Having ran away from home after an unfortunate incident left him shattered, Itsuki travels to present day Tokyo, all to begin a new life. Such a difficult task for the young warlock, as he seeks to adapt into his new environs. An annum after his departure from home, and he is found to cross path with the same elders who are sworn to bring justice by ending his life, so as to stop the woeful happenings of his kingdom, Saroyama.
Faraway, a long time ago in Tokyo, we are told of the tale of a young man and a young girl, whose meeting was made to be by an unforeseen event.
On that very night, the streets were blessed with a heavy downpour. A curse, some termed it, yet it was in fact, a blessing.
A rainy day it was out in the streets of Tokyo, figures seen hurrying about, avoiding having their clothes drenched.
Thunder rumbled from a distance, the day having turned dark, while the rain poured heavily.
Completely soaked from top to bottom, was the figure of Takara—Arms around her drenched form, she went hurrying her footsteps, searching for a proper place to take a stop, at least for a while, just until the rainfall had come to a pause.
Her gaze found rest on a coffee shop, propped with a 'CLOSED' signage right in front, and without a second thought, she had picked her steps onwards, moving over there to take a rest.
The raindrops pattered onto her creamy skin, slapping hard onto her already-wet body.
She could see the bumps appearing all over her arms, teeth chattering, while her entirety was found shivering.
The streets had already turned empty.
Cars which were seen moving around, had turned a few, and if one was to count the number of figures found in the area, they wouldn't even sum up to five.
The quiet, empty Street made Takara frantic, yet, the young lady couldn't move a step, she was frozen to the spot, heart pounding, while her body remained juddered.
There came the flash of lightning in the sky, the rumbles of thunder following.
Eyes closed, the young girl pulled in thoughts of just anything which could distract her from the trauma she was placed in.
If only she had remained indoors today, so she thought to herself.
Eyes still closed, she emitted a deep sigh, feeling the drops of rain on her skin.
Drop. Drop. Drop. Each one came after the other, and it a second, it had stopped.
Had her prayers been answers?
Was the weather so forgiving, it had decided to render a helpless girl just a moment to get to her place of comfort?
Oh, not at all. For the moment she pried her eyes open, Takara hoped to see the streets being completely calm and the rain having stopped, Yet she was only met with an empty street, and the rain still pouring, even more heavily.
If it still was raining, why couldn't she feel the drops on her, and instead felt an unidentified comfort?
Getting the answer to her question, she had pulled her eyes up, only to see an umbrella held over her head, the wielder, stood right beside her, face covered in a hoodie, gaze away from her figure.
Takara barely could see the face, but she could tell whoever it was, was a male.
His hands held onto the umbrella tightly, gaze focused forward, not having a look at her.
For a moment, the girl got terrified of his silence, yet somehow, she felt warm, she felt better.
She no longer was being pattered by the raindrops, and the warmth of another human next to her, gave her body a little amount of needed heat.
Taking a good look at the figure, she made notice of his details. Her eyes caught sight of the scar trailing from the side of his jaw all the way down to his neck, and only then did it itch her to have proper look at that profile.
He was dressed in black clothing all through, curiosity came, pushing her to have just a tiny peek at his face, but the hoodie he wore, did well in concealing much of his profile.
The only thing to be heard were the drops of the rain, while the street remained empty and silent.
There formed a cloud of condensation coming from this fellow, at every breath he gave, and with eyes still averted from hers, he remained peering onwards, finding far better interest in the murk.
He was cold. That, she could tell.
Yet, chose not to walk away like everyone else. At least he could have gotten to his destination by now, instead of being stuck here with her under the rain. So she thought, but deep down, Takara was more than grateful at his presence.
She couldn't imagine being in a street all alone, on a dark rainy night like it was.
"You really didn't have to. I'm fine" Came her voice.
No response.
"I can tell you're cold. You really shouldn't worry about me" She added, still, the fellow had spoken not a word.
A weak sigh left the girl's lips, arms wrapped around her body, with hair still dripping wet.
"I'm Takara" She began.
"Will you at least tell me who you are?" She went on, but just as expected, the silence followed.
Soon realizing, she had been speaking continuously without him making a sound, the girl got frustrated and in a second her rambles had been put to a halt.
Turning her gaze away from him, she was found staring at the night sky, watching the drizzle of the rain, like it was something a girl like her ought to be interested in.
The silence was killing, Takara knew so well. And with neither of them uttering a word, they remained stood next to each other, gazes away.
Or could he be a kidnapper? A robber perhaps!
She was found cursing at herself, picking her skin to drive those maddening thoughts off.
Whoever he was, if he meant any harm, she would make sure to introduce him to her weapon of mass destruction, which usually was just a bottle of rat faeces, mixed with peppers which her mother had mashed all together, having it all in one bottle spray.
Oh, yes. Her mother was known to even be more terrified than her.
"Take this along with you" She would say to her every now and then.
"And if any of those perverted swines try to touch you, just one little puff, and I assure you they wouldn't see the light of the next day"
But one would term her crazy if they found that object with such pungent smell in her hold.
Speaking of it, she had reached her hands into her purse, prying through, searching for that item, but the only thing her fingers got a grasp of, was that silicone vibrator gifted to her by Sora.
At the touch of it, a quick gasp followed from her, eyes widened, while she took a peek at the figure next to her form, checking if he caught a glimpse of that.
But the fellow only remained staring onwards, of course.
Even after protesting that she found no need of a vibrator, Sora dearest, had thought otherwise, gifting it to her as a birthday gift, stating it was high time she let loose.
But the far pressing issue now was how that vibrator found its way into her purse, yet her pepper spray was nowhere there.
Was this one of those antics her friend made sure to put up?
Takara soon focused her eyes down, staring on at her shoes, while that weak groan escaped her lips.
She was found in thought of how much she missed the comfort of her room, when suddenly, the patters stopped, and the rain ceased.
The joy which rushed to her heart, knew no bounds.
Before she could even turn around, the young man had shut his umbrella at once, figure began walking off into the opposite direction.
The voice of the girl rang out, calling onto him, yet he kept walking.
"Can you stop for a moment?"
No response.
"At least tell me who you are"
She had hurried her steps, chasing after him.
His figure rounded a corner, and right when she did so, tagging along, he was gone.
She couldn't find him anywhere.
Her eyes did a scan of the area, hoping to find that hooded figure somewhere around, but not one profile was anywhere in sight.
Face fallen, the whisper left her lips: