
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 85 Female, let go of your spirit

 Si Yan smiled speechlessly.

  Snakes and scorpions are not her favorite animals.

  She likes those furry, round-haired animals that are particularly comfortable to hug.

  Si Yan lowered her head slightly and saw Xiao Dongchi's furry hair.

  She was wrong, it's not that she doesn't like all cold-blooded animals.

  She loves her four cubs.

  The cubs are so cute.

  She can't let such cute cubs get into trouble.

  The snake beasts and scorpion beasts not far away slowly crawled towards the two of them.

  Si Yan shook her body and supported herself to stand.

  She always knew that when facing the enemy, she must never let them see her weakness!

  She stood up straight, holding the purple snake scales in her hands. Although she was in despair, she still stood proudly!


  Nan Mo changed the place to chop stones.

  Snake Shadow held the female cub and looked around nearby for lactating beasts to let the beasts feed the female cubs.

  Wang's eyelids suddenly jumped, and he felt something in his heart. He closed his eyes lightly, and in his eyes appeared Si Yan's face, which was covered with mud, embarrassed and tired.


  These snakes and scorpions seemed to be a little afraid of the dark purple snake scales in Si Yan's hand.

  Dong Chi had completely turned into a snake, and he bared his teeth fiercely at the snakes.

  Dong Chi, who was originally a green crystal orc, had a certain suppressive effect on wild beasts. But at this moment, there were too many snakes and scorpions on the opposite side.

  A poisonous snake pounced on her, and Si Yan aimed with the hand holding the snake scales, and the poisonous snake was cut into two pieces in front of her.

  Si Yan didn't take one or two poisonous insects seriously, but there were so many densely packed in front of her that Si Yan had goose bumps.

  "Mother, I have a certain suppressive effect on them. I will kill a way out, and you run." Dong Chi hissed and spit out the snake's tongue.

  Si Yan didn't say anything, staring coldly at the poisonous insects in front of her.

  Si Yan half-closed her eyes slightly, feeling her own special ability.

  After having several erotic dreams, her space has expanded to 3.2 cubic meters.

  Her wood-related abilities have also increased.

  It's just a pity that she can't put living things in her space. Otherwise, she could have saved Dong Chi.

  A scorpion pounced on her with its fangs and claws. Si Yan stretched out her snake scales and scratched it, splitting the scorpion in half.

  The green blood plasma of the scorpion splashed on Si Yan's face, and Si Yan frowned.

  Just when Si Yan felt nauseous, her mind suddenly appeared Wang's face, lazily preparing to go to bed.

  She didn't understand why the face of the big devil appeared in her mind at this time. Si Yan shook her head and concentrated.

  "Go away. Don't bother me."

  Wang: "..."

  The scene in front of Wang changed from virtual to real. At this moment, he was almost certain that Si Yan and he had become partners.

  The companion contract in the animal world has many functions. It can closely connect males and females.

  When the female is in danger, the companion contract will urgently notify the male.

  It can be said that the companion contract is a gift from the beast god to females, which protects the already scarce females in the beast world.

  The companion contract was activated, proving that her current situation is very dangerous, and she unconsciously sought help from him.

  Seeing that this stupid female really didn't understand, Wang leaned against the tree and lazily said, "Where?"

  Si Yan: "..."

  Si Yan was stunned: "Why is it so real?"

  She clenched the snake scales in her hand, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

  I don't understand why the people she saw before she died were not her lovely Xiqing and Beiji, and the second cub Nan Mo who she hadn't found for a long time. But this cruel, violent and sleepy big devil.

  Wang was

  a little impatient: "Where are you now?" Si Yan was startled, and she suddenly stood up.

  "Is it really you?"

  Wang was really a little too lazy to speak, but at this moment he had to speak: "It's me."

  Si Yan smiled immediately, "Big devil, I'm in danger, can you come to save me?"

  Wang was no longer lazy, he sat up, and his eyes narrowed deeply.

