
Chapter 12 - Hit By A Car

Derek's POV

I can't believe this stuck up hunter wants me to teach her daughter, who was definitely born instead of bitten, to learn control. I know it's easier for children who were born but it's still extremely difficult and hard. That kid must be adopted, I mean, she looked nothing like her mother. The girl had dark wavy hair and hazel eyes, where the mother had lighter and dead straight hair and blue eyes. I have a feeling that Scott is plotting against me, and with the Alpha Pack still around, I need to make sure this girl doesnt get involved.

You can easily tell the girl wasnt bitten because she would never have shifted this early in life, and Alphas don't go round biting four years olds, they're never strong enough! They would definitely just die and be an inconvenience to the Alpha. Not that I've ever bitten a child, all I would be able to think of was Dan, and I wouldn't be able to turn a life life around like that. Maybe Dan and the girl could be friends, I mean, they seem to be around the same age.

I don't know if I'll be able to teach the girl though, children always have more energy to run and chase people. Trying to control her will be a nightmare. At that age they like to chase people, not always to hurt them, but simply to play with, it's a bit like a cat, they'll chase it for a while, then maul it around befor leaving it alone. She won't purposely try and kill people on the full moon, unless her parents are Alphas or something, but that is very unlikely, considering the Apha would want an heir to their title.

I need to find more information about this girl. Colette should be ok with me teaching the girl, she is better with kids than me, the only kid I understand and I'm good with is my own son, which doesn't really count. Should I tell Scott about the new wolf, or keep him in the dark? I feel like he is plotting against my family, so he deserves to not know about this. But if the new hunters come and start killing all of the wolves, I will have to keep my mate and pup away from it.

Actually, now I think about it, Dan should shift soon, its suppose to first happen on your fifth birthday for none bitten wolves. It always happens before their tenth birthday anyway, but considering the fact that I'm an Alpha, he'll shift sooner, and that what surprises me about the girl. Why did she shift so early? I have to make sure she doesn't spill anything about my family's location or secrets to her family.

Willow's POV

Mommy kept dragging me towards are house with a harsh grip on my arm. "Mommy! Please top holding my arm so tight!" I whined as we reached dthe front door. I still don't know what I am, I mean, I just changed into this wolf-human animal thing that I don't have a name for. We reached the kitchen where Jess and James were waiting. "So? What happened, and why were you gone so long?!" James nearly yelled, gripping onto his coffee mug so tight, his knuckles were turning white.

"Your sister nearly tore my head off tahts what happened!!" Mommy screamed. Shoving me against the marble countertop. "If that nice man didn't turn up, you would be dead!" I growled, my nails slowly becoming longer. "Nice Man?! He was not a nice man!" I tilted my head. "Yes he was, if he didn't turn up you wouldn't be here to tell the tale" She huffed and turned away from me. "I don't want anymore attitude from you Willow Venenum!" She yelled before shoving me into the sitting room and locking the door.

"NO!" I yelled as I pounded on the door, desperate for her to let me out. I hated small spaces, always have, always will. I hate the feeling of being caged in a small space. I pushed my ear up to the door and listened to any sound. Instead of hearing someone approach the door, I heard Mommy talking with brother and sissy. "When I chased her into the woods, another wolf turned up. Obviously an Alpha by the way he talked to me. I told him he was to teach her control so she could stay in this house. I will not have a monster taking residence in this house!"

She screamed the last part and I realised she was right. I am a monster. A tear slipped down my cheek as I stopped listening to the conversation. She is so right, I am a monster, a disgrace. I need to end me, that's the only way. I can't let a monster hurt people, I must end myself. I pinched through a hole in the window and ran, I ran as fast as my left could take me. I had to get away from there so I don't hurt anybody. I'd neve forgive myself.

I reached the preserve and leant down against a tree trying to catch my breath. Once I gathered the threangth to start running again, I went in a different direction, I saw a road coming up and didn't look as I ran across. I triend to the side when I hard a car really close, it was a dark blue one, that seemed to have two girls sitting in it, and behind that, there was a baby blue jeep, that looked like it needed some repairs. I was so in awe of the moment until I felt the harsh bang of the first car colliding with my side.

It sent my flying about fifteen feet away from them and onto the harsh tarmac. The impact had taken all breath from me and I had lots of cuts in my side ,on my torso and on my chest. I cried out as the pain because worse every time I time I tried to move. I head people approaching and it was the two girls and the two boys from inside the cars. I think they thought they hit a deer or something small. "Oh my- LYDIA!" The brunette girl screamed pointing at my weak body.

"I'm so sorry!" The brunette came down to face me and I realised I had seen them before. "C-cousin Allison?" I choke out as I tried to move but failed miserably. "Willow! Don't move, I'm going to get help" The others finally got to me. The dark haired boy was staring down at me with the ginger girl looked like she was about to faint. "Guys, we didn't hit a deer, we hit a girl" The dark haired boy seemed to pause and almost- sniff the air? "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" The boy said. "The bad news?" The redhead replied still looking at me.

"She's a lone wolf" Everybody gasped at me. "Good news is, that means she'll probably heal, but she is still really hurt, so let's get her to Deatons now" Everybody agreed and I was placed in the back of the car. The pain was only getting worse and I couldn't understand why. "I have more bad news for you." Everybody turned to the dark haired boy. "Allison, did you know your car was laced with wolfsbane?" Allison shook her head. "Deaton's NOW!"

I felt the car roar to life, my eyelids were feeling heavy. A couple of minutes later, the car stopped at some sort of vets and I was lifted out the car. The pain was only getting worse, my side felt like it was on fire. "W-where?" I choked out, not able to finish my sentence. "We're at the place where you'll get help, okay. You cant go to sleep alright?" I tried to nod at my brunette cousin. The brown haired boy lifted me into the building and I was placed on a metal table. Another man was standing over me, his name tag read Dr Deaton.

"Wolfsbane?" He questioned, looking t my side. Everyone nodded at him, his face dropped. "I have need you to hold her down, otherwise this might kill her" The boys came to both my sides while Deaton slit open a cut in my arm. It didn't even hurt that much, I saw a blue smoke come out of my arm and evaporate into the air. The pain vanished and I sat straight up. "What the fiddlesticks just happened?!" I shouted. "Hey, we have the right to ask questions, not you little girl" I crossed my arms over my chest. Who does he think he is!

"My parents wouldn't like it if you-" I stopped talking when I realised my mistake. I didn't know who my daddy was. I don't know what to think about my mother. Mommy said it was her, but I remember someone else from when I was really really little. All I remember about her is a smile and sort of fuzzy warm feeling. They looked at me weirdly. "Why'd you stop? And why did you run into the road?" I glared at them and they looked confused. "For some reason, that glare looks familiar, I just can't place it..." I continued toggle at him until he shrivelled into a corner.

I smiled, feeling proud of myself befor turning to the others. "I want names, then I'll tell you who I am" They sighed and the curly dark haired boy went first. "I'm Scott." Then the redhead. "Hey, I'm Lydia" and finally the lighter haired boy. "Stiles" I frowned at his name. Who calls their child Stiles. "And I thought my name was bad" I muttered. Scott glared at me, "Oh come on, you know I'm going to win" He broke his gaze and leaned back against a metal table.

"Now for your story"