
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 70 Competition between Males

"How could you possibly know?" Si Yan raised her head, her eyes were cold and murderous.

  Her heart was also falling.

  Her past and secrets that she was unwilling to show to others.

  Her secret as a book-crossing girl.

  At this moment, nothing could be hidden.

  Bai Feng's pupils seemed to be still changing, giving people a great sense of oppression. He said calmly: "You have changed a lot of things in this world. However, its original route is the cornerstone of the world's destiny. Be careful, if you destroy the world's destiny, you may destroy the world."

  The past and the future changed in his pupils.

  Slowly, his pupils returned to normal, no longer scary, but fascinating.

  Bai Feng's lips curled up a faint smile, he didn't care about the murderous intent she released.

  "Little female, you have a lot of peach blossoms."

  The handsome and unparalleled male chewed the three words "little female" in his mouth, a little tender and gentle.

  Si Yan: "..."

  He slightly restrained his smile: "But you only want one."

  Si Yan: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

  Si Yan's reason gradually returned, she restrained her killing intent, and looked at the male in front of her in confusion.

  She vaguely felt that this strange male in front of her seemed to have no ill will towards her, and he was showing her his strength, as if to surrender.

  This feeling was very strange.

  Si Yan thought about the ability displayed by Bai Feng.

  His eyes seemed to see a lot of things.

  Very scary power.

  "You came here, for Bai Hong?"

  "No." Bai Feng's words made Si Yan confused.

  "Then why are you here?" Si Yan asked.

  "I want to see you." Bai Feng stared at Si Yan, not blinking.

  Now Si Yan was completely confused, "Why do you want to see me?"

  Bai Feng raised a shallow smile, his voice was as soft as the wind: "I have lived for a long time, and for so long, my peach tree has been withered. Until a month ago, it bloomed a flower. I was very curious. So I came to see."

  "???" Si Yan didn't understand what he was saying.

  Bai Feng's pupils completely turned round, and then merged with the white of his eyes.

  "Si Yan, you are just as I imagined." He looked very gentle. "Can we be friends?"

  Si Yan was slightly stunned. It was the first time she had seen such a person. He was as handsome as a god, but his penetrating eyes were very scary.

  Suddenly, Si Yan was startled again.

  She seemed not to have told him her name.

  But he said his name accurately.

  Si Yan frowned slightly and said, "I don't like bird friends."

  "You don't like bird friends because you are afraid of heights." Bai Feng smiled lightly. Si

  Yan became more alert.

  This feeling of being seen through was very unpleasant.

  "I can make you not afraid."

  After saying that, the white barrier disappeared instantly. Si Yan was stunned, and then she didn't know what happened and sat on this white eagle with long and beautiful feathers.

  This male white eagle was completely different from the previous wood owl. It had long and beautiful feathers on its body. The

  snow-white feathers spread out on all sides, like a phoenix, mighty and domineering!

  "What are you doing!" Si Yan said anxiously.

  The white eagle carried her into the air and then cried to the sky.

  As the white phoenix screamed, the whole sky above the White Eagle City was filled with chirping.

  Si Yan hugged Bai Feng tightly, but surprisingly, she, who had always been afraid of heights, suddenly found that she was not afraid anymore.

  She looked up in surprise and looked at the white eagles all over the city.

  Strange, she was really not afraid of heights anymore?

  This inexplicable feeling made her, who had been afraid of heights for twenty years, feel a little surprised.

  Si Yan concealed her surprise and stared at Bai Feng under her.

  However, at this moment, a terrible roar of beasts suddenly came from the distance.

  Si Yan looked over and saw a terrible black tiger with two scars on its face, staring at this side with a fierce look.

  "Ming Yan?"

  The ferocious black tiger jumped onto the huge stone, raised his head, stepped forward with his thick forelimbs, and stared at the white bird in the sky with a fierce look!

  "Put down Si Yan of my clan!" His face was fierce and fierce, which was the fiercest look Si Yan had never seen before.

  "Ming Yan!" Si Yan was about to explain something, but was interrupted by Bai Feng.

