
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

32. Night tour of Magic Shelter

  "I understand, my lady."

  Looking at Morgan in front of him, Ian answered directly. .

  "Ian, aren't you going to hesitate for a bit?" Morgan looked at the knight who answered her directly without even thinking about it.

  "That is my father's throne."

  "Well, I know that's the king's throne."

  "But that's also the place you long for, My Lady, isn't it?"

  Ian gave a sly smile.

  "Someone has to escort you there, right?"

  [Morgan said nothing more. ]

  [Wearing gauze, she holds your hand and walks out of the room. ]

  [You don't know when Morgan cast the magic she developed on the two of you. During the full moon, even if you are walking hand in hand in the night like this, your figures can be hidden. ]

  [You have arrived at the corridor of the royal court. ]

  [The moon and stars are sparse, and her pace slows down a bit. ]


  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  "Is this the first time we've come here at night?" Morgan asked, looking at the sea of flowers half-immersed in the moonlight.

  "You remember correctly, my lady."

  The fact was that neither of them had been anywhere except Morgan's room.

  After all, if others accidentally discover the peace between the knight and the princess, things will get out of hand.

  But Ian knew that he didn't need to point this out - there was no so-called right or wrong in their answers.

  "Ian, answer me that question again."

  Morgan turned around and looked straight at Ian with a pair of blue eyes.

  "Who is more beautiful, me or these flowers?"

  "I don't want to hear that answer again."

  "It's obvious." Ian smiled slightly, "Of course you are beautiful, my lady."


  "Because just like you, the flowers, also walk in the moonlight..." Ian did not avoid Morgan's sight.

  "Unfortunately though I can only notice you, not the flowers."

  Morgan smiled charmingly.

  "Ian, this is a completely different answer than before. Am I a fickle person in your mind?"

  "My Lady, that's not the case." Ian replied calmly.

  "When the British sun rises, you shine as brightly as it does. Just praising this brilliance has exhausted all the poems, so your beauty can only be buried in my heart."

  "And when the British sun rests, I no longer need to sing those poems, and your beauty is the most eye-catching brilliance under the night."

  Morgan smiled with satisfaction.

  "Ian, your words to coax me are getting more and more beautiful."

  "But there's one thing I think I need to correct you on."

  "The sun never sets in Britain, it just goes to another place."

  "My Lady, you are right."

  [The story of Morgan and Flower comes to an end for now. ]

  [She held your hand and walked through the long corridors in the royal court. ]

  [Countless rooms slowly pass by you, silently describing the majesty of Camelot. ]

  [After the light and shadow intersect, you and Morgan stop in front of a huge door. ]

  [You have never been allowed to enter here, but you know clearly that behind this door is where the throne is. ]

  [You understand what you are dealing with. ]

  "Ian." Morgan looked at the huge door in front of her, with indescribable feelings in her blue eyes.

  "Do you know what's behind this door?"

  "I know, my lady." Ian also looked at it.

  "That's where you think about it day and night, and that's where you'll sit."

  "It's so rare that you always think so."

  The princess's white hands gently touched the door.

  Although King Uther has not opened it for a long time, people with special permission still take good care of this symbol of royal power.

So Morgan didn't touch any dust - although she wouldn't have hated it if there had been.

  "Obviously no one thinks so..."

  "That's because the people have not yet seen your ability when you are in power. Once they understand your vision, they will definitely wake up."

  "So, my lady..."

  Ian also put his hand on the door - an act that clearly violated his identity.

  "Let me open this door for you."

  [The heavy wooden door is slowly pushed open by you. ]

  [The tracks at the bottom of the door each draw a quarter of a circle on the ground. ]

  [You know that you are doing something that could lead to death, but you have no complaints about it. ]

  [Because you know that's what Morgan needs. ]

  [This time, it's your turn to hold Morgan's hand and lead her into a place she has fantasized about countless times. ]

  "My Lady, we are coming in." Ian reported.

  Morgan looked at everything bathed in the moonlight before saying a word for a while.

  "Ian, do you understand what you mean?"

  "I understand." Ian nodded in response.

  "A knight who knew nothing about heaven and earth broke into the king's meeting throne in the middle of the night."

  "And you, the princess, are the smart person who has noticed all this."

  [Morgan completely understands what you mean - she knows that once discovered, you will take on everything immediately. ]

  [However, she doesn't need you to do this. ]

  [She has full confidence in her magic and does not think that she or you will be discovered by anyone. ]

  [But you also noticed something. ]

  [You find that her eyes have been looking at the throne not far ahead. ]

  [You realize what she is thinking. ]

  [You know it's time to help her for once. ]

  Morgan's eyes still stayed on the throne where King Uther once sat.

  She could feel her heart beating loudly, and every pulse was clear, as if it might be separated from her chest at any time.

  Morgan knew that she was a little paranoid in this way.

  But she also knows that these paranoia are the foundation that supports her soul.

  Since there is always someone who will become the king.

  Then why can't this person be myself?

  Memories of ambition by the lake compose a restless mood.

  It wasn't until Ian's voice came that Morgan returned to reality.

  She heard an apology.

  "I'm sorry, my lady, please allow me to be rude once."


  Before Morgan understood what this meant, Ian had already bent down and picked her up.


  Two steps.

  Three steps.

  Ian delivered Morgan to the throne at a very standard pace.

  "My Lady, you should sit like this."

  "Standing is what a humble knight like me should do."

  Listening to these words, Morgan's hand gently touched the edge of the throne.

  The coldness on her face disintegrated little by little, replaced by a light red color like when she got pleasure from Ian.

  "No, Ian, you should kneel before me."

  Morgan supported her chin with her right hand and leaned sideways on the throne.

  One of her jade feet pressed against Ian's inner thigh.

  "As a knight, don't you need my canonization?"


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 25 chapters ahead there~
