
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 7 : Threads of Unity

With the sun beginning its descent, casting a warm and golden hue over the church grounds, Eden finds himself in a moment of respite. He stands by the courtyard, his gaze focused on the vibrant tapestry of colors painted by the sunset.

"Lancer," Eden's voice carries a sense of casual fellowship, addressing the heroic spirit who stands beside him, currently in his spiritual form. "I'm going to head into town for a bit. Just to unwind and get a change of scenery."

Lancer's presence shimmers subtly, his blue form a calming presence by Eden's side. " A change of pace can do wonders. Just remember to stay vigilant, Master."

Eden nods, a grateful smile playing at his lips. "Of course. I won't let my guard down, especially now."

With Lancer's silent acknowledgment, Eden heads toward the path that leads to the town. As he walks, his thoughts wander, the weight of the Grail War momentarily lifted. He finds himself strolling through the lively streets, the sights and sounds of the town offering a reprieve from the battle that looms on the horizon.

As Eden turns a corner, he finds himself in a quaint marketplace. His gaze lands on a couple browsing through a grocery stall, their interactions a heartwarming scene against the backdrop of bustling activity. Eden's path coincides with theirs, and as he steps forward, an unexpected encounter unfolds.

"Sorry about that," Eden's voice holds a polite tone as he brushes past a cart, he takes in a teenager still in his school uniform if the matching orange blazer and trouser was anything to go by and a woman in a light-blue button up blouse with golden hair, their expressions a mix of surprise and friendliness.

Shirou offers a warm smile, his kind brown eyes meeting Eden's. "No worries. It's a busy day here. Are you from around here? My name is Shirou Emiya, and this is Saber."

Eden suspicious at first as he looks at the woman named Saber, decides to leave it be . He returns the smile, feeling an unexpected sense of ease in their presence. "Not exactly, I'm staying at the church nearby. Just decided to take a walk. I'm Eden, Eden Wright. "

Saber's gaze is soft, her voice carrying a gentle curiosity. "The church? Are you a priest there, Eden?"

Eden chuckles softly, shaking his head. "No, not a priest. I'm just passing through."

The conversation flows naturally, the interactions with Shirou and Saber a welcome divergence from the turmoil of the Grail War. As they chat about the town and its charms, Eden finds himself drawn into their closeness, a reminder of the ordinary moments that make up life's tapestry.

As the conversation with Saber and Shirou draws to a close, Eden's expression holds a mixture of gratitude and warmth. "It was really nice meeting you both. Take care."

Shirou offers a firm nod, his voice carrying a hint of camaraderie. "Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

With a final exchange of farewells, Eden continues his journey, intending to make his way back toward the church. On the way, the simplicity of the evening was well appreciated a chance to relax. His gaze shifts to Lancer, who stands nearby in his spiritual form.

"Lancer," Eden's voice is firm, his resolve evident in his tone. "I'm going to need you to do something for me."

Lancer's blue form shimmers slightly, a quizzical expression in his eyes. "And what would that be, Master?"

"I want you to scout the area," Eden explains, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Look for other Masters and Servants. See if you can gather any information."

Lancer's gaze narrows slightly, a hint of concern surfacing. "Scouting is one thing, but leaving you alone in this situation is another. What if something happens?"

Eden's gaze remains steadfast, his determination unwavering. "If something happens, I'll call you back using a command spell. But I need to gather information, Lancer. The more we know, the better our chances."

Lancer's expression softens, a sigh escaping him as he concedes. "Very well, but promise me you won't take unnecessary risks."

"I promise," Eden's voice holds a note of gratitude. "Thank you, Lancer."

With a nod of understanding, Lancer's presence begins to fade, his form dissipating into the surroundings.

As night descends over the town, Eden's steps slow as he finds himself lost in thought. The allure of respite has given way to the practical concern of lodging. He contemplates his options, his mind grappling with the reality of his situation. The desire for a safe haven remains strong, but the means to secure it are elusive.

