
Fate/Berserker (transported to this)

This is my first fan fiction, so I hope you enjoy. I’ll keep try to keep this synopsis nice and simple, so you don’t have to read for like 50 minutes straight about the entire story. Anyways, this is basically your average system/isekai/reincarnation/transmigration story. I decided to make this because there were no interesting Fate fan fictions at the moment, so I decided to make one myself. Please at least try to leave a review or give some criticism about this story. I know this type of story is cliche, but people seem to enjoy these types of things, so I decided to make a story like this. I also didn’t expect my story to get over 1k views. This was supposed to be me having fun while writing this story, and nothing more than that. But it seems you guys like this story, so I’ll make sure to make a new chapter whenever I have the chance. Since this is summer break and I have nothing else to do, it’s okay to assume that you’ll have daily chapters. Forgive me if I don’t have the chance to make daily chapters, that’s just me being busy, I hope you understand. I’m also not planning to drop this story anytime soon since I enjoy making stories, and because of the fact that a lot of people enjoy this story, so if I drop it, people will be upset. I completely understand the feeling of finally finding a good story just to find out it got dropped.

DiCagnazzo · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 5

Hey system, play an extended version of Bloody Tears. And make it extended by about an hour. Make sure it's the Rondo of Blood version too.

[What? Do I look like an Alexa to you? And you are ya gonna start power walking like a Belmont now?! Nah, just kidding. I'll be happy to play it. And make sure to say something like, "Die monster! You don't belong in this world!"]

You got me in the first half, not gonna lie. I got kinda mad at first, and thanks, I will say something like that.

[Your welcome, STUD MUFFIN. God, it sounds so weird saying that.]

Does it? Would you like it if you called me Rivet Cupcake instead?

[Oh come on…]

I'm being sarcastic.


I think you need a new update to understand what sarcasm is.

["I understand what your attempts at humor are. I simply don't find them entertaining."]

Quoting Blade Wolf now, are we? Be original.

[Hey now, I'm not the one trying to be a Belmont am I?]

Oh? Are we exchanging punches? Well at least it's better than being bound to some nobody! And plus, only about 11 Castlevania games released! With Kid Dracula being released yesterday and Chronicles, Rondo of Blood, and Bloodlines being released this year!

[Jeez, I get it. You're a Castlevania nerd. I get it.]

Kinda hypocritical seeing how you literally know everything.


Aside from the little squabble we got ourselves in, it looks like we've arrived to the place. It was some sort of mansionesque thing. By the looks of it, it's very worn-down. A few broken windows there, some broken planks here, you name it. It's basically your stereotypical haunted house. Minus the ghouls and gunshots. Wait…what?

Throwing 3 knives at the approaching ghouls. They instantly got obliterated by them the moment it touched them. I'm pretty grateful for [Holy Strikes] and the [Knife Sub-Weapon]…

Anyways, kicking down a window, I entered the mansion and saw a horde of ghouls in the mansion. Well, I guess this is a good time to test out the Item Crash on my Sub-Weapon.

"1,000 BLADES!" I instinctively yelled out.

I felt my mana being drained by a minuscule amount, but nothing to be worried about.

My body moved as if it were passed and began to throw 1,000 knives at the horde. Although, it's very overkill considering only one knife is needed to pierce through 7 ghouls. Y'know, I don't know why Nasuverse calls them ghouls when they can just simply call 'em zombies. They're technically the same thing. Oh! And looks like the horde is already decimated, but it looks like I'm still going. Hey system, how do I stop this?

[Just jump.]

Alright then.

The moment I jumped, the swarm of knives immediately ended and the ones that were supposed to be thrown simply clattered behind me. It seems as there were 600 more knives to be thrown.

After that, I continued on to my crusade to kick a vampire's ass.

Kiritsugu POV:

"How utterly weak and useless!" I heard the Ancestor taunt us.

God, is there ever an end to his ghouls?! And with his excessive taunting and mockery, just adds more fuel to the fire!

"T-there seems to be no end to his horde…" I heard Maiya saying.

We're running out of bullets, and my Magic Circuits are being pushed to the limit…

"Y'know, you aren't as scary as I thought," I heard. The voice I heard belonged to a young man. He had three Black Keys on each hand. He must be an Executioner from the Church. He might be a strong one as they wouldn't just send a newbie to go fight an Ancestor.

"Huh? Who's this brat?" I heard the jackass vampire ask.

The moment he started to turn around, he immediately got impaled by him at blinding speeds. I don't think I can keep up this guy's speed. I might need Time Alter to even see him…

The Black Keys we're crudely impaled through the Ancestor, and were not at several other vital spots. Though, the Black Keys seemed to be melting his skin.

"GYYYAAAAAAHHH!" I heard the Ancestor scream.

"Do you know who I am? I am a Dead Apostle Ancestor! I am the apex of the-"

The Executor threw six knives each aimed at the Ancestor's face, which tore threw the Ancestor.

"Didn't really expect it to be that easy…" I heard the Executor mutter out loud. He then jumped high into the air and released a bullet hell of knives. Each and every one of them tearing through the ghouls that once were inhabiting the garden.

