
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 82 Si Yan teaches the cub life skills

After Hu Yong informed Ming Yan about the matter. Hu Que was punished, and the punishment was not light.

  After dozens of whips, the whole person fell down.

  "I can't figure it out!!" Hu Que shouted.

  It was obvious that he and Jie Ling were going to slander Si Yan's brothers, why did the result turn out the other way?

  What went wrong? ? ? ! ! !

  "Si Yan beat me, it must be Si Yan who beat me." Hu Que cried loudly, "She also slandered me, she made me take so many whips. Lord Ming Yan doesn't like me anymore."

  Hu Yong applied medicine to Hu Que.

  "When did Lord Ming Yan like you?"

  "You!" Hu Que was anxious and almost sat up, but he screamed in pain almost instantly.

  "Don't mess with Si Yan. You can't afford to mess with him with your weight." Hu Yong applied the medicine on Hu Que's back with a stick, and Hu Que almost fainted from the pain.

  Hu Que lay down, "But she is not from Black Tiger City."

  Hu Yong: "Can't you see that the adults are trying to get her?"

  Hu Que widened his eyes: "She is so thin and weak, why would the adults try to get her?"

  Hu Yong pressed again: "You are so thin and weak, but you are brought here to lie down. Just tell me if you accept it or not."

  Hu Que gritted his teeth.

  In fact, Hu Yong didn't know that someone had beaten him up before, and Hu Que suspected that the person who beat him up was Si Yan in disguise.

  If Si Yan, a male, has a good brain and can fight well.

  Then he really has nothing to be dissatisfied with...

  but he is a little unwilling.

  After all, he was abused so badly.

  "Don't go to Jie Ling's place either." Hu Yong said, "You should have seen that the little girl doesn't have that kind of interest in you. She just wants you to run errands for her."

  At this point, Hu Que was completely depressed: "She likes that Si Yan, but Si Yan doesn't like her. It's so annoying."

  He couldn't beat her, and he couldn't outsmart her. The female he liked still liked him.

  He lost so thoroughly.


  The three cubs pushed Si Yan into the room.

  Bei Ji was very happy: "Mom, we hunted meat, we will cook it for you!"

  Si Yan could see that the three cubs felt very accomplished today.

  She didn't hesitate to give her rewards, and praised the three cubs one by one.

  Finally, she called Dong Chi, Xi Qing and Bei Ji to her side.

  Dong Chi felt a little awkward: "Bad female, what do you want to do?"

  Si Yan complained: "Didn't you call me mom very well before, but you have to call me a bad female."

  "It's just right." Dong Chi said as a matter of course.

  Si Yan laughed out loud.

  Dong Chi did not deny that her mother was much better than before.

  "Today, I will teach you how to control fire." Si Yan said.

  "Control fire?" Dong Chi, Xi Qing and Bei Ji said in unison.

  Si Yan: "I have taught you how to use fire, but there are actually many more techniques to use fire. Today I will also teach you how to make a fire, how to prevent the flames from spreading, which things are easy to start a fire and which are not, which things will burn and which will not burn."

  Dong Chi, Xi Qing and Bei Ji, three pairs of eyes stared at her with burning eyes. Flames flickered in the three pairs of eyes. Fire was too sacred for them.

  "I will teach you how to make a fire first." Si Yan took out a few things she could use to start a fire. "You have seen this before, it is a lighter. There is only one of this thing, and it will be gone after it is used up. It is very convenient, but it is just a consumable."

  After saying that, she took out something next to her: "This is a magnifying glass. On a sunny day, put some sawdust under the magnifying glass. The magnifying glass focuses the light and concentrates the temperature, which can ignite a fire."

  Then, she took out two stones: "This is a flint. Smell this stone."

  Si Yan handed the stone to the three children, and the three children smelled it.

  "Remember its appearance and smell. When you need to ignite a fire in the future, find this kind of flint and rub it like this."

  Si Yan polished the flint on the sawdust and lit the fire. Then put out the fire.

  "Do you understand?" Si Yan asked.

  The three children nodded.

  Si Yan said: "There is also a most stupid way, drilling wood to make fire. Just like this, dig a hole in this piece of wood, then put some sawdust, and ignite the fire by friction. But this method is stupid."

  The three children nodded repeatedly.

  Si Yan pushed all the things to them and said, "We probably won't set out today. We still have some time in the afternoon. You don't need to learn how to start a fire with a magnifying glass. You can study the remaining three together."

  The three kids quickly took away the magnifying glass, flint and wood for drilling wood to make fire, and learned to start a fire.

  Si Yan watched and guided them, and taught them which things are easy to burn and which are not easy to burn. How to control the fire to burn in that area and not spread, and to put out the fire with water and sand, etc.

  In this world, fire is so mysterious and sacred that when the three kids touch and control the fire, it is like controlling a miracle.

  Si Yan stared at Xi Qing, who was wearing a silver mask, with burning eyes.

  Xi Qing, who was injured by fire and was most afraid of fire, now faces fire. He is no longer afraid of fire, but instead feels excited to control it.

  Si Yan smiled with relief.


  It was the voice of the annoying female: "Father beast."

  The male's anxious voice: "If you want to talk to me, don't come here to talk, the second lady is here!"

  "She. Ha, she is just a fool. She is obviously a fool, and she has such a pretty face. She is obviously a waste, but the female mother still likes her so much!" The female voice was jealous and hateful, and she kicked her hard.

  "She deserves to be a fool. Father beast, don't worry, it's safest for us to talk here."

  Si Yan felt the pain of being kicked, and she reached out to the female for help in confusion: "Sister, sister... It hurts, Yanyan hurts..."

  Maybe it was because of the dream, Si Yan couldn't see the faces of the two people.

  The female kicked her again: "Sister? Don't call me sister, I don't have a sister like you, it's disgusting to hear it!"

  Si Yan heard the male comforting the female, and then the female said angrily: "Why, why!! Bai Feng is such a perfect male, and the female mother is actually going to give it to her! How can I not compare to this fool, how can I not compare to him!!"

  "I won't accept this. We are both daughters, but the perfect male is given to her, while I have to feed the snakes...father beast, I won't accept this!"

  The female roared angrily, "It's all because of you, it's all because you are not favored by the female mother. Even if the father of this idiot is dead, the female mother still loves her father the most!"

  "I don't believe in fate, I don't believe in fate. I want to exchange my life with hers."

  "I want her to feed the snakes, and I want to marry Bai Feng for her! Haha, hahaha!"

  The plot suddenly changed to the scene that Si Yan had dreamed of before.

  The female threw her into the snake cave.

  The dream continued.