
Operation 'Annoy master' 1/2

[ 3rd pov ]

"Master... may I ask my questions now?" asked Saber. She would be lying if she said she wasn't annoyed at being ignored, she also felt nervous at how much the so called goddess seemed to know, add to this the fact that Berserker was clearly ready for combat and would get to it as soon as his master gave the order and you get a blonde servant that has been on edge ever since she got here.

There was also the way the blue-haired servant acted, which didn't alleviate her worries at all, if anything it kept making it worse. Because of her, the mood of the environment kept going from awkward too serious, back to awkward again.

All in all, it was a pretty stressful time for Saber.

"Right! Sorry Saber, we will be leaving to the house right about now so once we get there you can ask." replied Rin, with a wry smile on her face after realising Saber must have been really confused and awkward.

"Well, since we already formed the alliance we might as well wrap it up for today. Where are you staying Illya-chan?" asked Aqua, fully knowing the answer yet feeling the need to annoy Illya a bit before leaving.

"We can take you there, it is not right for a little child to be alone at this hours after all" finalised Aqua, showing a very kind smile on her face and eyes filled with a selflessness and a tint of pity.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! And I am not a child! Let's go Berserker." replied Illya, arriving at the conclusion that the sooner they got out of here, the less time she would spend with that annoying servant.

"Since you are a 'goddess', I am sure you know where we are staying, so do feel free to not drop by." said Illya, a hint of sarcasm on her voice when pronouncing the word goddess.

Clearly she didn't believe Aqua when she said she was a goddess, there are many demigods throughout the countless legends, so the blue-haired servant might be one of them, but an actual goddess? She absolutely refused to acknowledge her as that.


Once Illyasviel left, Saber thought she could finally ask her questions, but before she could say anything someone else spoke.

"Now is time to discuss what is truly important master." said Aqua with a serious expression, gaining a look of appreciation from both Saber and her Master

"You are right Aqua..." stated Rin.

"Lets go back and talk with Saber!" "Let's go to where Illya is right now!" exclaimed both simultaneously.

""What?"" both Aqua and Saber were genuinely confused, didn't they just part ways? Why would they meet them again right now?

"Well she just said 'don't drop by', it is obvious we have no other choice but to drop by! I wasn't planning on going but she just told me not to do it... I MUST do it now master!"

Seeing Aqua act like a petty child who wanted to do something just because she was told not to made veins pop on Rin's forehead, while Saber was silently lamenting not being able to make her wish on the last war, to be honest she wasn't sure if she could maintain her composure should Aqua's nonsense was pointed in her direction.

Taking a look at the clearing, Aqua smiled proudly at the collateral damage on the area, it served as prove of her mighty strength after all.

Rin, who was watching her smile smugly couldn't help but be slightly annoyed. While normally she wouldn't have cared, Aqua had been especially annoying today and she still wanted payback for the tantrum she had to deal with.

"What are you acting so proud about huh?" asked Rin, already imagining the answer.

"Well, take a look at this, all this destruction is nothing more than evidence to my superior strength. Umu umu, I am the most awesome goddess ever after all!" exclaimed Aqua, waiting to be praised and spoiled by her master for her awesomeness.

"But didn't all this happen because Berserker kept throwing you around?" asked Rin, an almost unnoticeable smile on her face. She was most certainly glad that Aqua answered exactly how she expected her to.

Hearing her masters question, Aqua flinched. Tears gathering in the corners of her eyes before proceeding to grab her master by the shoulders and rock her back and forth while screaming.

"Ma-Master! I am a goddess you know?! I am awesome! I just went through a hard battle and you are bullying me! You should spoil me and praise me for my awesomeness! Besides Berserker was cheating, he was totally cheating! And the guy who threw the lance at the end, if it wasn't for him I would have won! I was just about to start my counter attacks!" while Aqua continued throwing a fit and grabbing onto her master, said master was about to loose her mind.

"Ahhhhh! Stop it already Aqua! You win! You are amazing and should be properly rewarded okey?! When we get home I will give you a bottle of wine all for yourself so stop it already!" Rin screamed while pushing Aqua away who was currently grabbing Rin like a Koala would hold onto a tree.

In an instant, Aqua's personality took a full 180º turn as she started laughing wildly while praising herself.

"Indeed! I am most certainly awesome and should be properly rewarded! You might also want to start worshipping me a bit master, I am the best goddess ever after all!" exclaimed Aqua while making weird victory poses.

'This shameless goddess...' thought Rin while the veins in her forehead were threatening to explode.

Meanwhile, Saber was drawing circles on the floor, a slightly depressed aura around her. She was the King of Knights! Why was she being so blatantly ignored?! They hadn't taken even one step in the direction of the house, at this rate she might just remain with her questions forever.



After what could only be considered as the longest and most annoying journey of her life, Saber was glad they had finally arrived at the house.

In all honestly, walking a few miles with her new master and the other servant felt longer than going to France from Britain. Aqua went all the way praising herself while her master occasionally bickered with her, to which Aqua responded with some perverted comment or some teasing, though it was usually both.

"Look at this! The food I cooked is super cold now!" exclaimed Rin with a pout.

"This is bad master, I might be able to survive with the 10 bottles of wine you said you were going to give me, but Saber-chan is notoriously known for having a void in her stomach that manifests in the form of an insatiable appetite..."

"I do not eat a lot!" "I said 1 bottle not 10!" exclaimed both Saber and Rin at the same time.

"Ahhh how sad... both my master and my new partner are in denial... oh great, beautiful and all-powerful Aqua-sama, please help them heal... in exchange they will give you amazing offerings, I am sure of it!" proclaimed Aqua.




Author note:

Honestly, I have way to much fun writing Aqua hahahaha.