

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 16: Negotiations(2)

After the red faction seized the great Grail, the black faction, suffered many losses. But, even so, now the clan Yggdmillennia, gathered in their negotiation room, all the masters and servants that were willing to oppose the red faction.

They understood that there was no point in acting separately, because that way, they would all die and Amakusa's plan would be created to life. Precisely because of this, Yggdmillennia wanted to ask everyone if they were really going to move against Amakusa, along with them.

- May I assume that you will join forces with us? - As always, in her soft voice, Fiore asked.

- Temporarily, until we defeat Amakusa Shirou.

The master saber of the reds, Sisigou Kairi gave his consent to the alliance, and Fiore smiled again, glad that the negotiations, were going smoothly. Now it remained for her to ask the last one who had not yet responded.

- What do you say, Avenger?

At the table sat a young man dressed in a white shirt and black pants. He was playing playtime with a girl who called him mom. It was as if they were in their own world, unaware of what was going on around them; during the entire negotiation, they never once said a word, nor did they pay any attention to them.

Ciel ignored Fiore's words, and continued to play with Jack. And that pissed off the others.

- Mom, they're saying something to you...

- Why don't you start calling me father, - he continued sadly, - because it makes me uncomfortable.

Jack shook her head in rejection of his suggestion. The fact that they ignored the others couldn't last long, for slowly, it began to piss the other servants off as well.

- Please, please be more serious, - Jeanne said a little angrily.

After the rudder's words, Ciel did manage to pay attention to them. Though he looked very unhappy.

- Do you agree to an alliance with us, - Fiore asked again with a soft smile.

Ciel stood up from the table and walked towards her, he looked her in the eye, his cold glint that never left the Avenger's gaze made Fiore a little nervous. The wait for his answer, lasted about five minutes, and yet he carved out time for him:

- I refuse.

Avenger's short answer surprised everyone in the room. Fiore couldn't figure out what to do in such a situation... She understood that Ciel was a key part of their force, and also if he agreed, the assassin would take their side as well.

- May I ask the reason for your refusal?

- Uh-oh, - Ciel said a little surprised, - the reason you say... You know, I'll tell you, in honor of the fact that you surprised me a little.

Ciel knew that Fiore would try to change his mind, but he didn't expect to be able to remain so calm after his abrupt answer. Ciel went back to his seat and sat back down comfortably and continued:

- See, you don't have a plan, and I can't go off half-cocked, I'm not a berserker after all. You'd better tell it to your brother, and his servant.

The mention of her brother, greatly alarmed the others. Fiore could not remain calm, and her soft smile disappeared... revealing a murderous glint in her eyes. To which Avenger responded, with a smile of his own, as if wishing his companion all the best.

- We really don't have a plan right now, but we need to unite first-

- "And we will win," he interrupted her, continuing, "is that what you mean? You don't seem to understand... Amakusa has gathered some very powerful servants around him, whose powers we don't know. At the same time, they know the powers, all of us. So I'm not going to join an alliance that doesn't even know what they're going to do.

- What's wrong with an alliance-

- Shut up, - Ciel said in a cold voice, - I wasn't talking to you...

With harsh words he silenced Astolfo, indicating that he had no right to interfere in the conversation. Ciel then closed his eyes, indicating that the conversation was over. Fiore did not know what to do, for he understood that his power was necessary for the sake of victory...

- I think we should calm down a bit.

A tall man, with long hair, walked into the meeting room. His clothes were wrinkled and he looked as if he had just woken up. There was a fire of confidence in his eyes that came back to him.

- Grandfather?! - Fiore hadn't expected Darnic to come, but seeing the light of life in his eyes again, she opened again in a soft smile.

- I didn't expect the wretched mage to show up here.

Darnic looked at the young man, who was stretched out on his chair, eyes closed. He slowly made his way to his chair and sat down at the conference table. While some were surprised at where he sat...

- Grandfather, why did you sit there? - Fiore asked in bewilderment.

It was because Darnic had sat in the chair to the right of the head of the clan. Showing that he no longer considered himself the head...

- What are you talking about, Fiore? This seat belongs to the head of the clan of Yggdmillennia. Which is you, Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia.

Darnic's words stunned many in the negotiating room, for they knew how proud and strong he was. But even so, his actions spoke volumes about his recognition of Fiore as the head of the clan.

- Well, if you don't mind, Head, I'd like us to begin discussing the alliance, with all the servants, and their masters, about the coming battle with the red faction. - with a soft smile that could never be seen on his face, Darnic said.

- Yes. - Fiore answered briefly, and sat down in the head seat. There was a certainty in her eyes that she could rival the kings.

Thus, the true negotiations began now.

Darnic, with a glance, asked Fiore if he could begin, and she, with a slight nod of her head, gave her consent.

- As I'm sure you know, the number of those who can fight on our side is greater than that of the red faction. Whereas they, are ahead of us in combat power... And even so, we have every chance of defeating them.

- If you say so, you have a plan, don't you?

- Yes, I do, Avenger, - Darnick looked at him as he continued, - First, we need to distribute the units correctly. Sieg... you'll take the lancer of red, while you, the rider, will have to take the Hanging Gardens.

Sieg and Astolfo nodded in approval of their role.

- Archer of the Reds, Atalanta. As Chiron already said, she won't have any trouble getting our forces in the sky. So, I want you Chiron to take care of her.

Chiron's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect to have to fight against her:

- I'm sorry, I understand how dangerous she is to us, but why are you directing her to me? I thought I should take over, their rider, Achilles.

- I wanted to, but there's a more suitable servant for him now, - Darnic said, glancing at Ciel.

- And anyway, Achilles has the skill of divinity, so he won't get hurt without the same skill that only I have here.

Chiron's words were true, and that's why he didn't understand why he wasn't chosen...

- That won't be a problem... - Ciel answered, one eye ajar, - but even if, I can bypass his

Divinity. That doesn't mean I can fight him as an equal. After all, Achilles is a rider, and he also has a very famous history so he probably possesses a lot of, strong phantasms...

- You're right, you'd really, really have a hard time dealing with him... if you didn't have your phantasm, the "Endless World of Despair"...

Ciel sat, turning his calculating gaze on Darnic. There was silence in the room, everyone was looking at Ciel, waiting for his answer.

- Darnic, do you know what my phantasm does?

- Of course, because the Blacks' Lancer, fell at your hands... - he continued with a slightly sad smile, - Everyone who falls into your noble phantasm loses their powers... their phantasms, their skills, their parameters, it all goes down in power.

Indeed, it was a very powerful phantasm. To lower all the characteristics of the servants is certainly an incredible power.

- Well, if you know what he's doing. Well, let me tell you how much their parameters drop, - he finally turned his attention back to them, and continued, - You see, how much their powers drop depends on their lives... on how much despair they've brought to others.

Ciel's voice was a little detached, and cold... When he spoke, of his phantasm, it was as if there was fire in his eyes... a fire of hatred that could burn through this world.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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