
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 63 Si Yan and Ming Yan talk

"Brother Si Yan, are you also a snake beastman?" Jie Ling still didn't want to give up. She cried and said, "Brother Si Yan, Jie Ling really likes you. Why don't you like Jie Ling?"

  Si Yan was very stingy with her eyes to the heroine. She whispered: "Jie Ling, the four of us brothers have no chance with you. You can pay more attention to other males. As for what kind of beastman I am, I don't need to answer you."

  "Brother Si Yan!" Jie Ling cried even harder.

  Ming Yan's eyebrows jumped slightly. His eyes were still focused on Si Yan and didn't move away.

  Abandon Jie Ling and save Hu Yong.

  In his opinion, it is worth it.

  But the tiger beastmen in Black Tiger City would not think so.

  If they really did this, it would be equivalent to making enemies for Si Yan.

  She might really not be able to stay in Black Tiger City.

  But at this moment, Si Yan suddenly said: "I was just teasing you."

  Ming Yan's black eyes were still focused on her.

  Si Yan's words were very free and easy. "Females are important in the city."

  Jie Ling, the heroine in the original book, had twelve beast husbands. However, the author of the original novel was probably a bit "kind". He made the heroine Jie Ling in his novel give birth to a baby for all of her twelve beast husbands except Bei Ji.

  Some had three or five babies, and some had more than ten or dozens of babies, such as the babies of her centipede beast husband and the babies of her eldest husband mermaid beast husband.

  In other words, Jie Ling was indeed very fertile. In total, she gave birth to more than a hundred babies.

  Such a fertile female is naturally very important for a city.

  What's more, she is the heroine in the original novel.

  Who knows if there will be any luck in this world to bless her.

  "Mr. Hu Yong treats me well. I will save him without any conditions." She raised her head and raised the corners of her lips with a bit of contempt. "Expelling Jie Ling is a joke. There is no need to expel Jie Ling."

  Ming Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Most of his conditions were met, but she did not mention joining Black Tiger City.

  Did she refuse tactfully?

  For a moment, countless messy information expanded in Ming Yan's mind.

  Keep Jie Ling, but Si Yan will leave.

  Is it worth it?

  Si Yan walked towards Hu Yong, and Ming Yan suddenly grabbed Si Yan's hand.

  "What's wrong?"

  Ming Yan looked at her thin and delicate hand, paused for a moment, and whispered: "Let's talk alone later."


  Si Yan knew that they could talk, but there would be no result.

  Si Yan approached, observed Hu Yong's injuries and said: "Give me the bone knife, and dissolve some salt water."

  The tiger beastman quickly brought what Si Yan wanted. The witch doctors surrounded Si Yan. Si Yan took the bone knife, soaked it in salt water, and began to scrape off the rotten flesh bit by bit.

  The witch doctors' eyes flickered during the whole process.

  Do this, is it really okay to do this?

  Hu Que screamed and cursed Si Yan.

  Ming Yan glared at Hu Que: "Be quiet. Do you want Hu Yong to die?"

  Hu Que finally calmed down.

  Si Yan scraped off the rotten flesh bit by bit, and then disinfected it with salt water.

  In Si Yan's opinion, Hu Yong's injury was not serious. So it was handled quickly.

  Finally, after Hu Yong's wounds were all bandaged, Si Yan gave a few instructions, and then said: "Pay attention to maintenance, there is a high probability that it will not be infected."

  She didn't have more antibiotics, and if she got infected again, she would be powerless.

  A witch doctor looked at her excitedly: "Are you a witch doctor?"

  Si Yan shook her head quickly: "I have only learned first aid, I can't be considered a doctor."

  She studied plant science in college. After graduating from college, the end of the world came, and then she became a warrior. Later, in order to survive, she learned some wilderness survival skills and first aid knowledge.

  "First aid?" The witch doctor didn't understand.

  Si Yan didn't explain.

  After the operation, Hu Que still didn't believe that Si Yan had saved Hu Yong, even if the witch doctors said that Hu Yong's condition had stabilized and had not worsened, Hu Que didn't believe it.

  Si Yan didn't explain. She took the three cubs back, and she wanted to understand the cubs.

  After understanding everything, Si Yan's face sank again.

  This time when she looked at Xi Qing, her heart was full of guilt.

  "Mom." Little Xiqing walked forward, holding her hand with his small hand, and the little cub smiled, "Mom, I'm fine, I'm not ugly."

  Si Yan touched Xiqing's hair and gently lifted his hair. She saw half of his face covered with scars, and saw his discomfort and panic.

  Si Yan gently pressed his head and kissed his scarred face.

  The soft and warm touch made Xiqing stunned for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses and leaned against Si Yan.

  At night, the three cubs slept in the corner of the cave. In order not to heat them, Si Yan lit a fire far away from them.

  When Ming Yan came to Si Yan's cave, he saw the fire in the cave, and he didn't ask much.

  She could control the fire.

  Her secrets seemed to be getting more and more.

  Si Yan was holding a stone and was chiseling her silver dagger.

  This silver dagger was a powerful weapon against zombies in the previous life, but now she didn't feel bad about chiseling it.

  "Do you need my help?" Ming Yan asked, looking at the unfamiliar metal.

  Si Yan shook her head. Silver forging was not that difficult. But the silver mask looked very good.

  Although it was just a mask, not a cure for Xiqing's face, it was at least a comfort.

  Si Yan glanced at Ming Yan: "Please sit down."

  Ming Yan found a stone to sit down.

  Si Yan asked: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

  "You should know that I want you to stay." Ming Yan went straight to the point. "Even if the price is to expel Jie Ling, I can agree."

  Si Yan suddenly smiled, and she asked again: "Why? Because I look like her?"

  Ming Yan's expression turned cold again.

  Si Yan suddenly stopped, she looked up: "In fact, I also know that Jie Ling did not make a big mistake that should be expelled."

  Ming Yan stared at Si Yan with dark eyes: "You are more important."

  Si Yan smiled disapprovingly: "Jie Ling is more important, she is very fertile."

  Ming Yan frowned slightly: "She is only ten years old and cannot reproduce."

  Si Yan paused. "Expelling her is equivalent to letting her die."

  "No, females are very popular. I can arrange for her to go to another tribe."

  Si Yan paused, and suddenly looked at Ming Yan with interest: "But I still won't join Black Tiger City."

  "Why?" Ming Yan was puzzled.

  "My reason during the day is true." Si Yan said, "Rather than relying on others, I prefer to rely on myself. This world is too dangerous. No one is reliable and can be trusted. I can't tie my life to someone else's belt. Before I find my own direction, I'd better continue to be a wandering orc."

  She wanted to practice, and she should be able to practice, as long as she can find the big purple stone.

  Ming Yan paused for a while, then said: "In fact, you have a way to quickly gain strength and power."

  "What method?"

  Mate with the powerful purple crystal orc.

  Ming Yan stared into Si Yan's eyes. But Si Yan didn't see him.

  He remembered that Si Yan said that she didn't plan to mate with any male in Black Tiger City, which must include him.

  That's right, he is ugly and fierce.

  She couldn't possibly like him.

  He thought of her snake scales, and she already had a purple crystal beast husband.

  Although he didn't understand why her beast husband didn't stay by her side to protect her...

  Ming Yan paused again and again, and finally looked directly at her and said: "Think about it yourself."