
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 7 I won't take a shower!

Xiqing looked at Si Yan who had dealt with Xiong Nai and the four bear cubs. He asked Beiji, "Beiji, is the bad female crazy?"

  Beiji nodded and said seriously, "I heard that there is a kind of witchcraft that can make people possessed."

  Xiqing: "So the bad female is possessed?" Beiji

  murmured, "If she wasn't possessed, how could the bad female say that we didn't steal it, and caught the bad guys, and asked the people who slandered us to apologize? Even... she fought with other females for us."

  Si Yan was still angry about what happened before. She said angrily to the two little cubs who were whispering, "Come back with me!"

  Xiqing and Beiji looked at each other.

  If you go back, you will still be beaten, right ?

  Bad females are bad females, and it's hard to change their nature!

  Xiqing and Beiji returned to the cave. They rushed out in the morning to avoid a beating, but now they probably can't escape this beating.

  The two cubs were anxiously waiting for Si Yan to beat them in the cave, but they saw Si Yan bringing in the newly woven straw mat outside and laying it under the animal skin. After trying it, it became much softer.

  The two cubs huddled in the corner and watched her. They had been beaten before, so they waited for her to beat them.

  But they saw Si Yan poked the fire in the house twice to make it burn again, and then put the remaining yellow fruits, that is, potatoes, into the fire to roast.

  Xi Qing whispered to Bei Ji: "When will the bad female use the sacred fire?"

  Fire is an extremely sacred existence in the eyes of the orcs. In the Yanxiang tribe, only the village chief has fire and can make fire. Most of the orcs in the Yanxiang tribe eat raw food.

  Yesterday, Xi Qing and Bei Ji stared at the fire and wondered, but they didn't think deeply about it yesterday. Today, the two cubs watched Si Yan poking the fire so easily, and they were even more confused.

  Beiji shook his head: "I don't know, maybe he is really possessed by an evil spirit."

  Xiqing frowned: "If you are possessed by an evil spirit, you can control the divine fire?"

  Si Yan roasted the meat left over from yesterday and sprinkled it with salt and pepper. Then she called the two cubs: "Come here and eat together!"

  Xiqing held Beiji tightly, and Beiji did not move when he saw this.

  It takes time to capture the villain cubs. Si Yan was not in a hurry now. She ate a baked potato and some barbecued meat, and then left alone. After

  Si Yan left, Xiqing and Beiji looked at each other.

  It's so strange, the bad female... didn't beat them.

  Xiqing and Beiji were very hungry, they quickly stepped forward, the roasted potatoes and barbecued meat were a little hot, but... they were delicious!

  Si Yan found a big piece of wood and dragged it back to the cave.

  I want to make a container, a container for bathing.

  Unlike male orcs, she can't change her beast form, so she uses her claws to dig the container. Although she has a silver dagger, silver is actually relatively soft. If she uses it to dig wood, it will probably break soon.

  How to make a bucket?

  For a moment, Si Yan was worried.

  The two cubs who had finished eating were still staring at her in the cave.

  Xi Qing suddenly asked, "Bad female, what are you doing?"

  Si Yan: "I want to make a bucket."

  Bei Ji: "What is a bucket?"

  Si Yan gestured, "It's like this, something hollow inside the wood that can hold water. But now I can't dig in this wood."

  Bei Ji looked at her in confusion and asked, "Don't you have a snake scale?"

  Si Yan turned her head: "Snake scale?"

  Bei Ji nodded: "Probably, maybe, it's the snake scale left by the father."

  Si Yan blinked, and she remembered that when she was cleaning the house, she saw a piece of purple, slightly transparent, very beautiful and large scale. I didn't think about what it was used for, but I thought it was pretty good, so I put it there at any time... Yes, I put it by the bed.

  Si Yan hurriedly went to the bedside to look around, and sure enough, she found this beautiful snake scale.

  Looking at this snake scale that was bigger than her palm, Si Yan suddenly thought, the snake scales of the father of the four cubs were so big, then how big should his body be!

  Si Yan turned around and asked the two cubs: "How do you use this snake scale?"

  Xi Qing gave her a mocking look, Bei Ji said: "Female, you can try to plane wood with it."

  Si Yan heard this and used the snake scale to plane the wood, only to see that the hard wood was like tofu, and it was cut very easily.


  This thing is much more useful than her dagger!

  "It's really useful." Si Yan couldn't help but say. Bei

  Ji said: "The father beast is very strong. It's a pity that you don't want him."

  Si Yan looked at the snake scale.

  The father of the big villains, the big villain, is of course very powerful. But it has nothing to do with her, she doesn't plan to really make a beast partner.

  What's more, it's the snake she fears the most.

  Use useful things quickly, Si Yan scraped, planed and trimmed the big wood like cutting tofu, and soon made two wooden buckets.

  A smaller bucket is used to carry water, and a large bucket is used for bathing.

  After doing all this, she put away the precious snake scale that was more useful than a blade, took the water bucket to the stream to fetch water, and then used the stone pot to boil water. After going back and forth several times, she filled the wooden barrel for bathing with half the water.

  The two cubs stared at her, not knowing what she wanted to do.

  "Xiqing, come and take a bath." Si Yan said.

  Xiqing's face sank: "I don't want to take a bath!"

  Si Yan: "If I don't take a bath, bugs will grow on my body and it will itch."

  Xiqing: "I'm used to itching."

  Si Yan's face also darkened: "If you don't take a bath, you won't have food to eat at night!"

  Xiqing snorted. The bad females either beat him or starved him. Anyway, they kept repeating these few tricks: "If you don't want to eat, then don't eat!"

  Si Yan was a little angry. She looked at Beiji: "Beiji, come and take a bath!"

  Beiji hesitated and walked forward.

  Xiqing looked at Beiji and felt like he was betrayed. "Beiji!"

  The little orc was only wearing an animal skin skirt, which was easy to take off.

  Si Yan said, "I'll wash your hair first."

  Si Yan asked Bei Ji to lower his head and washed his hair. Bei Ji was very obedient and didn't move. After

  washing his head, Si Yan asked Bei Ji to get into the tub and gave him another bath.

  After washing, the little boy's skin was as white and tender as milk, and he looked at Si Yan with a very cute mentality.

  Xi Qing just stared at Si Yan bathing Bei Ji, not knowing what she was thinking.

  Beiji was clean after washing himself. He was going to put on the animal skin skirt, but Si Yan stopped him.

  Xi Qing immediately rushed over and said angrily: "Bad female, how dare you bully Beiji! Are you going to insult him?!"

  There are two snakes. Adult snake beastmen are not afraid, and they think they are mighty and domineering. But the little snake beastmen are often bullied because of this.

  "What are you thinking!" Although she was indeed shocked by the fact that there were two snakes when she was bathing her own cubs, she once again realized that these two cubs who looked like humans were snake beastmen cubs.

  "I just want to wash your little animal skin skirt."

  After saying that, she inserted her two hands into Beiji's armpits, picked him up, wiped Beiji dry with a piece of small animal skin, and then put him on the animal skin bed. There

  was a hay mat under the animal skin bed, which was fluffy and soft. Si Yan took another large animal skin from home and covered Beiji with it as a quilt.

  Xi Qing saw that Beiji was actually lying on the bed, and suddenly envied him.