
Fate/DxD: Karna

After his death in the great war of Mahabharata, Karna was asked by his father, the Sun God, Surya, to become the god of sun in his place. Follow Karna as he tries to navigate being a god, getting worshipers, saving the world, and reaching the pinnacle of godhood, sitting besides the primordials while unintentionally acquiring a harem of uber powerful beauties. [DxD][Fate][Harem][Handsome Male Lead][Overpowered Male Lead][Mythology][Action][Adventure][Good Male Lead] A/N - Harem will be limited. NOT every woman with big titties and their mothers will be in harem.

Indian_Rake · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

The Battle Starts

The man was a young, handsome man with a sinister look yellow eyes & gray hair that floats behind him like a tail & two chest-length bangs. His robe was white with a gray stripe. He also had three blue jewels on his forehead and yellow earrings.

"Loki, why are you here? No... more importantly how were you able to come here?"

Seeing the sinister Norse god of mischief, Gabriel had a worried look on her face. She knew that he was trouble, along with his group.

"Ahh... Gabriel, I was able to enter your god's dimension because of... well that's a top-tier secret. Oh, by the way, Lady Artemis is here too? I extend my greeting towards you."

Loki replied with a smirk. It was clear that he had no intention of revealing his method.

Artemis didn't know how to respond to Loki's antiques so she just nodded.

"And who are these little girls? I think they are not your normal little girls."

Loki wondered looking at Rias and Akeno.

"The redhead is the sister of Sirzechs, Rias Gremory, and the other one reeks of a fallen angel."

The extremely gorgeous woman alongside Loki commented with an emotionless look on her face. Hearing her words both the girls got angry but it was hard to focus on anything else other that their headaches.

"She is Sirzech's sister, Grayfia? Well, there are too many important people in this group isn't it?"

Loki replied to Grayfia.

"But who is this only man among your group? Don't tell me he's some normal servant of yours to carry your bags."

Loki asked in a mocking tone before bursting out in a laugh. His statement attracted scornful looks from all four of girls from the Karan's group.

Though even Grayfia was curious to know the name of Karna as he looked so godly that his gaze seem to melt her ice-cold heart.

"I'm Karna, the new Hindu God of the Sun."

Karna replied with pride.

His answer didn't surprise Loki as it was obvious to him that Karna was extremely powerful, maybe a god.

But the one to show the most intense reaction was Grayfia. The emotionless face she had for the entire duration showed extreme anger directed towards Karna after she heard his name.

In an instant, she materialized and shot an ice spear with immense power and speed toward Karna.

Karna just mentioning his name, broke the threshold of tension that was accumulating between both the groups, and now a violent clash was inevitable.

Before the ice spear can reach Karna, Gabriel came between the spear and Karna and used her light spear to destroy Grayfia's ice spear.

"I wish that we didn't have to fight but you leave me no choice, Grayfia."

Gabriel said with a stern and angry voice as twelve angel wings came out from her back. Grayfia attacking Karna without any warning had angered Grayfia more than the group entering her father's.

"Move aside, Gabriel. My brother lost his arm because of that man, and he will pay for this with both of his arms."

Grayfia said as she summoned some ice shards with her power as readied herself to fight Gabriel. Just like Gabriel, Grayfia's back grew ten wings, but unlike angel wings, they were demonic bat wings.

Grayfia nodded in disagreement and readied her light spear to take her on.

Karna who was confused till now why did such beauty attack her after hearing his name as he had taken her purity forcefully now remembered how he ripped Euclid's arm in Gremory territory.

As pieces begin to gather together, Karna realized that Loki and his group must have come for Solomon's ring just like themselves.

Seeing that a fight was just about to break out between Grayfia and Gabriel, Loki gestured to the large wolf to flank Gabriel and take her down while she is focused on Grayfia. Reducing even one number of enemy groups will give them a great advantage.


The massive wolf groaned as he run to gain momentum for his attack on Gabriel. But the moment he was about to jump on her, an arrow hit his neck making him lose his balance.

"Nice shot! Did you see that Karna?"

Artemis jumped in happiness as she saw the massive wolf hitting the ground.

The wolf even though got pierced in his neck by the goddess of the moon's arrow, stood up as if nothing had happened to him. Instead of Gabriel, his gaze was now focused on Artemis.

"I expect nothing else from the God-devouring wolf, Fenrir. But prepare yourself to be hunted, child of Loki, as you have crossed paths with the Greek Goddess of Hunt."

Artemis said as a serious and excited expression covered her face as she thought of hunting Fenrir. She put another arrow on her bow and aimed toward Fenrir.

Karna was surprised to show the serious look on the usually cheerful goddess. He found her change in demeanor extremely fascinating. But it was not the time for all of this. He was not going to stay idle while Artemis and Gabriel are risking their lives for the plan he made.

But before he could move his attention toward the leader of the group, Loki. The two other big wolves also entered the fight between Artemis and Fenrir. And those two wolves were not your normal wolves either. Karna guessed that if the largest wolf is Fenrir then the other two must be his children, Skoll and Hati.

'If she fights all three of them alone, then she will lose...'

Karna thought to himself. While Gabriel could hold her against Grayfia, Artemis won't be able to take down all three of the wolves together. Neither he could spend his time helping Artemis, leaving Loki free.

Karna looked at Rias and Akeno whose faces showed fear from gods fighting while they were still barely holding the pain from the headache. He wanted to ask for their help... but will it be right for him to ask for help from such little girls.

But he had some trust in those little girls, especially Akeno, who had been trained by him for quite some time.

"Rias, Akeno, could you please help Artemis?"

Finishing all his hesitation, he politely asked them.

"You just have to take the attention of Skoll and Hati for a while."

Karna continued as he knew that under their current strength, there was impossible for them to defeat anyone present here.

Even though Rias and Akeno had barely any strength left in them from struggling against the headache, they enthusiastically agreed. Even though they have to risk their lives, they would no way in hell let go of an opportunity to impress Karna.

The girls nodded and without wasting any time ran towards Artemis to help her fight against the wolves.

As all the enemies were engaged except only one, the Norse God of Mischief.

"Beautiful sight isn't it, Karna?"

Loki walked toward Karna as if he had no enmity.

"Ready your weapons, Loki. I don't want to fight someone unarmed."

Karna said as he summoned his bow.

"If you say so..."

With a smirk, he raised his arm. From his palm, a purple mist started emitting. In a minute, the Norse god got fully covered in the mist but the mist didn't stop there. It kept growing, enveloping Loki's surrounding slowly.


Hey guys, Indian Rake here.

So tell me if you want so descriptive fights or should I end the fights in the next chapter and quickly move towards some interesting scenes?

Also give me some ideas that you have that I might incorporate in this fanfic.

Thank you and sorry for such a long break.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Indian_Rakecreators' thoughts