
Mirror ptsd



The sound of glass shattering could be heard,??? tried opening her eyes on reflex to see the commotion,yet, had difficulty doing so not only that but there was a feeling of being watched by hawk like eyes,out of fear she decided to keep her's closed as a sense of danger filled the atmosphere.

Finally the small pitter patter of footsteps could be heard getting further and further away from her lying foetal position at the moment she stopped hearing them her eyes shot open and she hastily sat up ~~~RING~~~ as soon as she did that a violent throbbing headache surfaced,pounding at her, but that only lasted a few minutes when it finally dispersed ??? was able to take a good look at her surroundings.

She was in a dimly lit hallway,very plain dark maroon coloured wallpaper,on the ceiling vivid bulbs shone dazzling.At the sides there were small tables white but with protruding dynamic blue colours,on top sat beautiful vases on them looked like streams of gold forming an intricate pattern of roses they stood out from the wilting corpse of flowers they were sheltering,a beautiful sight really if it wasn't for the contrasting eerie feel that was creeping up ???'s spine a sensation of urgency to get out of this place filled her yet she sat with many questions filling her mind.

Where am i?

How did I end up here?

And most importantly..

Who am i?

Questions like those drowning her in her mind like a whirlpool of solitude leaving her anxious and mystified,but she hardly had any clue for these answers.What type of person forgets their own identity? No matter how much she tried she couldn't remember,the throbbing feeling kept returning anytime she tried.

After some time she gave up,something in her head was telling her to first get out of here then get answers, as silly as it may seem she listened to it and got up to start walking making her way into the melancholy hallway.

After what felt like hours ??? could feel her legs giving out beneath her god knows for how long she has been walking (it felt like years to her) finally she gave into the temptation of rest,she sat in a criss cross position and pondered whether to continue or maybe wait until some big sign that says 'EXIT' comes into sight,luckily(?) her prayers were answered.Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a mirror a long one slanted along the wall,relief washed over her for a reason she did not know (maybe it was for at last a change in environment ).The mirror gave some motivation if the scenery is changing maybe she is getting somewhere?,her small legs carried her over to the mirror,on closer inspection the mirror was the same as the small tables gold with hints of baby blue and design patterns that exceeded humane designs but that was not what caught her(?) eye it was the reflection staring back at her with wide eyes of confusion.

The body of a small girl about the age of 7 or 8 was in the mirror,her hair was dark jet black hair that was very short with 2 long strands crossing over her nose. Her skin seemed very pale, almost like it had a ghostly glow to it.What caught her attention the most was the eyes ,they were a bright scarlet red,red like gems the most enchanting rubies,she was wearing a red sweater with a white shirt under and some blue shorts along with black shoes

While this appearance was charming ??? was sure this was not her appearance she looked….she looked….what did she look like again?,??? kept pondering about what she looked like when suddenly the reflection started smiling at her and she knew for a fact she was not smiling so that meant the reflection was smiling of its own accord? no don't be silly the girl thought to herself how can a reflection smile…. right?


flinching at the loud noise and the glass pieces that now were scattered along the floor (and some that hit her in the face) ??? looked up to see her reflection now turned into a monster with many happy theatrical masks all looking in her direction. It had hands all clumped up together where the ribs should have been,legs that looked more like horses hooves and had a sickly distinct stench to it like rotting flesh.

While she was distracted it had broken the mirror.

She stared at it in horror every cell in her body was telling her to move,to run,to get away yet she stood there paralysed.The monster reached out its hand to grab her,that was her final straw,she ran she didn't look back and ran as fast as her little feet would take her she didn't know how far the monster behind her was but guessing by the loud thundering footsteps getting close it was catching up to her,luckily for ??? although the surroundings were changing more paths to different hallways were showing up she turned corner and corner and soon the monster's footsteps were no longer heard.One particular hallway she ran in was a bit darker and secluded

With the monster now (hopefully) gone she made her way into the hallway and there on one side of the wall was a bright yellow coloured door with a star like symbol on,the door was surrounded by multiple pictures of people with red eyes mostly women it the other side was an entire different story although the door was a dark ebony coloured one with skull designs on it and nothing,nothing whatsoever was near it not even the small tables with vases that were every where like that entire side was abandoned.