He then jumped off the balcony he and the Ancestor were on, and proceeded to approach us.

I took out my Calico, and aimed it at him the moment he got within 5 meters of us.

"No need to be so aggressive. My name's Ren, and I guess you could say that I'm a vampire hunter, though I do kill other monsters. I'm not an Executor by any chance. I was just walking by. And I just Projected the Black Keys by the way. Well, technically they're not Black Keys, but just copies of them and are made of different materials," he said.

I guess I could trust him, though I still have to keep my guard up. After all, I sensed no lies from him.

"My name is Kiritsugu Emiya. This is my assistant, Maiya Hisau. We were also just passing by," I said.

"I see. Well this must've been one of the longest nights you've encountered, huh? Well, if you're as cautious and paranoid as they say, then I recommend you use silver bullets. After all, Dead Apostles are always running rampant here in Fuyuki," he said.

Huh. I might use them in the future. Lowering my Calico, I then asked him where the nearest hotel was.

"By the way, do you know where the nearest hotel is? A motel or a hostel is fine too," I asked.

"I'm afraid a hotel is around 20 miles away from here. There's no nearby hostel, but there's a motel about 8 miles from here. You sure do look like you need a good night's rest," he said as he was eyeing the blood on me.

I see. He has a lot of knowledge about where the things here in Fuyuki are. Perhaps he has familiars around the place, or an ability like clairvoyance. Maybe he memorized everything.

"One more question. How did you even arrive here in the first place?" I asked

"I was just having a walk around Fuyuki. Exploring and seeing things I haven't seen before, y'know?" The vampire hunter said.

That sounded like a half-truth. It doesn't really sound believable. Why would a kid like him be exploring this late at night?! It simply doesn't make any sense. Maybe he convinced his parents that he had a girlfriend or something…

"Well, see you later! We might meet again, probably. We might be enemies or allies next time, so be on guard!" He said as he ran into the distance.

What a strange kid. But I have to be grateful for him, as he technically saved my life. And it seems like Maiya's passed out.

Ren POV:

[Rewards Accepted]

[[Projection], [Enhancement], [Marksman], [Bullet Time], [Bullet Assortment], [Undead Killer (PoR)], [Axe Sub-Weapon], 10,000 G, 500,000 XP,]]

[Items Received: Bullet Assortment, Undead Killer]

[Level Up!]

Opening up the system to check my level and stats, I was quite surprised.

[Name: Ren Amashiya

LVL: 60

HP: 12,000 MP: 6,000

XP: 27,628 G: 618,581

STR: 8,400 ATK: 0

AGL: 8,400 CON: 8,400

DEF: 8,000 INT: 8,400

LCK: 10,000]

[Projection (A)]

Allows you to trace and project anything as long as you have an understanding of the object or its materials.

Some traced objects are strong, but fragile. If the object is too strong, they can only be used once, and be considered a Broken Noble Phantasm. The good part is that they're slightly stronger than the original. These Broken Noble Phantasms are the exact opposite of Archer EMIYA's. Instead of becoming weaker every time you trace one, they become stronger.

[Enhancement (C)]

Slightly enhances the performance of weapons and objects.

ATK Bonus: 1.25x

[Marksman (B)]

This ability grants proficient use of firearms or any other ranged weapon, no matter how weird they are.

Ranged Weapon ATK Bonus: +10

[Bullet Time (B+)]

Perceive time to be about the speed of a snail.

MP Use: 30/per second

[Axe Sub-Weapon (B-)]

Throw an axe in an arc.

Attributes: Cut, Holy

MP Cost:3-10

Item Crash: Spiral Axe

Taking a look at my inventory, I check out both the Bullet Assortment and the Undead Killer.

[Bullet Assortment]

An assortment of different bullets.

Includes: Lead, Silver, Magnesium, Poison, Explosive, Origin/30 each

[Undead Killer]

A whip that permanently kills off the undead. Includes rapidly regenerating monsters.

ATK Bonus: +30

Item Crash: Flame Whip

Hmm…that reminds me. Hey system, open up the shop.

I then see an Amazon-like store of some sort right in my face. All I could see are clothing or shoes…

Quickly finding the search bar, I type in,

'duplicator sotn.' The top result showed exactly what I was looking for. Although its appearance is a bit different. Instead of just being a yellow infinity symbol with a blue aura, it instead was a badge with a blue aura. It still looked the same, that's for sure, but it seemed a lot more…modified. Its price also seemed to be the same. 500,000 G. Luckily, I had around 613,581 G with me, so I can buy it.

As soon as I bought it, I felt it appearing in my inventory.

[Item Bought: Duplicator (A++)]

[Duplicator (A++)]

A badge that allows you to duplicate items at will.

Penalty: Reduces CON, LCK, and INT by 1,000 and DEF by 2,800 (increases as you level up)

Damn, that penalty! Then again, seeing how much bullshit the Duplicator can do, it's pretty fair. Anyways, taking out the rest of my G, I decided to Duplicate it. Surprisingly, it worked!

