such a situation, even if I am in jail.

  "Yeah, I know."

  The fat man next to the goatee nodded in response.

  "How much hatred do you think you need to kill me?"

  "Who knows?" Goatee took another sip of wine, "But compared to this, have you heard anything about the crown prince recently?"

  "I know this!"

  A thin man also joined the conversation.

  "I heard that something was decided before the expedition, right?"


  Ian was more concerned about the information about Morgan than his own affairs. Wearing a coat, he silently listened to the conversation between the three of them.

  [You hold your breath and listen to the conversation between the three of them. ]

  [You heard the ceremony to celebrate the birth of a new heir to the royal family. It seems to have affected even border towns like this. ]

  [You learned a lot from Morgan about that banquet, but the conversation that followed was completely beyond your expectations. ]

  [They believe that after King Uther, the new heir will take over the royal power of Britain and become the new king. ]

  [You realize that someone is spreading certain rumors like Morgan, but even so, you still can't control your reason. ]

  There was a snap.

  Ian smashed the already shaky wine table into pieces.

  The eyes of everyone in the tavern were attracted - they had no idea why this tall man who covered himself with a coat would do this.

  "The king of Britain will not be the new heir!"

  "The glory of this land will always belong to the Queen!"

  Before he could further escalate the matter, Ian threw down enough gold coins to compensate and left the tavern angrily.

  Everyone looked at his retreating figure and looked at each other in confusion.

  "Where did this lunatic come from?"

  "Ignore him, let's keep drinking."

  The pub gradually returned to its original state, as if Ian had never been there.

  [You left the tavern and started traveling day and night. ]

  [You have crossed mountains, crossed rivers, and passed through numerous forests. ]

  [You have entered the area where Vortigern's army is raging, but King Vortigern is also a king, and he is not as easy to find as you thought. ]

  [You realize that you cannot complete the task assigned to you by Morgan if you continue like this, and you need some more radical methods. ]

  [Since you can't find Vortigern, let Vortigern come to you. ]

  [You killed some of Vortigern's soldiers, which is no pressure for you as a knight. ]

  [You kill more and more soldiers, and your words begin to spread in this land far away from the royal court, and this is exactly what you want. ]

  [One day, an old man who calls himself Vortigern appears in front of you. There are no soldiers around him. ]

  [He took the initiative to fight with you and knocked you to the ground in just a few moves. You realized that there was an unfathomable strength gap between you, and you also understood the difficulty of King Uther's expedition. ]

  [Talent Combat Continuation + Trigger: You must never forget Morgan's instructions to you. Your vitality has become extremely tenacious. Even if Vortigern tramples on your wounds and lets blood flow all over the floor, you still do not die. ]

  [Vortigern is interested in you, or in your tenacious will to survive. ]

  [He secretly brought you back to the military camp so that you could get the best treatment. ]

  [Your body gradually recovers, and you realize that your plan was successful. ]

  [On this day, Vortigern appears in front of you again. ]

  "Are you finally awake, young man?"

  Vortigern sat next to Ian.

  "I thought you needed more time, but you look more powerful than I thought."

  Although he opposed King Uther and united with the Saxons, Britain's long-standing enemy, Vortigern at this moment exuded an aura that was not inferior to that of the royal court.

  Ian couldn't even tell whether it was because he was born with such a kingly aura, or whether it was because of the experience accumulated through years of fighting.

  However, Ian did not forget his mission.

  He began to disguise himself.

  "Yes, thanks to your care, King Bailong, I recovered very well."

  "Young man, tell me."

  Vortigern looked directly at the other person. Although he was old, his eyes still had enough courage.

  "Why do you want to attract my attention in this way after traveling across mountains and rivers?"

  Ian's heart trembled.

  Did Vortigern appear in front of him because he had already seen through his intentions?

  "White Dragon King, I was convicted of some crimes in anger. I cannot accept these conclusions imposed on me, so I came from afar, hoping to get your protection and save my life."

  "Ha." Vortigern sneered.

  "Ian, a wandering knight from the royal court, you should be convicted for killing your fellow knights."

Ian gasped.

  Vortigern knew everything, he just wanted to see how he would answer.

  Fortunately, Morgan locked himself up and completely separated his existence from other people during the years he disappeared. Now he only has the crime of killing his companions.


  Vortigern changed the topic.

  "If you had killed not your companions, but your enemies, then there would be no so-called crime, right?"

  "Ian, if you want my protection, prove it with their blood."


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 20 chapters ahead there~
