

After the Reality alteration was completed it was time to wait for the all the needed moon cells to be produced.

After about 30 minutes all the necessary moon cells had been created and it began looking for a host to work as administrator, obviously it wouldn't want to take to long so it would connect to the closest sentient entity which would be Taylor he was currently on the moon itself.

[ Connection established… granting position of administrator…. Complete.]

[ Greetings administrator, we are the Mono Orbital Observation Nexus or code name M.O.O.N our functions allow us to observe, record and simulate the new Solar systems we are sent to.]

[ Unfortunately this one slipped past the cracks and so we arrived very late.]

A glint passed along Taylor eyes as he immediately understood that this is how the reality was altered when reality alteration's Independence altered reality, and obviously when Taylor consciously altered reality with the way he worded it it made the moon no longer able to develop a will of its own so only Taylor can now create the Avatars if he so wants.

" I see and what do I do as the administrator?" Taylor questioned.

[ You don't need to do much administrator as all our programs can run without any need for intervention, all you need to do is make sure that we don't have anything corrupting us or we are at risk of losing control, aside from that you have the authority to have us do whatever you need of us, we even have a manual for the administrator to read over, though we don't know if you can read the language.]

"Trust me the language wouldn't be a problem for me." Taylor said as he remembered his universal language that he got originally it was C rank but throughout the millennia's he got the same skill at higher ranks now it was S rank with an improved description.

[ (S) omegaversal language : regardless of species, culture, dimension, universe or timeline, you will be able to read, write and speak the Language just as fluently as it's natives can.]

Through magic the M.O.O.N materialised the instruction manual for Taylor to use.

After reading through it Taylor had a risky but useful and effective idea, he will have his systems hacked by the moon and his systems would learn fron how they where hacked and create stronger firewalls until the moon is unable to hack his systems.

And naturally, he would have it so that the Moon would immediately leave after hacking the systems and have it record none of the information it got but delete it instead.

He requested this of the moon to confirm that it is viable to do so.

[ We can, but why do you want us not to record the information that you have already recorded?]

" Because you are here so late you have missed much of what could have been recorded while I do have those records I will only give them to you after you can no longer breach my firewalls as a thank you for all that work."

" So what do you say will you accept my request?" Taylor said this with no small amount of hope.

[ Processing… administrator request… not administrator order… request approved.]

[ Very well administrator we will accept the request.]

" wonderful." Taylor said with a smile.

After coming to an agreement Taylor proceeded to return to his living quarters, and talked with Firefly, while the Androids and robots disassembled the nets that would go into deployment storage and also return the ships to the hanger bays.

" So Firefly what do you think of my first change to the canon?"

[ Personally, I think it was a very smart move on your part Master, not only can the crimson moon no longer build a civilisation on the moon but you can also better prepare for the velbor 2 arrives.]

( AN: Velbor 2 = sefar)

" Well that was the plan but the one thing I could never work out was if the crimson moon was a person or the moon it's self."

" But regardless the first action for my plan went pretty smoothly."

[ Indeed, Master.]

" Anyway Firefly did I get my 10 special pulls for the change to canon."

[ Yes you have Master, would you like to use them now.]

" I would indeed Firefly."

[ Right away, Master.]

* Gacha pulling SFX*

[ Congratulations Master you have received…]

[ (S) True understanding of Souls : You have delved the furthest into the enigmatic field of study regarding souls at least as far as a mortal can study souls unless you come face-to-face with a god who's domain involves souls you are the unquestioned foremost authority in the field.]

[ (EX) Connection to the root of Akasha : After you make the connection you will have surpassed everyone that calls themselves a mage while using mage craft, you will learn true magic and only those of your bloodline can use the same true magic that you got after they to connect to the root of akasha.]

[ (A) All Knowledge of magecraft : With the exclusion of A few notable figures in history you are one of the most knowledgeable people in the field of magecraft, though compared to the True magic it is basically a dollar store version only those who connect to the root of Akasha have the right to use true magic.]

[ (B) Mastery of Music : You have become one of the best professional in the field of music only true geniuses who also work hard are better that you.]

[ (B) Mastery of Literacy : You have become the best professional in the field of literacy only true geniuses who also work hard are better than you.]

[ (B) Mastery of Art : You have become the best professional in the field of art only true geniuses who also work hard are better than you.]