  "Don't be afraid." Bai Feng seemed to be comforting Si Yan. "It will be fine in a while."

  Si Yan lowered her head and looked at Bai Feng.

  Bai Feng flapped his wings and rushed towards the black tiger in

  an instant. The orcs in White Eagle City were stunned.

  Although Bai Feng was only a priest in White Eagle City, everyone knew that Bai Feng's status in White Eagle City was higher than that of the Lord of White Eagle City.

  When Bai Shou, the Lord of White Eagle City, was born, Bai Feng already looked like this.

  Decades later, Bai Shou became the Lord of White Eagle City, and Bai Feng still looked like this!

  He is not only a priest, but also the faith of White Eagle City!

  For so many years, Bai Feng has been living in his cabin without fighting with the world, and the orcs in White Eagle City have never seen Bai Feng take action.

  "What happened?" Bai Shou, the Lord of White Eagle City, anxiously rushed into the air and asked, "What's going on? Why did the high priest fight with the Lord of Black Tiger City?"

  Several white eagles surrounded Bai Shou: "Black Tiger City robbed Miss Bai Hong, and it was the black tiger that was aggressive just now!"

  "Yes, Black Tiger City is too unreasonable. Lord Feng is saving the young lady!"

  "He robbed Bai Hong?" Bai Shou looked at Black Tiger Mingyan with a cold face, and then looked puzzled.

  Black Tiger City robbed Bai Hong, so Bai Feng would take action?

  But I haven't seen Bai Feng have any special thoughts about Bai Hong before.

  Could it be that Bai Feng wants Bai Hong to be his female?

  This is the priest Bai Feng! ! ! Is his daughter so lucky? ! !

  Bai Shou was suddenly a little confused.

  But this did not affect his order.

  He flapped his wings and shouted: "Notify them to surround the beasts of Black Tiger City. Don't let anyone leave until my daughter is handed over!"

  "Yes, Lord City Lord!"

  On the Black Tiger City side. The tiger beastmen of Black Tiger City all turned into tigers with the roar of Black Tiger Mingyan.

  "Teacher Si Yan was held hostage by them!"

  "I'm so angry. What's wrong with White Eagle City? Even if Black Tiger City is a little weaker, it can't be bullied like this!"

  "That's right!!"

  "What are you enduring? If you don't want to endure it, beat them up!!"

  The Black Tiger City became ferocious one by one.

  Beiji and Xiqing shouted anxiously on the ground: "Mom... Big Brother, Big Brother!!"

  Dongchi has also turned into a snake. He hates the Eagle Clan so much that he is ready to fight at any time! !

  Baifeng folded his wings and fell quickly. Si Yan grabbed his feathers and saw him spinning in the air. In an instant, he fought with Mingyan!

  Mingyan fought with his claws, but it seemed that he was not strong enough and stepped back a few steps.

  His tiger claws were deeply inserted into the ground, and his face became more ferocious.

  Baifeng had spread his wings and was in the air again. He stared at Black Tiger Mingyan with displeasure.

  "Bai Feng!" Si Yan wanted to stop the fight, but it was too late!

  Bai Feng fell again in a hurry, and it was an instant attack!

  Even though Black Tiger Mingyan was already a powerful purple crystal orc, he was knocked into the air by Bai Feng, and then fell heavily to the ground.

  "Bang!" There was a loud noise.

  Si Yan's eyes widened instantly.


  "Bai Feng, stop it!!" Si Yan tried to stop the fight.

  Bai Feng instantly restrained his ferocity and flapped his wings to fly high.

  He flew into the air without saying anything, just showing his strength.

  "Something is wrong." A white eagle said to the white eagle orc next to him.

  "What is Lord Bai Feng doing?"

  They had some guesses in their hearts, but they didn't say it out loud.

  Lord Bai Feng, who never left the mountain and lived in harmony with the world, but was worshipped by the White Eagle people, suddenly showed his powerful strength.

  This feeling...

  is like a competition between males.

   Is it exciting?