
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Moonlit Confrontation

The conversation within Shirou's home continues, the air heavy with the weight of alliances and shared convictions. As Eden, Lancer, Shirou, and Saber discuss their intentions, a sudden knock at the door punctuates the stillness. Shirou's gaze flickers toward the entrance, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension in his eyes.

"Please don't let it be Fuji-nee again," Shirou mutters under his breath, a hint of exasperation in his tone. He approaches the door, his hand reaching to slide it open.

With a creak, the door swings open to reveal a figure framed in the entrance. And in that moment, the room's atmosphere shifts from quiet contemplation to a convergence of unexpected presence.

Rin Tohsaka stands at the threshold, her gaze sweeping over the room with a mixture of assessment and intrigue. Her violet eyes meet Shirou's, and a knowing smile tugs at her lips.

"Surprised to see me, Emiya-kun?" Rin's voice carries a hint of amusement, her tone laced with familiarity.

Shirou's expression shifts from apprehension to a resigned acceptance. "I guess I should have expected it."

As Rin steps further into the building, her eyes catch sight of Eden and Lancer, their presence a confirmation of the situation's complexity. Her gaze narrows slightly, a mixture of recognition and calculation in her eyes.

"Ah, I see you've already made some acquaintances," Rin's voice carries a casual tone, though her eyes hold a hint of wariness.

Eden and Lancer meet Rin's gaze with equal curiosity, the room's energy shifting once again with the introduction of a new player. Eden's eyes catch a glint of annoyance in the gaze of a figure standing slightly behind Rin, his arms crossed in a display of casual defiance.

Archer regards Shirou with a mixture of mild irritation, his gaze flickering toward Eden before settling back on his Master.

Shirou's voice carries a note of resignation as he introduces the group. "Rin, this is Eden and his Servant Lancer. Lancer, this is Rin Tohsaka, and her Servant, Archer."

Rin's smile holds a hint of amusement, her eyes lingering on Eden and Lancer for a moment before shifting to Saber. "Well, well. It seems we've all had quite the eventful night."

Rin's gaze sharpens as she regards Eden and Lancer, her curiosity evident. With a tilt of her head, she poses the question that lingers in the air. "So, what brings you and your Servant here?"

Eden's lips quirk into a small smile, his gaze meeting Rin's with a hint of amusement. "Well, we're not here for tea, that's for sure."

Rin's eyebrows arch in surprise, her gaze flickering between Eden and Lancer. She opens her mouth to respond, but Shirou interjects before she can voice her thoughts.

"Actually, Rin, there's something we need to discuss," Shirou's voice carries a note of seriousness, his expression resolute. "We've formed an alliance."

Rin's violet eyes widen in genuine shock, her features momentarily frozen in disbelief. "An alliance? You're joking, right?"

Shirou's expression remains steadfast as he shakes his head. "I'm not joking. Eden, Lancer, and I have decided to work together. We believe that by uniting our efforts, we can uncover the truth behind the Grail War."

Rin's surprise gives way to a mixture of incredulity and skepticism. "You can't be serious. Working together? You know how dangerous this war is, right?"

Shirou's tone is firm as he responds. "Yes, I'm fully aware. But I believe in the potential for change, for breaking free from the cycle. Eden and Lancer share the same conviction."

As Rin's gaze remains fixed on Shirou, Eden takes a step forward, his voice carrying a note of warmth and familiarity. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. I'm Eden, and this is Lancer."

Rin's gaze shifts to Eden, her eyes narrowing slightly as she regards him. "Eden, huh? You seem awfully sure of yourself."

Eden's smile holds a tinge of mischief as he replies. "Well, I've had my fair share of challenges. And a bit of a run-in with you and your Servant, actually."

Recognition flashes across Rin's face, a mixture of surprise and remembrance. "Wait, you're the one who... that was you this morning?"

Eden's smile widens, his gaze meeting Rin's with a glint of camaraderie. "Yes, that was me. Seems like we've had quite a memorable introduction."

Rin's violet eyes narrow as she regards the group before her, her initial skepticism still evident. A sigh escapes her lips, a mixture of resignation and pragmatism entering her voice. "Fine, I'll accept this alliance. But don't think for a second that I trust any of you completely."

Shirou's expression softens with understanding as he nods. "I wouldn't expect you to, Rin."

Eden's gaze meets Rin's, his own demeanor serious yet hopeful. "Trust is earned, and we're willing to work towards that."

Rin's lips curl into a small smirk, a hint of her usual confidence returning. "Don't get too comfortable. I'll be keeping an eye on all of you."

As the tension eases and the alliance finds its footing, Rin's voice takes on a more purposeful tone. "Speaking of which, I've managed to track down Caster's location. I've narrowed it down to a specific area, and it's not far from here."

