

Sirius Wilhelm, the last of his family, is ousted from his era. His very identity being erased as a result of a forbidden transmutation used in desperation to get back that which kept him from crippling loneliness. Read on as Sirius treks through the time when the Romans ruled Britain, to when Uther Pendragon took the throne, all the way to King Arthur battling Mordred to save a burning kingdom. The biggest question at the end of the day is, will the past Change? ————————— Before you read, I have two tiny warnings to give. If you hate it when ANY kind of nerf happens to the main character and any side characters, then you probably don’t want to read this. And if you hate it when characters make somewhat obvious mistakes in the heat of the moment, then again, this book is not for you. I do not own anything except my OC. P@treon.com/Oofster0_0 *replace the @ with an a* Being rewritten

Oofster0_0 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 23

A week later after the battle, Sirius was resting in his laboratory when he had a strange feeling of of being watched suddenly. He turned his head and looked around the place and scanned the area with his magecraft, but didn't find anything.

'Odd....I could have sworn I felt something....'

"Vivian! Can you please come here for a second!"

Vivian walked through the door. "What is it hon? Still having trouble with creating that prosthetic of yours?"

Sirius shook his head. "No. Do you have a feeling of being watched suddenly?

Vivian dropped the joking attitude and scanned the whole forest, but still found nothing. "Are you sure you felt it?" Sirius nodded and worked faster on getting his new arm functional. When he was done with it, what was revealed was a automail arm.

Sirius then set up a golem needed for the installation procedure which would be a painful endeavor to go through, but it was the best Sirius could come up with in the time span given to him.

"So you want me to reconnect all of the severed nerve endings into this automail you've built?"

"Yes. I needed someone who knows the body extremely well so there are no hiccups in the operation." Sirius was fiddling with the golem he needed to calibrate the automail and oil it, then it would inject prana into the prosthetic allowing Sirius to induct his magic circuits into the arm, giving him a working functioning arm that was just as capable as his original.

"Ok, just tell me when I should do it and then we can put you to sleep."

Sirius shook his head. "I won't be sleeping for this one. I need to be awake and you'll know through the golem."

Then the operation took ten hours putting the arm on and hooking up all of the nerve endings along with implanting his magic circuits into it. The whole thing was an excruciating experience but it couldn't be compared to when his whole body was remade by the dragon heart he used to stabilize his life.

"Phew this thing feels weird...." Sirius was flexing his new arm and even transmuted the table to test all of it's parameters. "I won't test it's physical parameters just yet since I need to work out some kinks but otherwise I think I am a genius~"

Vivian rolled her eyes. "Whatever just head off to bed. You sat through ten hours of what amounts to torture." Then they went to bed holding each other comfortably.

What they didn't know was that this was the exact moment a certain will was waiting for.

'Lucid dreaming?'

Sirius awoke in a field of flowers. When he looked around he found a table with a young lady sitting under it, seemingly waiting for something.

"Hello might I ask who you would be to impede upon my sleep?" The girl turned her head. She had long white hair with dark yellow eyes and such a pale complexion that you would wonder if she had anemia. She wore a bright white dress that sunk down onto the flowers.

"I'm Alaya, the collective subconscious of humanity. Pleased to make you acquaintance Sirius Wilhelm."

"Right.....So what do you need of me 'Alaya'?" Sirius really wasn't believing anything right now and simply thought this was some kind of weird dream that was caused by the earlier operation.

Alaya turned it's head back to the meadows gazing upon it's peacefulness. "I'm here to make a deal with you." It's head turned to him again, emotionless. "Instead of destroying your existence and righting proper human history. I will instead have you right your wrongs and in return you are allowed to exist."

"Those are some threats you're making Alaya" He narrowed his eyes coldly at it.

"If you don't listen to what I have to say then the being who will exterminate Britain will succeed. which we both do not want."

"And I should believe this because...?" Sirius was skeptical to say the least.

"Because if you play around with this then everything you know and love will be destroyed, and you will be unable to save any of them."

That got Sirius, very serious. He refuses to play around with statements like that especially since he has already lost a lot. "I'm gonna need some proof before I listen to this deal of yours."

It nodded and proceeded to show itself in it's true form. Sirius witnessed what pure unbridled collective subconsciousness that was designed to perpetuate humanity felt like. The will's of several million humans accumulated into this vast vortex that seemed to swallow him.

"Ok, I...…I believe you. Now tell me about this force that's going to exterminates everything."

Alaya nodded and explained. "Oberon-Vortigern. A fairy cursed by a story that is what he is known by. A Midsummers Nights Dream, everything is a dream illusion. The events that transpire near him are not worthy of the truth." Then it turned it's head to him.

"Much like how you are unable to lie with your origin." Alaya stated plainly.

"Oberon-Vortigern, or just Oberon, will destroy everything because he detest it. But not like your thinking, he doesn't outright hate everything he just has it built in him to eradicate everything like an instinct. Much like Gaia's beast."

Sirius was trying to understand through all the mumbo jumbo Alaya was saying when it said a line that stopped him. "Beast?"

It waved him off however so that it could continue the previous conversation. "With you all filled in I believe it's time to tell you. Oberon will come and you will not be prepared after spending such a long time helping the King of Knights govern her kingdom which will evitability decrease the amount of strength you gain."

It was a warning to Sirius that he couldn't allow himself to spend his time at Camelot, not when trouble is on the way. "I see....What about Artoria? She wields one of if not the most powerful holy sword no?"

"She could contend if Excalibur had it's thirteen seals deactivated, but...." It turned it's head to the side. "Sigh, Gaia would never allow it's fairies to unseal the holy sword, especially not for you humans."

"Well shit. How else are am I going to kill Oberon then? My Arcane can't use it's abilities too many times in succession without breaking, not to mention that I don't even know if it can sever Oberon's mystery."

That was a little concerning, at least he wouldn't feel too rushed and mess up his magecraft, and True Magic. "He will appear in ten years time. So, during the time frame we have, you will fast forward with your original plan of going to the Land of Shadows and spending five years there training. "

But she wasn't done. "Then you will reforge your sword with the help of the Six-Sub Bells that are currently in Avalon. This gives you the highest chance to win, and with the minimal amount of casualties."

Sirius nodded. "All right, but I need to make one stop at the Camelot before I go. I was supposed to be Artoria's advisor after all and I can't just run out on them without filling at least her in."

Alaya seemed reluctant but agreed nonetheless. "Fine. Go and alert the King of Knights about the situation, but only her. The Magus of Flowers can't see Oberon with his clairvoyance anyway...."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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