
Chapter 336 Rainy Night

In the apartment, after Nina Hill heard the thunder just now, his heart suddenly accelerated, as if he were going to jump out of his chest.

She silently covered her chest, poured a glass of warm water, and slowly calmed down after drinking a glass of water.

Outside the window, lightning and thunder have begun, and several lightning strikes in the night sky from time to time.

The air was dull and hot, and the wind raged, rolling down the half-open window into the living room.

Nina Hill went to the balcony and closed the window tightly.

In an instant, the rainstorm came down and hit the window, making a crackling sound.

Nina Hill silently watched for a while, took out his pajamas and went to the bathroom to wash.

When I came out after washing, it was still raining outside.

There is a layer of fog on the window of the balcony, and the hazy water vapor is dense, and the scenery outside the window is blurred.

Nina Hill took the medicine and went into the room to sleep.