

Sirius Wilhelm, the last of his family, is ousted from his era. His very identity being erased as a result of a forbidden transmutation used in desperation to get back that which kept him from crippling loneliness. Read on as Sirius treks through the time when the Romans ruled Britain, to when Uther Pendragon took the throne, all the way to King Arthur battling Mordred to save a burning kingdom. The biggest question at the end of the day is, will the past Change? ————————— Before you read, I have two tiny warnings to give. If you hate it when ANY kind of nerf happens to the main character and any side characters, then you probably don’t want to read this. And if you hate it when characters make somewhat obvious mistakes in the heat of the moment, then again, this book is not for you. I do not own anything except my OC. P@treon.com/Oofster0_0 *replace the @ with an a* Being rewritten

Oofster0_0 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 20

[A/N - So wouldn't normally ask this as it is kind of a spoiler but I want to know what you guys think. I want to go into a holy rail war for spoiler reasons that I am not going to say, but I don't know which one. So you give me your advice on either or.

Fate/Unlimited Blade Works



And note that he will be a servant, mind you he will still have free will. You know being a strong heroic spirit and all that.]


The knights of the Round Table ride on through the city saving as many peasants as they can. But they cannot be everywhere at once.....


"Stell- Ugh!" The mother's hair was gripped as a soldier panted down her neck, her clothes slowly being ripped from her body.

"Shut up bitch! You will lay there and you will pleasure me and you will like it!" Then he turned to the little girl and grinned, maleficently. "She can have her turn when I am done with you~"

The mother's eyes widened in despair at what was happening. She would do everything to protect her daughter. "You can use me however you want and I won't fight you, just-" Her teeth gritted together as she pleaded with the man. "Just don't touch my daughter!"

The man laughed as he quickly stripped her naked. When he was done he started to strip, but before he could even get the belt undone an arrow pierced through his skull, splattering the mother in blood.

"Well shit. Hope she isn't traumatized."

On the rooftop Sirius stood with a black bow in his hands. "Sigh, I truly am hot garbage with a bow~." He looked at the bow in his hand and sighed once more.

Sirius while journeying through the city found multiple cases of similar to that of the mother and daughter. He could not overlook such an action so he pulled out a bow from a displacement bag he had created a few days prior and shot them.

He could have killed them with magecraft but he was saving every drop of prana he had to help fight Vortigern with Artoria. The peasants looked on as they witnessed a knight in a red robe help the other knights and soldiers clean the city with precision.

"Ha! This is kind of growing on me...."

Shooting another arrow, Sirius ran from rooftop to rooftop until he came upon a situation that was dire. "Get in a line peasants!" The man lashed his whip and commanded his subordinates to pull out any who fell out of the manmade line so that they could be put at the front. "You will be our shield against the rebels!"

The peasants started to panic at the reality of it all. Sirius's face scrunched up in disgust at the action. 'Think you're more important than them do ya? Think you're hot stuff?'

Sirius pulled the bow back, his arrow glistening. "Die." The arrow let loose splitting up multiple times into the exact amount of arrows needed for the soldiers.


The arrows took them down one by one sending the soldiers into a panic. "Peasants! Protect me or I'll crack you with my whip!" The commander stated before he pierced in the knees, crippling him.


The peasants slowly got up and watched as Sirius left with the flutter of his robe.

"Sir Sirius."

"Knight of Mystery....."

"Arrow of Peace."

Sirius suddenly felt the strange urge to curl his toes as he hopped towards the castle to back up Artoria. 'Why do I have this prevailing feeling of embarrassment?'

The city on fire and Vortigern, in his pitch black armor, sat on his throne solemnly, his arrogance not stalling for a second. He looked down the hall knowing that soon, soon his nephew would arrive. Soon he would truly send Britain back to the Age of Gods. That way the mystery of Britain would stay alive.


The doors were thrown open as Artoria marched in, Excalibur in hand. She pointed the holy sword at the tyrant king. "Stop this uncle, your path will lead to the ruin of Britain."

Vortigern grinned, his smile twisting at unnatural angles making it eerily creepy. "That's what you're missing my dear~" Then he stood up from his throne and blasted open a stone wall in his castle showing Artoria the burning kingdom, the people being slaughtered in the chaos.

Staring into the burning kingdom he stated. "This is exactly what I want~" He turned to Artoria. "This is what you should want~"

Artoria's face scrunched up in disgust and hate. "I fight for the people of Britain! I want their happiness not their destructi-

"Tsk tsk tsk." He appeared in front of Artoria in an insane burst of speed, surpassing anything she could react to. He waggled his finger in front of Artoria, then he poked her multiple times with scorn. "You are not human! You are a king, a dragon! You 'fight for Britain', you fight for the humans not Britain itself!"

He shot his arms out wide. "The Age of Gods is where we belong, not here, not in this....this....Age of Man!" The disgust in his voice was almost palpable. Then he took out his sword, his scorn for Artoria was plainly seen.

Artoria readied Excalibur. "I refuse to use my true form against someone so....lesser. Come. Prove to me that my way is right!" His sword clashed with Excalibur sending sparks across the hall and pushing Artoria away.

Vortigern's swordsmanship was pure brutality, pure strength. There was no technique, no strategy, just overwhelm the opponent. Soon Artoria started to lose ground as Excalibur's light started to dim with each of his attacks.


Eventually he knocked Excalibur out of Artorias hands and held his sword at her neck. "Why do you resist? Why do you not accept it? Why do you cling to humanity? Britain must fall. You must perish. If this island is to be defiled by human hands one day, then I will bring it back to its original form. I must turn Great Britain into hell. A paradise of darkness forever uninhabitable by man."

His voice booming through the hall of the castle making it vibrate it's very foundations. Then he lifted his sword up ready to cut Artoria down. "Farewell little dragon. Die knowing your life and death meant nothing."

His sword never reached her neck. "We have come Your Highness!" Gawain and Bedivere appeared in front of her, protecting her. "You-" Gawain defended with Galatine against Vortigern's hand which grabbed the blade. "Wha-" The light slowly left the blade under Gawain's eyes before a fist deformed his face that sent him spiraling out of the castle.

"Gawain-ugh!" Bedivere was hoisted up by his neck slowly dying.

The Tyrant Kings expression was twisted as he spat out in hate. "Look! This is what you're protecting! These pathetic vermin who grew too much for their own hide!"

Just as he was about to kill Bedivere a shout rung out. "Arcane!"

A blast of red filled the Vortigern's eyes which sent him flying away. Then a man appeared from the torrent of red, falling on his face.


Sirius face planted right next to Artoria, who deadpanned at the display. "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

Sirius dusted himself off as he shot her a hurt look. "What do you mean I 'did that on purpose', of course I didn't do that on purpose!" Then he shrugged his shoulders. "I mean it was the best way to make a meaningful entrance so~"

Then he handed her Excalibur. "Bedivere, leave. This is not something you should mettle in."

"Bu-" Bedivere protested.

"Go!" Bedivere turned his head finding a white dragon growing in size and he turned back to Sirius and nodded his head running to help Gawain and the other knights with evacuating the kingdom.

"Ready to slay a dragon?"

"Is that even a question?"

The magus and king grinned as they turned to the now castle size dragon that stood in their path. Sirius stood with a glowing Arcane and Artoria stood with her dimly lit Excalibur. A second later the two shot off at the dragon to free the people of Britain from destruction.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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