
Chapter368 Meet 3

"Do you know what happened in those days?" Clare Ward saw the hesitation on Ouyang Xuhua's face.

Elton Ward also immediately looked at Ouyang Xuhua.

After recovering Nina Hill, he was responsible for investigating Lucia Ward and South Crane's disappearance at that time, but no matter how many people were sent and how to investigate, only one result was missing.

But how it disappeared, but nothing can be found out.

It's like having a big hand, smoothing out all the truth, leaving only this specious result.

And with the strength of their Jiang family, they can't find out who is behind the power to cover up the truth.

However, Nanqiao himself said that plus the results of the investigation, Nanhe Ci is only a painter, and although he is somewhat famous, he will not offend anyone.

And his aunt Lucia Ward is just a music teacher in a primary school.

Their family lived quietly in C City, but finally fell apart.