The room's atmosphere shifts once again, the focus turning to the new lead Rin has uncovered. Eden's gaze sharpens as he leans forward, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "That's important information. We should gather our strength and investigate immediately."

Rin's nod is firm, her eyes holding a determination that mirrors Eden's. "Agreed. We can't afford to waste any time."

The group's footsteps echo through the quiet streets as they make their way towards the Ryudou Temple. Archer in the lead, guiding their way. The moonlight casts elongated shadows, and the anticipation in the air is palpable. Rin's gaze drifts towards Eden, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Hey," Rin's voice is casual, yet there's a hint of inquisitiveness. "Back when we fought, I noticed you using magecraft without incantations or gestures. How did you manage that?"

Eden's lips curve into a small smile as he glances at Rin. "Well, I just did. It's something that comes naturally to me."

Rin's eyebrows raise in skepticism. "Just did? That's not an answer."

Shirou's voice chimes in, his curiosity piqued as well. "I have to agree with Rin. Magecraft usually requires proper incantations and gestures to work."

Rin nods in agreement, her gaze steady on Eden. "Since we're already working together, how about I teach you a thing or two? And Shirou can join in as well."

Eden's smile widens, and he exchanges a look with Lancer. "I appreciate the offer. I've never been formally trained in magecraft, so it could be helpful."

Lancer's voice carries a note of amusement. "You might learn a thing or two, Eden."

Rin's lips twitch into a smirk. "Don't get too confident. Magecraft is complex and requires precision."

As they continue on their path, the group's conversation shifts towards the nuances of magecraft. Rin shares insights, explaining the importance of incantations, hand gestures, and the delicate balance of energy manipulation. Shirou, while already familiar with some magecraft, listens with interest, absorbing the information with his characteristic determination.

The group arrives at the Ryudou Temple, its ancient steps leading upwards toward the heart of the structure. The moonlight bathes the temple in an eerie glow, and a sense of anticipation hangs in the air. As they ascend the steps, Eden's gaze catches sight of a figure standing ahead. A flash of recognition courses through him, and his steps falter briefly.

Lancer, attuned to Eden's reaction, approaches him with a steady presence. "Something wrong, Master?"

Eden's voice is tense as he replies, "I recognize that servant. It's Assassin."

Lancer's brows furrow, his attention shifting to the figure standing ahead. "Assassin?"

As they continue their climb, Lancer's gaze fixes on the figure, his voice carrying a mixture of caution and curiosity. "Assassin, why did you attack my Master?"

The servant, clad in Japanese attire, offers a deep bow, his voice carrying a tone of regret. "I apologize for the dishonorable attack. But I was following my Master's command."

Rin's confusion is evident as she questions, "Your Master? Is Caster your Master?"

Assassin's voice is calm as he confirms, "Yes, Caster is my Master."

Shirou's brows furrow in response. "Wait, I was attacked by a different Assassin servant earlier."

Archer interjects, his voice carrying a note of practicality. "We can sort out the details later. Right now, our focus is on confronting Caster."

Saber steps forward, her presence commanding. "I will remain here and face Assassin. I want to test his blade."

Eden's gaze shifts between Assassin and Saber, his reluctance evident. He opens his mouth to protest, but Saber's focused gaze holds him in place.

Sensing the unspoken conflict, Archer's voice cuts through the tension. "We can't afford to delay. Saber's decision is sound. We'll confront Caster first."

As the group ascends the temple steps, their footsteps mingling with the hushed night air, a sudden gust of wind stirs the atmosphere. Their gaze turns skyward, and their eyes widen as they witness a figure soaring through the air with an ethereal grace.

Caster hovers above, her form bathed in moonlight, a serene smile gracing her lips. Her voice carries on the wind, a haunting melody that greets them with an eerie welcome. "Ah, my dear guests, how wonderful of you to arrive."

Lancer's grip tightens around his lance, his presence shifting into a stance of readiness. Archer's fingers tighten around his bow, his expression poised and, in his characteristic way, somewhat smug.

Caster's laughter rings through the night, a musical sound that resonates with a sense of otherworldly power. "How delightful. The stage is set for a most intriguing encounter."

Lancer's voice cuts through the tension, his tone carrying a note of challenge. "Don't underestimate us, Caster."

Archer's gaze remains unwavering as he adds, "Just a friendly piece of advice, Caster—your dramatic entrance could use a bit more flair."

Caster's smile widens, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, Archer, always the critic. But perhaps simplicity has its own elegance."

The moonlight casts a surreal glow on the scene—a confrontation poised on the precipice of the unknown. As the group stands united, weapons drawn and resolve firm, they prepare to face the servant who has held them captive in her enigmatic grasp. Amidst the moonlit shadows and the echoing winds, their journey continues.

Writing this stuff ain't easy. Help a dude out.

Pandapastacreators' thoughts