

Sirius Wilhelm, the last of his family, is ousted from his era. His very identity being erased as a result of a forbidden transmutation used in desperation to get back that which kept him from crippling loneliness. Read on as Sirius treks through the time when the Romans ruled Britain, to when Uther Pendragon took the throne, all the way to King Arthur battling Mordred to save a burning kingdom. The biggest question at the end of the day is, will the past Change? ————————— Before you read, I have two tiny warnings to give. If you hate it when ANY kind of nerf happens to the main character and any side characters, then you probably don’t want to read this. And if you hate it when characters make somewhat obvious mistakes in the heat of the moment, then again, this book is not for you. I do not own anything except my OC. P@treon.com/Oofster0_0 *replace the @ with an a* Being rewritten

Oofster0_0 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 22


Vortigern's body rocked the earth with it's impact while Sirius fell softly just behind him. Only two problems were left, a gaping hole and missing arm.

"Sirius!" Artoria rushed over to her friend and knight in arms as she cradled him in her arms. Sirius reached over with all of his remaining strength and put the heart in Artoria's hands and pointed over a his chest.

Artoria would have hesitated putting a dragon heart into Sirius had it not been for the fact that death was knocking and Sirius would either have to answer soon or get away from the door.

Once she put it in his chest he tried to transmute the heart, connecting it to his blood vessels and arteries. But he couldn't do the required sequence in activating his circuits for said spell, a clap.

However, he didn't need too as the heart did it on it's own, with no help from Sirius. The new hearts thump rocked his chest for a moment as a torrent of blood and power that were forming to match his body filled Sirius's being. One thing Sirius didn't account for however was the pain that came with it.


He could feel his blood vessels burst, slowly being replaced with new ones, better ones. After that was done his magic circuits were next. in the center, a core was formed, supercharging all of his circuits and giving him a massive dose of od.

After all was said and done, Sirius was no longer just human, he was now the same as Artoria, a dragon.

Vortigern watched on as his draconic body faded back into the body of a feeble old man. He watched as Sirius used HIS heart to save himself from death. In the end.....he failed.


The white dragon laughed, and laughed as he watched on witnessing his failure. Artoria appeared in front of him with Sirius's left arm hung over her shoulder.

"You two! As long as you two live, Britain will have no future because your dragon essence will be at odds with the oncoming Age of Man. AHAHAHAH!"

It was the best joke he had heard and died laughing. Artoria simply turned to Sirius who shook his head and the two grabbed their weapons and left to regroup with the others.

On the way there Sirius turned off the True Magic he had going on all this while causing blood to pour out of his empty arm socket.


"Don't worry about it, lets get to camp first, ok?" Artoria nodded and threw Sirius over her shoulder sprinting off to get help. The blood loss slowly putting him to sleep as the camp and a group of knights appeared rushing toward them.

"Welcome back, Sirius Wilhelm~"

Truth welcomed the tired Sirius, waving at his with his new right arm. Sirius snorted at the display before looking into his true magic.

The principles his magic worked on were....complicated... Something he couldn't fully understand as of now. What he did know was that he could 'hide' from certain things, that was the best way he could explain it right now. That is how he was able to stay alive while having no heart in his chest or right arm in his socket, he 'hid' himself from the 'injury' and that extended his time.

Sirius sighed. He liked his true magic, but the price he paid was a little steeper than he first thought. He needed both hands to transmutate, now that his right arm is gone he need a replacement.

"Not ever going to talk to me~?" Truth said in his usual laughing tone.

Sirius turned his head to him. "What are you? What is this place?"

Truth smirked. "I am everything and I am nothing. I am Truth and I am God, and I am also you~" Then he turned his head at the surroundings. "As for this place, it is realm that opens a path to Akasha as you know~"

Sirius mulled over his words on his identity, but couldn't find anything other than the fact that it was a divine spirit of some sort. The information on the space though, excited him a little. Truth's smirk grew. "That white haired mage is looking into your body~" Truth said while filing his new arms nails.

"Farewell Truth. May we talk again next time." Then he disappeared from the space. He may have lost an arm to Truth but he wouldn't let that beat him down, after all, there are worst things than losing an arm.

"Sirius? It's good that you're awake, I just got done giving you a look over."

Sirius opened his eyes to find white haired Merlin sitting next to his bed with a book in hand. "What's the situation?"

Merlin sighed and shook his head. "I don't know how you lost your arm, but it's much worse than just losing it." He pointed at Sirius's heart. "You should be fine now that you have a dragon core as it is funneling power, but that's thing, it's powers aren't doing anything to repair the damage."

Sirius was confused. He knew that a transaction between him and a supposed divine spirit would have repercussions, but he strangely felt weaker than before.

"The arm is gone to us, but to the core? It thinks it's still there, which baffles me." Merlin threw his hands up in irritation. The dragon core should be repairing the lost arm but instead it's power that it's putting into the operation is being drained into somewhere else that Merlin can't pinpoint.

Sirius thought about it before having an epiphany. 'Fuck! I'm still connected to my arm spiritually so the nutrients meant to go to me are going to him!'

Sirius had found why he felt weaker than before he got the dragon core. The only thing he could think of is going to Artoria and asking her how she manually controls her core and cross reference that experience to allow him to control his core.

"Sigh don't worry about it. I will ask Artoria next time I see her on how she does it. Then I will head over to Vivian's place to recuperate." that's when Artoria walked in.

"Sirius how are you doing?" She asked worriedly.

"Could be better, but I am alive, that's what counts. Though I don't think I can be apart of the fighting force right now as I am having a little problem." Artoria was filled in on the details and told Sirius on her experiences with controlling her core. Then she had go deal with other matters and told Sirius goodbye.

'Like magic circuits....' He turned to Merlin.

"Welp, see you Merlin." Then Sirius got up and left for his personal tent to pack up his things for the displacement. He couldn't risk being around someone like Merlin, not when his origin stopped any actions or words that were comprised of lies.


"Thank God I don't need both hands for displacement!" That's when Vivian could be seen rushing out to meet him and jumping into his arm.

She was happy he was alive, but not so happy about the one are situation. "Sirius Wilhelm! Why do you only have one arm!"

"Well.....It's kind of complicated....."

"I'm listening."

"Well I kind of made a deal with that being in that space, who I now know goes by Truth-" He told her everything of what happened. The woman already knew about all of his abilities and even if he didn't tell her, she would be able to see through the lines and find out anyway.

"Sigh, well the important thing is that you are alive. Come lets go inside."

While this was going on, there was one being who was not going to pass up the moment of weakness that Sirius was experiencing. With the fact that he barely understands his magic, he can't control the huge influx of prana in his core, and he can't use alchemy effectively.

Alaya was not going to pass up on meeting with the pest that messed up the timeline and has put it on the road to extinction.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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