
[Bonus chapter]The Lead Up

"Can you be more childish? No no what?" He pulled his shirt collar and adjusted it on his body. The fabric was form fitting and sweat resistant, sometimes it bunched on his shoulders making him readjust. Grabbing a pair of pants he went to change but paused as he re-thought his decision.

Heading towards the door, he reached for the light and flipped the switch on. 

Wei's voice lazily drifted into his ear as the surroundings became visible. "No no as much as I want. I have no desire to listen to you."

Looking down at the man laying upside down on his bed, his eyebrows furrowed again by his positioning. The bed was a king size mattress and had plenty of room to roll around. Yet, Zhuang Wei decided to lay facing the ceiling, his head at the foot of the bed and his feat where the head should of been.

"You come into my room and decided to fight back by....putting your feet near my pillows? I'm three seconds away from throwing all of this out."