Just as his thoughts begin to weigh heavily upon him, Lancer's presence shimmers into view, his blue form standing beside Eden, a hint of urgency in his eyes. "Master, I've just witnessed something you might find of interest."

Eden's attention snaps back to the present, his gaze meeting Lancer's. "What is it, Lancer?"

Lancer's voice carries a tinge of concern as he recounts his observations. "I noticed a young boy with red hair being attacked by an Assassin-class Servant. I recognized the command spells on the boy's hand, but I hesitated to intervene."

Eden's curiosity is piqued, his concern for the boy evident. "And then?"

Lancer's gaze becomes more intent, his voice carrying a mix of intrigue and relief. "A blond girl suddenly appeared, clad in armor over a blue dress. She confronted the Assassin and protected the boy. I believe the girl is a Servant, a Saber."

As Lancer describes the scene he witnessed, a flicker of recognition ignites in Eden's mind. His gaze narrows slightly, his thoughts racing to connect the dots between Lancer's account and his own experiences.

"Lancer," Eden's voice carries a note of urgency, his tone eager. "Did the boy you see have red hair and was he wearing an orange uniform?"

Lancer's gaze holds a hint of surprise as he regards Eden. "Yes, that's precisely how I would describe him. Why?"

A mixture of realization and determination takes hold of Eden's expression. "I think I saw that same boy earlier in the marketplace, the one you described. He was with a girl, blond in a light-blue blouse browsing through a grocery stall."

Lancer's eyes widen with a mixture of intrigue and realization. "It seems our paths are intertwined with theirs, Master."

Eden nods, a sense of purpose settling over him. "If that boy is a Master, then his safety is our concern as well. Lancer, let's find out more about this situation. We may have an opportunity to forge an alliance."

Lancer's presence shimmers with a renewed sense of purpose, his agreement evident. "Agreed, Master. Let's proceed with caution."

Guided by their purpose, Eden and Lancer navigate the town's dimly lit streets until they arrive at a familiar house, one that Lancer had recognized from earlier. It's Shirou's home, a place that holds significance in the unfolding of their journey.

As they approach, the scene before them is a tableau of conflict. Lancer's spear clashes with Saber's blade? one couldn't tell there was nothing in her hands after all. Their clash ringing through the air, their movements a dance of power and precision. Each strike and parry is executed with calculated finesse, a testament to the prowess of two heroic spirits locked in battle.

Eden's heart races as he takes in the intensity of their clash. It's a battle that transcends time and reality, a convergence of might and destiny. With a deep breath, he steps forward, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "Stop! Both of you, stop!"

Lancer and Saber momentarily break their clash, their weapons held at the ready as they regard Eden with curiosity and caution. Eden's gaze moves between them, his expression a mixture of earnestness and resolve.

"We're not your enemies," Eden's voice is steady, his words chosen with care. "We saw what happened earlier, and we want to help. We met at the marketplace earlier. We're not here to fight you."

Saber's eyes narrow slightly, her gaze holding a flicker of recognition as she regards Eden. "You met us at the marketplace?"

Eden nods, his intent clear. "Yes, I did. And I recognized you from Lancer's description. We're participants in this war, just like you. Our goal is to understand, to form alliances if possible."

Saber's grip on her invisible weapon loosens, a hint of skepticism still evident in her expression. "And why should we trust you?"

Eden's voice carries a sincere note of earnestness. "Because the Grail War's complexities are not lost on us. We want to transcend the cycle of violence and seek out a different path. We believe that by working together, we can uncover the truth behind the war and its origins."

As the tension in the air remains palpable, a voice breaks through the stillness, one that carries a mixture of surprise and relief. "Saber, that's enough."

Eden's gaze shifts to the doorway of the house, where Shirou Emiya stands, his presence a beacon of familiarity amidst the uncertainty. And standing beside him, her expression a mixture of curiosity and caution, is the blonde girl in armor, the Saber who has captured their attention.