[ (EX) Metamorphosis : This is a skill that will allow you to change not only your species and gender, but the very nature of your being, you're able to decide to what extent the change occurs.]

[ (C) A magic pistol : A pistol that never runs out of ammo and shoots magic bullets.]

[ (C) A magic pistol : A pistol that never runs out of ammo and shoots magic bullets.]

[ (EX) Slave seal : A Seal that can enslave anything and anyone, how it functions are up to the users decision.]


[ … ]

" I'm not even gonna ask about that last one."

[ Understandable master.]

" well anyway, I'll absorb all the knowledge first and then I'll make my connection to the root of akasha after I understand all the knowledge I just got."

[ Alright, I'll give you all the knowledge right away, Master.]

After Taylor absorbed all the Knowledge that his pulls got him he began spending the next few millennium truly making all the knowledge his.

In one of the training rooms Taylor was currently trying to use one of the Thaumaturgical systems, projection, fortunately he had two things going for him.

The first was the fact that there was no other magi so all the fixed magic power from the root that magecraft could access was his to use.

The other was the fact that he confirmed that he has all 5 elemental affinity's.

The only thing going against him is the fact that mystery is in abundance, and anyone with even a microcosm of knowledge would know that mystery basically tells Physics to go and fuck itself and considering that magecraft uses Science and physics as it'd base to create a magical phenomenon, makes it very hard to use.

But regardless once he was able to do projection he will have Mastered all of the magecraft Thaumaturgical systems and only then will he make the connection to the root of Akasha.

" Alright it's time to begin."

Blue cybernetic like mana lines began glowing along Taylor's arms all the way to his finger tips.

What he was trying to project was a polearm that he had forged so that he could see how a projection measured up to the original.

Obviously he has already projected other things before but none of them would be as strong as this polearm.

After the successful projection of the polearm Taylor put both the original and the projection through a Battery of tests in order to test their differences.

After they both went through the tests Taylor also timed how long the projection took to disappear, It disappeared after 20 hours bare in mind that all the fixed mana was at Taylor's sole disposal.

While looking over the result screen Taylor concluded that the projection could output about 30% more than the original. The drawback was that it couldn't last forever and it would last even last time whenever more users of magecraft appeare.

" All in all i'd say I have now mastered projection, this means I have completely mastered all the magecraft knowledge that I have received, now it's time for me to make a connection to the root of Akasha."

" There will now be a new first magic user."

[ Congratulations, Master you are as impressive as always.]

" Thanks for your word of kindness Firefly, truly I appreciate them."

Now Taylor Dawned his Ironman suit and went to Earth where he had set up a place to connect to the root of Akasha and he already let the moon know that this would be happening and to try and record it as he wanted to know if the moon would be able to record such a thing.

Fortunately without Gaia or Alaya the counter force would not be able to stop him making a connection to the root of Akasha as it doesn't yet exist.

' Ok Firefly I want to use the Connection to the root of Akasha.'

[ Right Away master.]

Immediately after it was used Taylor felt like he was wrapped up in an Ocean but able to breathe without problem, it was so refreshing the feeling of not needing to put effort into anything, if he was someone of weak willpower he probably would be devoured by the Akasha.

It felt like it lasted for a few lifetimes but also felt like it was less than a second, when he heard a voice it was a voice that soothe the soul.

" Hello There it would appear that in this timeline you're the first to connect to my roots."

It was the will of Akasha.

Taylor chose to remain lying down as it was not only comfortable but also the position that the will of Akasha put him in.

" Greetings will of Akasha I'm afraid that I didn't know that we would meet or I would have appeared more presentable." Taylor replied to the Akasha's greeting.

" It is of no concern to me how one presents themselves I just like to talk to the children who have connected to my roots." Akasha replied.

" So child do tell how far along is civilisation in your timeline currently?"

" Actually there isn't one as the planet hasn't even fully formed, let alone begin hosting life."

" Oh now that is interesting there is extremely few timelines that have a life form that exist before their species have been born."

" Yea I can scarcely imagine."

After that the Akasha kept talking his ear off and after what felt like an eternity it was finally time for Taylor to return.

" Hey Akasha what true magic will I get?" Taylor asked.

" You will know when you return so have fun I look forward to our next meeting."

" Alright I'll talk to you later Akasha."

And so just like that he returned.