  She is his female now. If she is seriously injured or dies, he will also be implicated by her, and will be directly seriously injured or even drop in level.

  Stupid female!

  Si Yan said calmly: "I am in a valley half a day's journey from White Eagle City. There are a lot of snakes and scorpions in this valley. I am surrounded by snakes and scorpions now. It seems that they want to eat me."

  Wang saw that she seemed to be in a good mood and asked: "How many?"

  Si Yan: "I can't count them, just... a few hundred or a few thousand?"

  Wang: "..."

  "I'm dying, I have a last wish, I say you listen..." Wang

  said impatiently: "You are a bit long-winded!"

  Maybe he was in a desperate situation and was about to die. The video call before his death made Si Yan feel a little comfortable inexplicably. Si Yan chuckled and said: "Big Demon King, you are worthy of being a villain big demon king. I am about to die and you don't even listen to my last wish."

  Speaking of which, she has seen several males since she came to the beast world, Tyson, Mingyan, Baifeng, and Wang.

  Tyson is furry and looks very good to rub. Mingyan has short hair, and the feel is probably not as good as Tyson. The white phoenix has feathers, and plucking a few feathers to make down jackets in winter should be quite warm.

  The cold-blooded Wang was the one she disliked the most.

  A cold-blooded snake orc, and a cruel cold-blooded snake orc.

  Unexpectedly, when she was dying, she suddenly saw the big devil Wang in her mind.

  Si Yan stared at the snakes and scorpions that were getting closer and closer to her. Dong Chi and she seemed to be unable to scare these snakes and scorpions anymore.

  Si Yan felt her numb arms. She had used all her strength in the last few times.

  She tried her best...

  In Si Yan's mind, the villain cold-blooded male slowly stood up. He was very thin, tall, with a cold and serious expression, and a terrible black face. He said in a low voice, "Female, let go of your spirit."

  Si Yan: "...What are you going to do?"

  Si Yan's mind suddenly buzzed.

  Then, a very unfamiliar power surged in her body.

  A faint purple breath leaked out.

  "Get out." A low male voice suddenly appeared above Si Yan.

  Si Yan was completely stunned.

  Dong Chi turned and looked at Si Yan, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

  This is...

  could it be their father?

  A wisp of purple breath leaked out. Si Yan looked up and was surprised to see that the snake in front of her was actually... retreating?

  What is this?

  Has she mistakenly entered the world of pirates?

  Could it be that she is in purple domineering color? ? ? !

  Dong Chi spit out his tongue.

  This should be their father. He is releasing his power.

  As the overlord of the anaconda clan, he is warning these snakes and scorpions to let them know that this is the female he is protecting!

  The pressure of the adult male anaconda made Dong Chi unable to breathe, let alone these unintelligent snakes and scorpions.

  His cheap father looks a bit powerful.

  Si Yan was stunned for a while, and she said to Dong Chi very sensibly: "Hurry up, let's go!"

  Gah. The video with Wang was interrupted.

  "Master?" The snake shadow held the little female cub and looked at Wang in confusion.

  The air around Wang suddenly turned cold, and he stared at the snake shadow with his chilly eyes.

  "I know where she is, take that little guy and let's go."


  Si Yan found a small pool at the bottom of the valley, and washed the wounds on her body with Dong Chi.

  In order to avoid being targeted by wild beasts again, she and Dong Chi were smeared with the juice of Momo grass.

  In order to prevent wild beasts from approaching, Si Yan lit firewood.

  After doing everything, Si Yan recalled what happened just now.

  She has wood-related abilities and space abilities.

  But she doesn't have purple abilities.

  What was that purple "domineering" just now?

  Dong Chi was fiddling with the fire, his eyes fixed on the flames.

  The bad female should have contacted the cheap male just now.

  The cheap male should have found their location now.

  In other words, the cheap male may be here soon.

  He will probably meet that cheap dad.