God bless Konami for making SoTN and adding the Duplicator…but man, I hate modern Konami! They're making Castlevania NFTs to "celebrate" Castlevania's 35th anniversary! Like, what the hell is this bullshit?! Well, we can only pray that they don't make Metal Gear NFTs…the thought of Big Boss, Revolver Ocelot, Solid Snake, or even Sunny turn into a Bored Ape pisses me off!

Anyways, I currently had 227,162 G. Thanks to the Duplicator, I had a very stable amount of G! Also a way to speed run the Nasuverse. But that's only if I buy an op item…

It's been around 10 seconds and now I have like 3,721,822,208 G. Pretty nice, huh? Opening up the shop, I tapped the search bar and typed in, 'aoe single use item.' The top result showed a mechanical device in the shape of a box. The box looked like your standard Home Depot cardboard box except a lot smaller. Probably around the shape of a soccer ball.

[Box of Destruction]

This box is a single-use item that destroys literally anything that exists. Non-existent things, concepts, ideas, memories, minds, anything. Even time or reality itself! You can even destroy an entire fictional verse if you wanted to!

Price: 1,000,000,000,000 G

Okay, although I could duplicate my G to that amount, I'm too lazy to. Plus it's a bit too op for my tastes.

[Power of Sire]

A multi-hit, single-use item that projects balls of light all around you.

Price: 25,000 G

This is basically the Power of Sire from SotN that looks like a mini portrait of Dracula. Perfect for defeating Dracula himself too.

I think I need one more thing to prepare.

Oh right! I need resistance and immunity bypass!

Searching up, 'resistance and immunity bypass,' I immediately found the ability.

[Immunity and Resistance Bypass (Natural Level)]

This ability allows you to bypass any sort of natural immunity or resistance. Works on animals, humans, or any creature. Only works on natural immunities, not the ones you've gained.

Price: 22,000 G

I need an upgrade.

[Immunity and Resistance Bypass (God Level)]

This ability allows you to bypass any sort of immunity or resistance on the level of gods. Natural or gained.

Price: 700,000 G


[Immunity and Resistance Bypass (Non-Existent Level)]

This ability allows you to bypass any sort of immunity or resistance on the level of non-existent beings. Works on conceptual beings too.

Price: 100,000,000,000 G


[Immunity and Resistance Bypass (Aleph Level)]

This ability allows you to bypass any sort of immunity or resistance on the level of fictional author inserts. Works on beings such as S Andrew Swann's Proposal (Avatar form), The One Above All, and The Writer. This is currently the second highest immunity/resistance bypass ability. Your attacks also effect all others below this one.

Price: 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 G


Well, I guess it's time for some grinding. Though, this is probably gonna take like 10 minutes.

Okay, that took a lot less time than I thought. Turns out the Duplicator can multiply something to an infinite amount, so I can buy whatever ability that's on the system.

[Well, you're the only user who's ever used the system to this extent…]

Wait there's others?!

[Yeah, there are. Usually they're masochists, people willing to sacrifice themselves, people with high pain tolerance, or people who don't care about pain.]

I see. Do they always get reincarnated into the Nasuverse?

[Nah, some of them are reincarnated into different verses. Like this one dude who got reincarnated into Dragon Ball.]

Oh, I see. I'm guessing he's pretty strong because he always gets hit?

[You guessed it.]

One more question. Can the Duplicator duplicate weapons?

[Of course it can! If it can duplicate ninja stars, then yeah, it can!]

I see. Just wanted to check. Wait, can it also grant me infinite ammo too?


Oh, okay.

By the way, are there any Interlude quests for me to do?

[There's one for the Knife and Axe sub-weapons, and there's also one for [True Berserker] too.]

Thanks, can I do them? But first, show me the quests first.

[Juste Belmont's Abilities: Knife Sub-Weapon]

Defeat 10 Skeletons, 5 Spear Guards, 20 Medusa Heads, and 1 Giant Bat.

Rewards: Juste Belmont's Knife Sub-Weapon Abilities, Triple Knife Throw

[Juste Belmont's Abilities: Axe Sub-Weapon]

Defeat 5 Lizard Men, 1 White Dragon, 1 Victory Armor, 10 Bone Pillars, 1 Living Armor.

Rewards: Juste Belmont's Axe Sub-Weapon Abilities, Bigger Axe

I guess I'll do the knife one first. Hey system, accept the Interlude quest for the knife sub-weapon.


[Finding location…]

[Location found! Marble Corridor.]

[Opening portal…]

A blue portal opened up in front of me. Its edges were blue and the inside had a white, yellow, and blue swirl. It seemed as if it were ethereal.

Well, currently I'm in the middle of nowhere, so pretty much every animal probably thinks I'm some sort of cultist.

Anyways, before stepping into the portal, I made sure to look around my surroundings.

…There's not much to look at…

Just a few trees here and there, maybe a couple of rocks, nothing special.

Stepping into the portal, my vision rapidly distorting and I felt my body drifting off into the scenery.