Saber's gaze shifts from Eden to Shirou, her expression softening as she regards her Master. "Shirou..."

Shirou's voice holds a sense of conviction as he addresses Eden and Lancer. "Let's hear what they have to say, Saber. If they're willing to talk, we should listen."

The tension in the clearing eases as Shirou's voice breaks through the stillness. He steps aside, inviting Eden and Lancer into his house with a gesture of hospitality. "Come in. Let's talk."

Eden's expression softens with gratitude, and he follows Shirou inside, Lancer at his side. As they enter, the atmosphere changes from the night's uncertainty to the warmth of a home. Shirou's living room is cozy and unpretentious, bookshelves lining the walls and the soft glow of lamps illuminating the space.

Seated across from each other, Shirou's gaze meets Eden's, a sense of curiosity in his eyes. "Now, tell me why you're interested in forming an alliance."

Eden's voice is measured but earnest. "The Grail War is a cycle of violence and destruction, and it's time we broke free from it. We believe that by working together, we can uncover the truth behind the war's origins and find a different path."

Shirou's brow furrows slightly, his expression a mix of contemplation and agreement. "I share your sentiment. But forming an alliance is not a decision to be taken lightly. What do you bring to the table?"

Eden's gaze holds steady, his resolve evident. "We have knowledge, determination, and the willingness to work for a better outcome. We're not alone in this pursuit. Lancer and I want to gather allies who share our vision."

Shirou's eyes narrow slightly, a spark of recognition in his gaze. "You, Lancer, and... Saber."

Eden nods, a sense of connection threading through the room. "We've seen the potential for unity in the war's chaos. And from what Lancer described, it seems you and Saber may also seek a path beyond the cycle."

Saber's gaze is fixed on Shirou, her expression one of unwavering loyalty. "Indeed, we do."

Shirou's gaze shifts between them, his posture relaxing slightly. "I believe in alliances, in forging bonds that transcend the war's confines. It's not just Saber and me. I've recently formed an alliance with Rin and her Servant, Archer."

Eden listens intently as Shirou mentions his alliance with Rin. While her name is not immediately familiar to him, he recalls the confrontion with the pair dressed in red and black, could it be them? He glances at Lancer, a silent exchange passing between them, before turning his attention back to Shirou.

"Rin Tohsaka?" Eden's voice holds a note of curiosity, his gaze fixed on Shirou. "I'm not familiar with her."

Shirou's expression holds a hint of understanding, and he begins to describe them. "Rin is a skilled mage with a strong sense of determination. She's the inheritor of the Tohsaka family's magic, and she takes the Grail War seriously. Her Servant, Archer, is equally powerful, his abilities complementing Rin's strategic mindset."

As Shirou's description unfolds, Eden's eyes widen with recognition. A name, a face, and a voice flood his memory, bringing clarity to the puzzle. "Rin Tohsaka," he murmurs to himself, a mixture of realization and amazement coloring his tone.

Lancer regards Eden with curiosity, his crimson eyes reflecting the shift in his Master's demeanor. "You know her?"

Eden meets Lancer's gaze, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Yes, I do. We had a battle just this morning when she stumbled upon us with Archer in tow."

Lancer chuckles to himself, and he exchanges a glance with Shirou. "Small world, isn't it?"

Eden chuckles softly, a sense of connection threading through their conversation. "Indeed, it is. It seems like our paths were bound to cross sooner or later."


[Author note: as you've noticed, things are different. I'm changing some things to integrate him. Here, Shirou is a bit composed as he's already met rin and been told the run down of the Grail war. This was his second meeting with Assassin. Just imagine instead of Lancer attacking him at school, see Assassin (hassan I sabah or whatever his name). The one who attacked Eden is the one summoned by Medea who was sent out to Scout and took the chance to attack him.]

I don't know much about the series. Really, I won't lie, but I'm still a fan. I'm using the wiki if there are things I don't get, so be patient with me .

Pandapastacreators' thoughts