
Fate: A Saber's Flowering Journey

Being the Student of Merlin is no easy task I tell you that much. However, I will have it no different. Because? Well, I got to say, traveling to different worlds and saving beautiful women of all ages is also a great job to possess and have. What can I say? Being the Flowering Saber Of Destruction is a great profession to be in. ~~ Artoria," Thief! Give me back Excalibur!" Arthur(MC)," Me, a thief? Hey hey, don't accuse me of stealing if you don't have proof! I, the venerable Arthur, am a law-abiding, state-loving citizen. Back in secondary school and high school, I was always the model student! I was in the top 3 every year! People always praised me for being a righteous young man, plus I've never even peeked on a girl before, much less steal! As for now— cough, cough—I’m just borrowing Excalibur from a kindred soul out of desperation. You feel me, Sis?" Everyone," Shameless..." \∆\∆\∆\∆\ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially on the grammar and sentence structure side of things. Even though I only know English, I fuck up my own language sometimes. Furthermore, I write this for fun and pass time, so don't expect some 5-star story from me. Moreover, in all honesty, I write whatever comes to my mind and see how it's goes from there. Also FYI, I like Worm CYOA, so expect some of that... [Disclaimer]: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction. However, most of all, Have Fun and Good Reading to all of you~!]

OuroborosOtaku69 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 4: Ruler-Jeanne D'Arc! Mata Hari!

Walking through what's seems to be a high school running track stadium is Arthur with an expressionless expression. Around him are marks of battle and fleeing by two-to-three parties of groups of masters and their servants.

' Hmm, it seems I was a little too late for the fun. That's unfortunate.' Arthur thought looking around the track stadium, finding sword marks and arrow dents, while also discovering horse tracks throughout the fake grass.

' Archer, Rider and probably the other Saber, the False that is,' Thinking this, he smiled that was a little too wicked and mischievous, for anyone's liking.

" Oh, it seems I was late." A beautiful and pure female voice said behind Arthur.

" Mademoiselle Jeanne, You have been summoned into this war?" Arthur said as his expression flickered to his gentle and calm self, spinning on his hill to Ruler-Jeanne D'Arc.

" Ah, if it is not our wayward friend. How fares your trials?" The beautiful and pure female asked after a brief moment of pause, then chuckled, which sounded like the finest of bells he ever heard in his long life.

In front of him is a beautiful young woman in her early-mid teens with a slender physique, silky smooth soft white jade skin. She has finely textured blonde-golden hair that seems as if, it was sprinkled with gold dust. She didn't have the precise and molded beauty of a homunculus, or the kind of cuteness that made one's heart flutter just by being nearby a certain pink-haired trap. No instead, She possesses a wondrous beauty that scarcely felt real and fully pure to anyone's eyes alone. Moreover, she has amethyst-colored eyes that are completely pure. She wears a battle-dress with armor woven from Magical Energy to enclose her. Lastly in her right hand is a big white and blue spear-flag-like weapon that releases a lot of holy and pure energy.

" They would fare better if I hadn't you to face," Arthur said as his eyes flickered in a calming and serenity manner, scanning his long-time friend and sometimes helper that is Jeanne D'Arc, also known as Joan Arc.

" Ah, worry not, worry not. I have not been summoned to deal with you. You fixed it, whether by chance or luck, so I am not here for you. You toe the line, my dear friend, Iza-" Jeanne example with a smile before she was cut off by Arthur.

" I go by, Arthur," Arthur replied with a forced smile. " I would like it if that name was used."

" But it is not your true name," She replied back with a knowing gaze. " It doesn't do to hide within a false name, my friend. You should be proud of the name your parents gave you."

" Names are like clothes. You wear the appropriate one for the right occasion," Arthur said, then sighed," I suppose then that you will be overseeing this Great Holy Grail War, too?"

" Indeed, my friend, indeed," Jeanne said kindly." I am afraid you are not allowed to cause trouble like you usually do,"

" I pity the fools who'll try to face you off," Arthur replied with a chuckle. " Then, I'll take my leave."

" You do that, my friend," Jeanne said with a small smile. " And when we'll meet again, I suppose it will be as enemies?"

Hearing the sad and bitter voice from Jeanne, Arthur smiled," Considering the only chance I have at my own foes is at night time because having a Master and all, I might very well be using you,"

Jeanne sighed, bringing one of her hands to her forehead with a sad, but amused, expression," You are the first person I call friend in a long while, and you are also the most despicable. How far has the poor Maiden of Orleans fallen, I wonder?"

" You're the one saying I'm your 'friend'," Arthur pointed out," I'd be content with the word 'Frenemies',"

" That is a horrible word," Jeanne said," You shall be my friend, Arthur, henceforth and forevermore, until the Lord's tears stop,"

" The Student of Merlin and A Counter-Force Guardian, holding hands?" Arthur hummed, an amused expression on his lips. " I'm afraid that is impossible,"

" A pity then, that you do not have that choice," Jeanne puffed her chest up in pride. " Now Arthur, worry not. If you come to face me, I will fight you fairly. Well, somehow. I'm not a knight, just a poor peasant girl,"

" Sure, sure," Arthur drawled. " By the way," He pointed behind himself, at the bleachers. " There's no problem, I'll go and 'greet' that servant over there?"

" Oh," Jeanne's eyes looked at him softly, before moving upwards, to where a not-so-sneaky Assassin is watching them in frustration, not hearing them at all. " I see, Mata Hari such a tragic story -keep it within the realms of the clean, Arthur."

" I'm afraid that will not be possible," Arthur replied, a lazy smile on his face," She tried to manipulate me,"

" Ah," Jeanne nodded. " I understand," She then extended a hand, gingerly touching his cheek with a small wistful smile." Then worry not, I'll make sure nobody hears a thing. And as for you," Her expression turned to the bleachers as her eyes flashed an unusual pale gold, " You would do best to run."

As these words left Jeanne's mouth, a blur flashed away from behind the bleachers. Following this blur is another blur that took on a zig-zag manner of movement, pursuing the other.

Watching this, the Maiden of Orleans: Jeanne D'Arc, expression flashed, to something more sinister and unholy as her eyes glowed an ominous pale golden color. At the bottom of her golden hair is a new kind of hair in the color of a white-blond tint.

" Hmm~ It's okay. I understand you don't always get summoned with all your memories. Now I just have to eliminate the competition-- I mean threats -- eliminate the threats, for your Love~" Jeanne whispered with blank eyes and an emotionless-loving voice, all the while, carrying a sweet and cute-Innocent expression


" Now~ Now~ You know spying is very bad!" Arthur said holding Mata Hari in the air by the neck, with a nice and friendly smile. Scanning his surroundings, he found himself in what seems to be inside a dark alleyway with trash everywhere by them. ' Huh, not that bad. I have been in worse, believe it or not.'

" I-Mas-Aghhhh!!!" Trying her best to answer, Mata Hari started struggling in Arthur's tight and hard hold. However, she soon discovered that it was all for not, feeling all the mana leaving her body.

" Don't worry, Mata Hari~ You will make a fine addition to my new Legion of servants!" Saying this in a charming and generous voice, Mata Hari started losing all color to her as her eyes turned emotionless and dead.

Then with a rapid pace, the whole being that was Mata Hari disappeared into Arthur's forehead by golden particles.

" NO! False Assassin!!!" Yelling at the top of his lungs, a normal Japanese male around 21 came running down the alleyway, coughing up blood with a sickly pale expression.

" Mata Hari." Arthur smiled and ordered in a sadistic manner.

Obeying his command, Mata Hari appeared in front of him, with a calm expression.

" Yes, My Lord?" Mata Hari announced bowing her head.

" Kill that Human," Arthur ordered with an ever-so smiling face, that was nothing sorts of pure.

" As you command, My Lord." Announcing out this, she suddenly appeared in front of the human, most probably her former Master, who is shocked and dumbfounded, just standing there with his mouth opened.

Then as if, suddenly realized something, He yelled out," WAIT! False Assassin, I'm your Mas-"


With lightning-quick movement, Mata Hari shaped her former Master at the wall, splattering his brains out, resembling a watermelon getting burst open by a hammer.

" Mission Accomplish, what will be my next order, My Lord?" Mata Hari said without blinking her eyes at her former Master's death, bowing her head to Arthur.

" That will be it for now," Arthur said with a pleased smile. Nodding, Mata Hari faded into Arthur still maintaining a calm expression.

Smiling, Arthur suddenly said, going into his gentle and calm self, he usually uses," Ah, Master is going to wake up any minute now. Better make some Breakfast for her."

With this said, Arthur disappeared from the dark alleyway, like he was never there. ..